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Featured Event: 10 Key Elements to Selling Your Practice
Tricks of the Trade - DPMs: Find Your Perfect Referring Partner
Practice Partner Pearls: New Ways to Treat Patient Pain
The FABI Nugget: Generate More Referrals
Speak Up DPMs: Everyone's Included in Downloads
Clinical Corner with Dr. Richie: Spot Heating AFOs in the Clinic
Practice Partner Academy - Register for Upcoming Sessions
Tricks of the Trade - Vendors: Finding Perfect Pairings
Speak Up Vendors: Where do you spend your money?
Tricks of the Trade - Meeting Planners: The Company You Keep
Meeting Calendar - Next 90 Days
If you're heading to the APMA National Conference in July, download our My Meeting Workbook to maximize your learning experience and to earn chances to win prizes from us!

Your Workbook will serve as a guide to keep you on track, forcing you to set meeting goals; challenging you to step out of your comfort zone and interact with your peers and faculty members, as well as finding new ways to enhance your practice and/or patient care by learning about new products and services in the exhibit hall.
Boo ya!!! Yes! Can't in Wait to Download It and See You Two in Nashville!
I'll be at The National, but don't want anything that will enhance my experience
10 Key Elements to Selling Your Practice: A Roadmap for Podiatrists

Discover essential strategies and practical steps to navigate the complex process of selling your podiatry practice, covering financial considerations, valuation, legal documentation, marketing, negotiation, and more. 
MONDAY | 6-12-23 | 7-9 ET
Gain expert insights to ensure a successful transition and maximize the value of your practice. Explore vital components like financial readiness, legal compliance, strategic marketing, and effective negotiation, equipping you with the knowledge to navigate the selling process with confidence.

Quick Tips for DPMs

Find Your Perfect Referral Partner
Sarah Breymeier
If you've been a "Tricks of the Trade" fan for a while, you've probably read some of my previous blogs regarding niche. If you want a quick frame of reference, here's one from September, 2019:

I've had several discussions with DPMs about the possibilities of creating a niche practice, as well as the pros and cons. Obviously it can be scary to ditch the "kitchen sink" of foot and ankle care to focus on one type of patient / patient condition. However, if this is something you're thinking about - or are already implementing - find a referring partner who doesn't do what you do (at least not as well as you); and someone who does all the things you don't!

A perfect location to find these referring experts / partners... MEETINGS!
Especially if you are at a state meeting where you are more likely to find DPMs in your area / market; which lends itself perfectly for referrals.

Last summer I interviewed Dr. Mikkel Jarman; he is a pediatric foot specialist. Below is that interview.... and if you go to timestamp: 16:28
you'll hear him discuss this concept. I figure it's better to hear from someone who is walking the walk vs. just talking the talk.

What Is the Best Way to Treat
Your Patients' Pain?
- Alan Bass, DPM

While in medical school, a professor said something very wise: “As a podiatrist we don’t treat feet. We treat patients who have feet problems.”

What does that mean? Your patient may have hypertension, diabetes or another medical condition that would prevent the prescribing of an oral medication. Your patient may be taking a cocktail of medications that may cause a drug interaction with something they are already taking. In addition, patients may also not want to take medication. How many times have patients said to you, “I really don’t like taking medication.”
Let’s talk about two new products that I have started using in my practice that have been well-accepted by my patients. Doctor Hoy’s Natural Arnica Boost Recovery Cream and Doctor Hoy’s Pain Relief Gel.

The first question you may have is, “What makes these different from other topical products that I have used in the past?”
The alpine plant Arnica Montana is recommended by physicians for treating injuries on account of its alleged ability to control bruising, reduce swelling and promote recovery. Homeopathic arnica is popular with patients undergoing surgery, who hope it will reduce postoperative complications.

Additionally, a 2014 review study published in the National Library of Medicine, a part of the National Institute of Health, showed that applying topical arnica gel was found to be as effective as topical ibuprofen, a common pain reliever, at reducing osteoarthritis pain and improving physical function.

Moving onto Doctor Hoy’s Pain Relief Gel. What sets this apart from other pain relief gels is that it contains both camphor and menthol, while other gels contain just menthol. Camphor and menthol are both topical analgesics, providing pain relief. While camphor will provide a warming feeling, the use of a product containing menthol as well will also produce a complementary cooling sensation. The cooling feeling also provides a feeling of decreased inflammation.
Bite-Sized Chunks For Your Practice
Generate More Referrals

More and more physicians are part of closed networks that try to deter referrals “outside of the system.”

While it may be harder than in the past, there are strategies that should be considered….and implemented to ensure that your practice and business thrive in this changing environment.
In FABI, we have identified things that enhance the kind of referrals into your practice that you desire and have worked repeatedly for dozens of podiatry businesses. We have collected data for nearly 10 years and know that a healthy podiatry practice needs about 20% its patient volume to be new patients. If your practice is not achieving this ratio, you need to assess the health of your business.

In the video above, I identify some of those strategies that are working for our members and my own practice.

Monthly Quick Poll - You Can Have One Too
Waaaaay up at the top of this newsletter, you saw our poll to get your My Meeting Workbook download for the APMA National Conference
(note, the Workbook is not associated with the APMA National Conference / Organization).

If you're not going to the National, that's OK! We are happy to send you a digital download (as opposed to a non-digital download?) so you can maximize any meeting you attend. Want one? Let us know below!
Want Us to Send you a Link to Download Your My Meeting Workbook?
Yes! Please email me and I'll tell you which meeting I want to use it for.
Nah; I prefer my own notebooks and planning tools.
With Doug Richie, DPM, FACFAS
Can You Spot Heat a Richie Brace?
Occasionally, extreme deformity or biomechanical needs require a clinician to adjust the shape of the Richie Brace® for additional patient control or comfort.

Fortunately, the limb uprights and the footplate of most Richie Brace® models, excluding gauntlet-style braces, can be heated and adjusted in the clinic setting using a hair dryer or a heat gun.
The specific technique for heat adjusting the Richie Brace® can be found in the video above.
Helping You Choose Strategic Partners for Your Practice

Register now for our upcoming sessions...
The Richie Brace® for Chronic Ankle Instability:
Pre-Op, Post-Op or No-Op?
Presented by Doug Richie, DPM, FACFAS
Tuesday June 6th at 8pm ET
New Topical Formulas for Keratoderma
Presented by Philip Hughes, MD
Tuesday June 20th at 8pm ET
Yes! Sign Me Up for Both!
Just Chronic Ankle Instability For Me.
Just Keratodmera For Me.
Quick Tips for Exhibitors

A Perfect Pair
Sarah Breymeier
One of the best things about getting out of the office and to a conference is hearing what others are doing - and then wishing I was smart enough to think of it first!

One of the best ideas I've heard in a long time is finding another exhibitor colleague and becoming referring partners; then take it even a step further and strategize how you can exhibit as close to one another as possible.

Here are some pairing examples to get you thinking...

If you sell a laser for toenail fungus, find a fungus topical provider you know and trust. Combination therapy works best, right?! One, Two Punch.
Patient gets the laser treatment, and then is sent home with a topical to enhance treatment before their next session.

Now that I've provided an example.... here are some more that may align:

  • OTC Orthotics Provider and a DME Provider (i.e. night splints or compression sleeves).

  • IPK Treatment Provider and an Insole Provider that Offloads the Hot Spot

  • Pathology Lab Provider and a Dermatoscope Provider

  • Risk Management Provider and an EMR/EHR Provider

  • Nerve Supplement Provider and a Vascular Testing Equipment Provider

  • Practice Marketing Provider and a Practice Consulting Provider

These are just examples; but take a moment to think about what type of end-user (patients) are using your products/services.... and put yourself in the DPM's shoes (oh my a podiatry pun). What other products would that DPM be providing that same patient who is using your product? Find them and colla
SPEAK UP, Vendors
Monthly Quick Poll - Marketing Spend
Recently we published an article that included statistics gathered by EXHIBITOR magazine. Click here to read that article.

Building on those insights for the entire event industry, we thought we would collect the data specific to our very special Podiatric industry.
Which of these marketing channel types would you say is your HIGHEST spend?
Email Marketing
Online Advertising
Print Advertising
Click below to see industry events for upcoming months.
Quick Tips for Meeting Planners
It's all about the company you keep
Ann Dosen
There was an article published in the March/April 2023 issue of PCMA Convene Magazine written by Kimberly Hardcastle-Geddes called “How to Use Social Proof to Market Your Event.” Read the full article by clicking here. was founded on this concept and we believe the power of reviews and testimonials can be the difference between a successful event and an epic event that our industry talks about for the rest of the year. The good news is - you already have everything you need. All you have to do is open the tap and let it flow. 

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you know all about the power of “influencer marketing”. Think about your past events. Who are your repeat attendees? Who are the exhibitors that come every year without fail? When you read the surveys after the event, what are the positive messages? These people are your champions, your ambassadors, your “influencers”. Connect with them to see how you can benefit from working together. Invite them to be on a committee or council. Ask them to promote your organization and events on their social media profiles. Who in your industry is an up-and-comer? Who’s names do you keep seeing everywhere? Reach out to them - invite them to your event, or simply ask for 15 minutes of their time so you can understand your industry. 

Are you looking for more exhibitors or sponsors for your event? Find out who they are talking to, reach out to those people and ask them to put in a good word if they can. Sarah and I have good working relationships with several organizations in this industry and we try to do this any chance we get. I’ve mentioned before, the number one question we get asked from exhibitors is, “what conferences should I go to?” 

Podiatry is a family. We’re all friends here. Use your resources. 

For some inspiration, here are a few highlights from the article…

“Bring in the experts (and celebrities). Industry luminaries are often thought of when creating speaker lineups and influencer marketing. But even if you’re not bringing them in as official influencers for your attendee-acquisition campaign, a few words of praise or simply having their names associated with your brand can go a long way.”

“Leveraging partner-in-promotion tactics, like scripted posts and images that make it easy for speakers, exhibitors, and even other attendees to promote their presence at your event, can also lead to more conversions.”

“Think of authoritative figures in your industry who can give your show their stamp of approval and feature their endorsement in your campaign materials.” presents information about upcoming podiatric events, featured podiatry vendors, exhibiting and travel tips, and more!

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