Kepner Beacon Middle School
February 25, 2022
“Always be a work in progress.”
Emily Lillian
It was a short but eventful week. Students got their February progress reports on Thursday. As a community we discussed that it is never too late to make changes and we are all a work in progress. Have a good weekend everyone.
Daniel Walsh
Kepner Beacon Middle School
Coffee with the Principal
March 8, 10:00 - 11:00
(in person)
Literacy CMAS
March 22, 23, 24
April 12, 13, 14
Science CMAS
April, 19, 20, 21
(8th grade only)
During Literacy and Math CMAS testing students will be on a modified schedule for testing in the morning and participating in Enrichment Adventures in the afternoon!
On March 22, 23, 24 there is an optional early release time of 3:43pm.
Bus transportation will be available at 4:40 and there will be activities for students that take the bus or are otherwise unable to leave at 3:43pm.
We want to thank all the parents who are coming to volunteer their time to help us restock our schools’ food pantries. Without your support, our food pantries will not be organized and ready for our families who need to have access. So thank you. families who need to have access. So thank you. We want to give a shout out to our Vice Principal, Mr. Gonzales por helping us to make our food basket. Thank you.
Executive Limitations - We Need Your Support
From our Parent Council:
Earlier this week you received an email from our parent council regarding the impact of the executive limitations proposed by the DPS Board. If you can find the letter and petition link here and encourage you to reach out to our parent council member, Matt Sands who also sits on our School Advisory Board which other schools reference as a CSC.
We encourage you to stay informed regarding the impact the executive limitations being proposed by the current DPS Board will have on our programming. Please see above for a response from our parent council members and be involved. We develop a plan with our families and staff, and this would limit the voices of our families and the choices of our staff.
Please review the letter and complete the form with your approval.
Along with the letter, we have the following events coming up as well:
- Attend Innovation Town Hall on March 9th (5-6pm)
- Information will follow
- Meet with Board Members:
- We have a meeting with Vice President Anderson and Treasurer Esserman on March 7th.
- Send Personal Emails to the DPS Board of Education
- Share your story
- Let them know how it will impact your child.
- Interested for Public Comment
- March 10th , March 24th (sign up by 5 p.m. the day before the meeting)
- Email us if you want to sign up for public comment.
Tryout DATES: Week of 3/7, specific dates will be announced soon. You are signing up for a tryout and are not guaranteed a spot on the team. Email Mr. Lashley with any questions, zachary_lashley@dpsk12.net.
In order to play GIRLS SOCCER OR BASEBALL you need the following:
- Parent Permission - use the sign up link above
- $25 Participation Fee - Payable in the Main Office
Up to Date Physical - Physicals are good for one year. Please email physicals to zachary_lashley@dpsk12.net or drop them off in the main office.
Next week KBMS is hosting a performance and educational, interactive workshop presented by Brothers of Brass, a Colorado-based band focused on New Orleans jazz traditions, brought to us by our enrichment provider, New Cottage Arts. The students in our Rock Band and Guitar enrichment classes will be participating and all others are invited to watch. You can learn more about New Cottage Arts and Brothers of Brass by visiting their websites.
This quarter our enrichment programming with New Cottage Arts was made possible as we were an awardee recipient of Colorado Creative Industries and Think 360 Arts’ Colorado Arts Partnership (CAP) Grant. CAP Grants support Colorado schools in executing innovation and creativity surrounding their arts in education programs, and they support Colorado artists and arts education organizations through collaboration with schools. We’re honored to be one of the schools awarded this year.
It’s fundraising season! We are gearing up and excited for our annual Enriching Lives fundraising event to be held April 11 - April 22. Funds donated can go directly to providing enriching learning opportunities for our students.
Save the date for a special celebration event on April 21, 2022 from 6:00 - 8:00pm! Refreshments, student artwork and performances, live auction, and more! You won’t want to miss this event.
How can you help?
We are seeking auction items! Perhaps you or someone you know would donate: Teaching a class/workshop such as Yoga or Cooking, Art, Music Performances, Travel, Vacation Home Stay, Hotel Stay, Airline miles, Spa Day, Sports Tickets, Golf outing, Ski passes, Gift Baskets, Restaurant Gift Cards, Sports or Music Memorabilia.
The Book Corner (both digital and physical)
Please ensure your student is bringing his/her Chromebook (charged) to school every day. This is an important habit to create, especially as we enter March and the beginning of CMAS testing.
The Beacon Network Libraries’ “Blind Date With a Book” challenge is coming to a close. Students only have one more school day in February to check out a book; they will have until Spring Break to finish reading their selection and showing the librarian proof of a passed AR quiz on that book. Remember, in addition to helping their Reading grade, students are rewarded with a new book and a $5.00 gift card.
Follow us on Social Media!
Instagram: @beaconnetworkschools