"O the Depth of Love Divine"
UMH #627
Welcome and Sharing of Announcements
A Time to Make Connections
Meditation Time
“The Celebration Song”
Adult Choir
arr. Brent Chambers
Call to Worship
Liturgist: Be still for a moment. What do you hear? What do you smell? What do you feel under your feet? Beloved, God is here.
People: In the familiar and unfamiliar, God is here with us.
Liturgist: Take a moment to look around. Whom do you notice? Who isn’t here that you expected to see? Whether this community feels brand new or familiar to you, God is here.
People: In the familiar and unfamiliar, God is here with us.
Liturgist: Take a deep breath. We share this air, this space, this worship home together. In our breathing and worshiping in this time and place, God is here.
People: In the familiar and unfamiliar, God is here with us.
Liturgist: God is here. May we pay attention and discern how God brings us together in the familiar and the unfamiliar to be and become the Body of Christ.
People: May we notice and join in God’s work of forming us for community as we worship today. Amen.
(Resource comes from
Opening Prayer
God, our God, As you were with the wedding party in Cana of Galilee, be with us here today. The wine of our lives and souls has run out. Fill this place with the presence of your Holy Spirit. Fill the water pots of our souls this day with new and fresh wine from your wine cellar. The wine of yesterday is gone; it is stale; it is old. Today, God, send your anointing power in this place and in the lives of your people that we may find strength to hold on and hold out. Help us to know that the best wine is yet to come, and we can taste and see your goodness. Show yourself to be powerful, empowering, and awesome this day and for all times to come. In the name of Jesus the Christ, we pray. Amen.
(Resource comes from
Opening Hymn
“Surely the Presence of the Lord”
UMH #328
Children's Time
Courtney Till
Joys and Concerns
Lord's Prayer
Prayer Response
“Jesus, Name above All Names”
TFWS #2071 (1 time)
based on Matthew 1:23 & Philippians 2:9