Supporting Gospel Multiplication
with Dorothy Reid and Kevin and Michelle Weppler
In southern Romania, the perseverance required to see any fruit from gospel witness is extraordinary. It can "take years for a person to come to Christ, or even build trust in an environment in which evangelicals were highly suspect."(1) Tavi and Nicoletta both came to know Jesus as teenagers, and as a couple, felt a continued call to ministry. As they shared with Greater Europe Mission at the start of this year, “Lord, please confirm my direction in missions in two ways. [Let] at least one person respond to the gospel and be baptized, and please bring at least one more person to work alongside Nicoletta and me.”(2)
Since that prayer request was given, God has been faithful to provide ministry partners, including Dorothy, Kevin, and Michelle. Tavi reflects that "Ever since I prayed for confirmation, God has shown his faithfulness. [We] have not lacked for help on our church planting team, and I know I am exactly where God wants me to be.”(3)
Dorothy writes: “Though we live in different communities, and our ministries look different, the Wepplers and I are delighted to support Tavi and Nicoletta in their vision to see people reached for Christ, and a church planted in the village of Maruntei. It is a joy to meet together on Sundays as Tavi leads us in worship and the Word!"
World Partners is grateful for this example of workers providing support to local leaders to display and demonstrate Jesus' character and Kingdom in Southern Romania.
1, 2 and 3: quotes from GEM article, published January 2024.