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Life is not a marathon or a sprint. It's a series of sprints combined with a boxing match. You're not just running toward a goal but you're also getting hit along the way. I don't know where you are on your journey, but I know there will be times you want to give up on a goal or dream. I know the importance of the right words at the right time. Whether now is one of those times or perhaps you'll save this for a time you need to read it, I want to encourage you to keep going. Don't quit! Here are 5 ways you can fuel up your mind and soul for the journey ahead.

1) Keep your Vision Alive: It's so important to keep looking forward and seeing the future you want to create. If you can see it you’ll keep moving towards it. Consider making a vision board or creating a vision notebook filled with pictures and words that remind you of what you are working towards. I still have the one I created before The Energy Bus was published. It's wild how many things I wrote down that actually came true.

2) Fuel up with Purpose: There will be many times you want to give up but always remember that your purpose is greater than your challenges. It is the ultimate fuel for a meaningful journey. It gives you meaning and mission which helps you overcome adversity and avoid burnout. We don't get burned out because of what we do. We get burned out because we forget why we do it. As you are moving toward your vision keep reminding yourself why you are going there. Consider creating a purpose statement that you can look at each morning to keep you going.

3) Believe the Best is Yet to Come: We don't give up because it's hard. We give up because we get discouraged. No matter what challenges you face along the way keep encouraging yourself. Maintain hope. Believe the best is yet to come. If you believe in what you are doing and know that this is what you truly want, then keep believing it will happen. Research from Duke University shows that if you believe it you are more likely to take the actions necessary to achieve it.

4) Focus on the Process, not the Outcome: There will be many times where the outcome is not looking good. You may not be hitting the numbers you want or getting the results you desire. The key is to focus on the process and just work to get better each day. Focus on small victories. Strive to hit milestones. If you have a vision you want to create and focus on the process each day, you'll gradually move towards your goal and dream.

5) Trust in a Bigger Plan: Sometimes when all hope seems lost and you feel like there is nothing more you can do; I believe you can do something that will help everything. You can pray and trust in a bigger plan for your life. I did this many times when I was almost bankrupt after losing my job during the dot com crash. I did it when I second mortgaged my home to open a restaurant. I did it when The Energy Bus was rejected by over 30 publishers. I did it when my first book tour didn't go very well. And each time I did it I had renewed hope and optimism that led me to this very moment where I wrote this and you read it. There's a bigger plan and it includes both of us. 

So don't give up! Keep going! Because, you'll be better for it and so will the people you impact along the way. I'm rooting for you!

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