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I need to accept that people choose to not enter our Fall Horse Trials for a number of reasons ... not enough money, the price of gas, horse not sound, back to school, want to explore other venues, have other obligations etc, etc. I get it but with only 22 entries at this point I have some decisions to make. I WILL NOT CANCEL this year as we already have too much invested and I won't do that to those who have already entered or are planning on entering, but I'm once again questioning if we want to keep offering the fall horse trials. Begging for volunteers is one thing but begging for entries is another thing and I have done that too often in the past.

It takes as much work to prepare the farm for 50 competitors as it does 150! I would be happy with 125. I do enjoy working on the farm and seeing people who enjoy it and appreciate our efforts, but the last two weeks are rather intense. All the time and frustration trying to get enough volunteers to provide a quality competition for the competitors is draining. I truly have some of the best volunteers around and many riders are stepping up to the plate, but with everything we have going on at the farm there are only a handful of people who can help more than once or twice.

We all remember when South Farm stopped running competitions and many people were surprised and disappointed. I was one who was truly disappointed as I loved riding there and so close to home, but it was no surprise to me! Running competitions, especially recognized events, is very expensive, physically demanding, and stressful. I will do my best to let go of what I cannot change. I must remember that there is one way I can solve this problem at least for this event, don't run it in the future! If you would like to see the fall recognized event continue going forward you need to show your support by entering, volunteering, or sponsorship. I'm going on record and letting you all know the future of our fall recognized event is in your hands.

With all of that being said, I need to work on designing the cross-country courses which will be different than any event that we have run so far this year as we will be using the front hay fields which allows for more open space for galloping!

Please share so I don't have to keep making posts begging for entries and volunteers.
