Cook's UMC

June 2023


From the Pastor

This coming Sunday, June 4 is Trinity Sunday – a celebration of the One True God in Three Persons. Trinity Sunday always follows Pentecost and Trinity Sunday is a unique day in the life of the Church because it is the only major Christian festival that celebrates a doctrine (the 3-fold nature of God) instead of an event in the Church’s history or the life of a believer.


Trinity Sunday is also noteworthy for another reason; it ushers us into what is known as Ordinary Time. Trinity Sunday is the close of a high intensity season in the Church’s calendar. The Church’s calendar year begins with Advent (4 Sundays) and culminates with Christmastide (1-3 weeks); then comes Epiphany and the Baptism of the Lord (2 weeks). We get 4-5 Sundays to catch our breath before Transfiguration Sunday (1 Sunday, remembering Jesus’ transfiguration before some of the disciples) which, then ushers us into the Lenten wilderness. We spend 6 weeks there before Holy Week and Resurrection Sunday, Easter. Eastertide lasts 50 days (greater than the 40 days of Lent!) leading to the celebration of Pentecost, then Trinity Sunday.  That’s about 26 weeks, y’all! 26 weeks is half the year!! Whew!


It's as if half the Church year is spent in intense, high holy celebrations of how God has been gracious and active in our world, even our lives. So, we are tempted during the “other” half of the year to think that Ordinary Time means ‘common, no special features or distinctive observations’ but that simply isn’t true. 


Ordinary Time is ushered in by disciples receiving their (read: our) Great Commission and the Holy Spirit Power required to discern and live that path. Further, Ordinary Time is about disciples of Jesus being on mission for/with/in Christ and in unity with other believers. Our common bond with Jesus will be reflected in our priorities, our values and behaviors and will reveal the relationship we have with God. 


As I’m writing this article, I’m also working on a personal art project. Tackling this painting project reminds me of the goodness and glory of Ordinary Time. I’m trying my hand at an acrylic pour technique for painting. I am flabbergasted by the time it takes to ready oneself for the actual painting. There’s selecting paint colors and the size of your canvas. Then, there’s preparing the canvas, mixing the paints, and securing your work area. ALL OF THAT even before paint goes on the canvas. And, everything can go perfectly with all that prep, yet the project is less than successful. The composition on the canvas depends on still so much more. (The thickness of paint, the ratio of paints to each other, how heavy-handed one is with pouring the paint, allowing just enough time for air bubbles to dissipate but not so much that the paint begins to dry … you get the point.)


How you and I spend our Ordinary Time with God, Three-and-One, makes us ready for the intensity of high holy moments like remembering Jesus’ birth, Jesus’ resurrection, the falling of God’s Holy Spirit and every other mountaintop moment in our faith. These “ordinary” weeks of summer and fall are preparation and practice for us in our apprenticeship with Jesus.  They are OUR time. But OUR time is always and only known by virtue of our relationship with and to God. I hope you’ll take some time here at the beginning of the second half of the Church year to discern what the Spirit is calling you to add or subtract from your life – like mixing paints – in order to follow Jesus more closely.  Do you want your ‘ordinary, everyday life’ to be a picture of God’s love received and offered? If so, then how will you prepare yourself to reflect His grace and love, to be merciful and compassionate the way Jesus is compassionate? 


Here's to a slow yet adventurous Ordinary Time in our faith journey and to living it together at Cook’s!


Communion Sunday

We will be celebrating the sacrament of Holy Communion on Sunday, June 4. If you will be worshipping/celebrating with us from home, please gather bread (or tortillas or crackers, etc.) and juice (if you don't have grape, any juice or liquid will suffice) enough for everyone in your household. We look forward to celebrating God's grace in this very special way.

Samaritan Fund                 

The dollars in this fund are used to help those in our community with immediate needs. The money used to fund this account comes from donations left on the altar rail during communion.

Father’s Day Breakfast

June 18 @ 7:45am

Waffles, Bacon, Orange Juice & Coffee

Everyone welcome. All tips go to the Men’s Group

West Elementary Deck Build

Monday, June 19

Cook’s and Silver Springs Baptist Church have taken this project on together.

We need more volunteers to help with this build.

Silver Springs has offered to provide water and snacks, but we need volunteers to provide lunch.

Please see Bill McKeand if you can help with either or both of these needs.

SALT (Serving at the Lord’s Table)


Needed from Cook’s

Canned Mixed Vegetables; Rice (1 or 2 lb. bags) &

Canned Beans (e.g., northern, pinto, black, kidney, pork & beans)

All donations can be left on the cart in the back hallway.

Mobile Food Pantry

Saturday, June 10

9:00 – 11:30 am


Volunteers needed to staff the mobile pantry. Food is available for the congregation, neighbors and families if needed.


The Mobile Pantry is scheduled for Saturday, June 10, from 9 am to 11:30 am. (If there's still people coming, we'll stay open longer.) We're using a new sign-up platform for volunteers:


Or volunteers can continue to sign up by emailing us with their names, email addresses, and number in family who are coming. Our email address is


Volunteers need to arrive at 7:45 to help with set-up. Volunteer parking is at Leeville Church of Christ which is just on the other side of the cemetery from Leeville United Methodist Church. It's a short walk to the pantry. We'll send more details when we get volunteer information. If people have questions, please email or call Joyce Gaines @ 615-513-4318.


Thanks for your help and support of this ministry! Our church and community partners make this possible.

Project Transformation

June 20-22

9:30 – 12:15


Cook’s dates to read for Project Transformation will be June 20 – 22 from 9:30 – 12:15 each day at Matthew’s Memorial UMC. We need 7-10 volunteers. Please contact Carol Haislip or 615/496-6535 if you are interested in helping or have any questions. Carpooling from Cook’s is available, but you MUST be at church by 8:25. If you wish to meet at Matthew’s Memorial UMC the address is: 300 Anderson Lane, Madison TN. If you are unable to read with the children but would still like to help in some way, please see Project Transformation’s wish list at the link below.


Sacred Worth Books: 

Caregivers Coffee Connection

Wednesday, June 21 @ 1:00 pm

Cook’s Youth Room

We are starting a Caregivers Support Group, meeting on the third Wednesday of the month at 1:00. This is to offer respite, support, and connection for those who are caregivers. Our purpose is to surround each other with support and friendship as we encourage the journey of a Caregiver. If you or someone you know would benefit from a loving time of encouragement or just a place meet and have coffee, desert and conversation please know you are welcome to meet with us. If you have any questions call Judy at 615-417-9002.

Backpack Program

The Church at Pleasant Grove is sponsoring the Backpack Program for 5 schools in our area: Springdale Elementary, Stoner Creek Elementary, West Elementary, Mt. Juliet High School and Wilson Central High School. They need help in stocking their shelves. Items requested are: Instant Oatmeal Packages; Individual Mac & Cheese; Pudding Cups (non-refrigerated; Ravioli, Spaghetti-O's; Granola Bars; Fruit Cups; Applesauce; Juice Boxes (avoid those with lots of sugar). There will be a cart in the back hallway at church for your donations. 

Since school is out now, the Mt. Juliet Help Center could use some of the same supplies that are collected for the backpack program for their Summer Food Program. They serve many of the same children that the Church at Pleasant Grove does during the school year.

A Note from Rick DeJonge

Since 2013 I have had the pleasure of sharing music at Cook’s and 2023 marks my 37th year of being a music director for a church covering 5 different states. As I have mentioned, I am stepping down from my current position at the end of the summer as my personal music career is causing me to travel and this usually involves weekends. I have spent my entire life working towards my career and am excited about where things are going and after 37 years it is time to move on and follow this path. I do hope someday to get back to working and sharing music within a church setting but for now, this is where things lie. My music career outside of the church is very vast and I have 3 different degrees in music including a Graduate Degree in Scoring for Motion Pictures and Television. I have written music for movies, commercials, television, Disney with the latest project working with Netflix on their new promo for Stranger Things. This past year I also wrote several new pieces for orchestra and wind symphony and guest conducted the premieres in Florida, Colorado, California, Nevada, as well as in Tennessee. I have several more of these coming up within the next year and I will start teaching Film Scoring at Lipscomb University this fall. You can get a better idea of what I do by simply viewing my website at and I hope this will give you some insight as to what I do and why I am moving into a different career path with my music. As I mentioned on Sunday, May 7 – this has been a very difficult decision because I love sharing music at Cook’s so much.

TWK Annual Conference Live Stream

June 19 – 21 (Monday - Wednesday)

The annual conference theme, Abide in Christ, provides our framework for planning Bible study, story sharing, and an experiential invitation to slow down and abide in Him. We are thrilled to include a presentation by General Secretary, Dr. Ashley Boggan, General Commission on Archives and History and preaching by Bishop McAlilly, TWK’s Rev. Dr. Erin Beasley, and Bishop Gregory Palmer from the West Ohio Conference. Worship and business sessions will be available for viewing via live stream. Once a link is available it will be included in the weekly email updates.

“Remain in me, as I also remain in you.” – John 15:4

Singing, Dancing, Laughing, and Eating!

What do all these things have in common? It’s the Cook’s Talent Show! Get ready for another fun-filled evening of acts followed by some yummy ice cream. Saturday, July 22 at 7:00 in the Friendship Hall is the 8th annual talent show which is already filling up with some great acts. You don’t want to miss this yearly tradition! Interested in signing up? Pick up a sign-up form in the office or see Rick DeJonge. This year there will be a “house” band with piano, bass and drums to accompany anyone doing a musical number. 

Home Centered

Dot Creasman

Billie East

Judith Mabb

Phil & Gladys Pennington

Norman & Ruby Walker

Thank you for lunch! West 2nd grade teachers.

Cook’s UMC, Thank you so much for the amazing lunch today! It was greatly appreciated!! We are thankful for all you do for our school! West 4th grade teachers.

The Brittons--Connie, Kris, James, Roger, Josh and Brian--thank everyone at Cook's for the cards, calls, texts, support and prayers during Robert's illness and passing. Robert was so blessed to be a part of the Cook's family.

Dear Cook’s UMC,

Thank you so much for your contribution to the Mt. Juliet Help Center! Your support allows us to assist the most vulnerable in our community with their most basic needs. Your gift truly makes a difference! Sincerely, Carolyn Smith, Director

Cook’s United Methodist Church,

Thank you so much for helping me build my very first home. It means a lot to me having such selfless people to come help me put their time and effort into something I get to enjoy forever. Thank you a great deal! Love, Dess

Current Information

The most recent Newsletter, Financial Statement, 2023 Officers / Committee Members Listing, and approved Church Council minutes can be found in the literature rack in the back hallway (just outside the Friendship Hall).

Are You on Facebook?

You can help us spread Cook's news! It's easy: first, be sure to "Like" Cook's Facebook page ( Then keep your eye out for announcements, inspiration, and invitations to worship. When they show up in your FB feed, "Like" or "Share" the posts. The more who do, the more people see it, even if they're not yet members and/or don't “Like” the CUMC page. Have photos from a church event or something you want to promote on social media? Send info/photos to Alison Nash or to the church office.

June Calendar of Events

“Sacred Slow” Study, Monday, June 5 @ 12:30pm

Trustees Meeting, Monday, June 5 @ 6pm

Friendship Hall Reserved, Saturday, June 10 ALL DAY

Father’s Day Breakfast, Sunday, June 18 @ 7:45 am

TWK Annual Conference, June 19 – 21 in Memphis

“Sacred Slow” Study, Monday, June 19 @ 12:30pm

West Elementary Deck Build, Monday, June 19

Project Transformation, June 20 – 22

Care Givers Connection, Wednesday, June 21 @ 1:00pm

Congregational Care Team, Wednesday, June 28 @ 10:00am

Mondays @ 9:30 am Bible Study (Youth Room)                                     

Thursdays @ 6:00 pm Boy Scouts (Youth & Shine Rooms)

Mondays, Tuesdays & Fridays @ 6:00 pm TKD (Friendship Hall)


In Person Giving

An offering basket is available at the back of the Friendship Hall during all worship services, or you can drop your offering off by the church office during regular business hours.

Online Giving

You can give online at

or text cumc to 73256

Electronic Bank Draft

If you are interested in this easy and convenient way of giving,

 please contact the church office.

Cook’s Vision

To be a welcoming congregation dedicated to worshiping God, growing disciples in Christ, and serving the community through the Holy Spirit.

Cook’s Values

*Vital Worship *Selfless Mission

*Genuine Care *Growth in Discipleship

Cook’s Strategy

*Engage   *Connect *Equip   *Send

Cook’s Mission

To know Christ and to make Christ known.

7919 Lebanon Road, Mt. Juliet TN 37122


Sunday Schedule

8:45am Traditional Worship (Sanctuary), Facebook Live & YouTube

10:00am Sunday School

11:00am “The Well” Worship Service (Friendship Hall), Facebook Live & YouTube