March 2022
New and Upcoming!
Call Senior Coastsiders at 650-726-9056 for further information on classes or upcoming events. To see regularly scheduled weekly classes, be sure to scroll down.
AARP Tax Services Tax Assistance - AARP Foundation Tax-Aide is the nation's largest, free, in-person tax preparation service. Volunteers are trained and IRS certified each year. They offer tax preparation help to anyone, and if you're 50 and older and can't afford a tax preparation service, they are especially for you! This service is offered Monday and Wednesday afternoons between 1:30-3:30pm through tax season at Senior Coastsiders. Appointments last one hour and can be made by calling Senior Coastsiders at 650-726-9056.
Please note that certain complex tax situations, such as taxpayers who own rental property or operate complex businesses, are not within the training of our Tax-Aide volunteers and cannot be completed.

*Arrangements subject to change based on local COVID restrictions*
Fraud and Scams Awareness Workshop Presented at Senior Coastsiders by Leanne Gueco, Vice President, Bank of the West. Be on the lookout for fraudsters & scammers looking to steal your identity or money. Come join us on Thursday, March 10th at 10:30AM, to learn more about popular scams and what to do if you’re a victim of a scam or identity theft. Being more aware & informed of the dangers of scams will protect your money and information. During the workshop, Leanne will share the latest security news to keep you up to date on trends. She has over 23 years of experience in the financial industry and is committed to educating and safeguarding our community from scammers. Open to all ages.
Tips to Prevent Trips: Fall Prevention Talk with Sarah Eggen Thornhill, Thursday, March 24th at 12:30PM. This Fall Prevention Talk will be approximately 45 min-1 hour, offered in person and via Zoom. We will review some proven and practical techniques one can use to reduce their fall risks. Sarah has been practicing for 26 years as a licensed OT and is currently working on the Dignity at Home Fall Prevention Program, funded by a grant through the California Department of Public Health through the Fall Prevention Coalition. This session will be offered in person at Senior Coastsiders and via Zoom. Registration required for in person attendance - please call Senior Coastsiders to reserve your spot. For Zoom, register HERE. If you are interested in scheduling Sarah for a free in-home fall prevention visit through this grant program for more individual recommendations, sign-ups will be available.
Mystery Book Club This group meets the first Wednesday of each month (March 2nd this month) at 12:00PM. The group will be discussing Smilla's Sense of Snow, by Peter Hoeg. Group meets in person with Zoom option. To connect via Zoom, click HERE (passcode BOOKS) or contact Future books can be picked up at the Senior Coastsiders office at 925 Main Street.
Age Friendly Coastside Outreach Senior Coastsiders is partnering with the Stanford University Our Voice Initiative to support community members in making the Coastside more Age-Friendly. Your experiences and perspectives matter! You can become a 'citizen scientist' to help drive change on the Coastside community. Learn more about Our Voice HERE and for additional information about this specific Age Friendly campaign, see the flyer below.
Friday Duplicate Bridge returning in March. Friday Bridge will resume play at 11:45AM on Friday, March 4th. Players must be masked and step outside for snacks and beverages. If you would like to play, please email you haven't played with the group before, you should bring proof of Covid vaccination the first time you play. 
Parkinson's Support Group The Half Moon Bay Parkinson's Disease Support Group (PDSG) has resumed monthly meetings on the first Wednesday of each month from 2:30 to 3:30PM (March 2nd this month) in the Media room. Group organizers will require proof of vaccination status from all attendees. The Support Group meeting will follow Jetta's 1:30 to 2:30PM Parkinson's exercise group at the Center.

As before, the purpose of the group is to share information, learning, experience and issues related to Parkinson's. Caregivers and/or spouses are also welcome. The PDSG plans to invite speakers to future meetings. We welcome all suggestions about topics for discussion. 
Coastal Arts League Friday Art Classes - CANCELED until further notice. Stay tuned for Spring/Summer scheduling to come.
International Days in the Dining Room International cuisine AND trivia? What could be better!? One day each month will feature an international dish accompanied by trivia, games, or activities around the featured country. Join us for a special St. Patrick's Day celebration on March 17th. Passports not required!
Computer Tutoring We have volunteer tech tutors three days a week. Come in and troubleshoot or learn how to better use your computer or smart phone!
  • Mondays with Wanda from 12-2
  • Wednesdays with April from 10-12
  • Thursdays with Carolyn from 1:30-3:30
Appointments required. Please schedule with the Senior Coastsiders office.
Save the Date! Thursday, April 22nd at 12:30PM violin concert (outdoors) with Jimin Koo. Jimin is a junior at Cupertino High School. She currently studies with Davis Law at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music Pre-College Division. Jimin has been a member of the California Youth Symphony Senior Orchestra and was previously a member of Palo Alto Chamber Orchestra. She is a part of her school’s Chamber Orchestra, and has participated in the 2021 and 2022 California All State Symphony Orchestras. She also performed as a soloist with the Palo Alto Chamber Orchestra in 2016, and has won awards in the Korea Times Music Competition, Silicon Valley Music Competition, KAMSA Competition, and Junior Bach Festival.
Save the Date - ALL MONTH!
May is Older Americans Month and for 2022, the focus will be on on aging in place – how older adults can plan to stay in their homes and live independently in their communities for as long as possible. The 2022 theme is Age My Way, an opportunity for all of us to explore the many ways older adults can remain in and be involved with their communities. Stay tuned for special activities planned for the month of May - and if you want to share how you are 'Aging Your Way,' let us know!
Free KN95 Masks Available Senior Coastsiders has KN95 masks available for older adults. Please stop by our office. Limit 2 per person.
Grocery trips on the bus Senior Coastsiders is hoping to resume weekly bus service to the grocery store for seniors and want to gauge your interest. If you are interested in the return of this service, please send an email to with the subject "BUS".
Coffee Time! If you're looking for a hot cup of coffee and a chance to socialize, stop by the Senior Coastsiders Dining Room, Monday-Friday starting at 10:00AM. Daily Journal is available in the lobby and on Wednesdays, the HMB Review can also be found in the lobby. Come visit us!
San Mateo County Aging and Adult Services (AAS) invites community members to attend a public hearing where comments can be provided about the 2022-2023 Area Plan Update for Older Adults and Adults with Disabilities. The hearing will include a discussion on funding for AAS’ program development and coordination activities and funding for the Priority Services of Access, In-Home Services, and Legal Assistance for FY 2022-2023. The Commission on Aging will include the public hearing as part of its regular monthly agenda which is scheduled for: Monday, March 14, 2022 9:00-11:00AM. Meeting will be broadcast at Senior Coastsiders or can be accessed via Zoom HERE. Meeting ID: 918 2054 0480 Passcode: 720338
Help celebrate Anthony Cattaneo's 12th birthday by joining us for lunch! Anthony's family is generously sponsoring lunch for those in the dining room and all of our meals on wheels clients on Monday, March 28th. Additionally, the crew from the family business, Brush Hog Tree Care, will be helping serve in the dining room and with meals on wheels delivery. Anthony loves horseback riding, tractors, and taking walks with his family as well as giving back to others! Come join us and say hello!
Home Repair - Save the Date June 4th!
We are optimistic that we will be able to hold a 'regular' annual home repair day this year so save the date for Saturday, June 4th! If you are interested in receiving some friendly help at your home this year with minor repairs, please complete our Home Repair application which can be accessed HERE or call our office and we can mail an application out to you. Please note, we also do repairs year round, including in emergencies. Please contact Hope Atmore at for further information. For those interested in volunteering, stay tuned! We will have all the details available starting in April.
My Senior Center - Do you have a card? We have been slowly rolling out our new check in system with our lunch participants, volunteers, and now class participants. This new, efficient technology will help us better organize things at the Center. Regular visitors and volunteers are provided a small key tag to swipe across a scanner located in the lobby. Participants will then press the touchscreen to select the activities they'll be participating in that day. If you haven't yet registered, please do so HERE or swing by the office to complete a hard copy to ensure we have your most updated information. If you've already filled out the registration, stop by the office to pick up your card and get a quick tutorial on the system. It's super easy - we promise!
Senior Coastsiders Cookbook - Cookin' on the Coast Hot off the presses, this collection of recipes comes from volunteers, participants, and even our own chef! Cookbooks available for purchase now for $20.00 each. Order online HERE or come to the Senior Coastsiders office. Books are also being sold at Inkspell Books at 500 Purissima Street in town.
Do you shop on Amazon? Did you know that every time you buy something through Amazon, you could be supporting Senior Coastsiders? Visit and sign in with your credentials. Search and choose Senior Coastsiders as your charitable organization and start shopping! Add a bookmark for to make it even easier to return and start your shopping at AmazonSmile!
Other upcoming Community Events & Info
Coastal Repertory Theater Senior Preview Night: The Cemetery Club
Three Jewish widows meet once a month for tea before going to visit their husband's graves. Ida is sweet tempered and ready to begin a new life; Lucille is a feisty embodiment of the girl who just wants to have fun; and Doris is priggish and judgmental, particularly when Sam the butcher enters the scene. He meets the widows while visiting his wife's grave. Doris and Lucille squash the budding romance between Sam and Ida. They are guilt-stricken when this nearly breaks Ida's heart.
The action of the play takes place in the living room of Ida's house and at a cemetery in Forest Hills, Queens, NY.

Senior preview night is free (suggested donation of $10) and will take place on Thursday, March 24th at 8:00pm (note change in start time!)
Promise to our Planet Climate Action Benefit Acterra invites you to join them for a virtual evening dedicated to connecting our community and celebrating all those who are working toward climate solutions. You'll hear from local award winners, join an action-oriented breakout session, and be inspired by the evening's special guest speakers, including Panama Bartholomy (Building Decarbonization Coalition), Jermaine Fowler (The Humanity Archive), and Leah Stokes (University of California – Santa Barbara, A Matter of Degrees, and All We Can Save). Event includes Climate Action Fund-a-Future, youth poetry reading, and VIP networking hour. March 25, 5-7:30pm. Tickets $0-100. 

Register HERE
Free Home Covid Tests On January 14, the White House announced a new initiative to help ensure Americans have COVID-19 tests on hand in case they are needed. The website to order at-home testing kits -- at no cost -- is now live and accepting orders. People who do not have Internet access or who need additional assistance with ordering can call 1-800-232-0233 (TTY 1-888-720-7489) to place their orders. Senior Coastsiders has a limited supply of home Covid tests available on a first come, first served basis, Please call or stop by for more information or to pick up a test.
New Household Hazardous Waste Program The free HHW Home Pick-up Program allows the County to service the HHW disposal needs of adults who are homebound, disabled, and over the age of 65 and cannot drive. The County will pick up the household hazardous waste directly from the homes of San Mateo County residents who qualify and cannot transport their household hazardous waste to a County HHW collection event. Pick ups will occur on available Wednesdays from 9:00am to 1:00pm. Appointments must be made. For additional information and appointments, call 650-399-6919 or 650-372-6200.
Century Lives Podcast Do rules created when most people lived only to 50 or 60 still make sense when more and more people live to 100? Longer lives are, at once, among the most remarkable achievements in all of human history and the greatest challenge of the 21st century. How can we ensure that our lives are not just longer, but healthy and rewarding as well? From the Stanford Century on Longevity and host Ken Stern, Century Lives is here to start the conversation.

Tune in weekly to hear about how cities, healthcare, higher education, and more are evolving to help people make the most of a 100 year life.

Listen through Apple podcasts: HERE
Listen on Spotify HERE
Or, listen on Google podcasts HERE
Please note upcoming changes in class schedules - check upcoming events on our website for ongoing updates.
  • Coastal Arts League Friday is suspended until further notice.
Lunches, classes, and programs are in full swing!

We are offering many classes in one of three different formats: virtually over Zoom, in-person, or a hybrid model. We hope to have options for everyone and welcome your feedback.

NEW - We have been slowly rolling out our new My Senior Center check in system! Be sure to register and come by to pick up your card!

  • Zoom links and online waivers for all virtual classes are available on our website.
  • If you are coming for in-person classes, please plan to arrive a bit early to complete necessary waivers and learn how to use My Senior Center
  • In case of canceled classes, we will do our best to provide links for previously recorded classes below each class description.
  • Our dining room is open Mondays-Fridays starting at 10:00AM for coffee and lunch registration begins at 11:45AM. Lunch is served at noon.
  • Birthday lunch is the third Wednesday of each month.
  • Live music during lunch is indicated by a musical note on menu.
  • Once a month, we celebrate a different country with a special meal, & trivia

See below for our current class listings and the March menu. For a full list of class descriptions and instructors, click HERE.
Supporting Senior Coastsiders
Coastside Gives is organized by the Mavericks Community Foundation and is a wonderful 24-hour online giving challenge that brings the Coastside together as one community while raising money and awareness for local nonprofits. This year Coastside Gives takes place on May 5th.  We are so grateful to the 593 unique donors who have supported our Coastside Gives appeals since 2018. We will be sharing more information about this opportunity over the next couple of months and look forward to your on-going support.
Just for Fun!

A Note from the Executive Director
“It’s good to take some time to do
Whatever makes a happy you.”

Corny as this saying is, it’s backed up by science! Many studies point to specific ways of thinking and acting that can strongly impact our own individual sense of happiness and peace of mind. These are neatly captured in the following 7 Habits of Happy People[1]:

1.    Relationships. Express your heart. People who have one or more close friendships are happier.
2.    Acts of Kindness. Cultivate kindness. People who volunteer or simply care for others on a consistent basis seem to be happier and less depressed.
3.    Physical Wellbeing. Keep moving and eat well. Regular exercise has been associated with improved mental well-being and a lower incidence of depression.
4.    Flow. Find your flow. If we are deeply involved in trying to reach a goal, or an activity that is challenging but well suited to our skills, we experience a joyful state called “flow.” Many kinds of activities, such as sports, playing an instrument, or teaching, can produce the experience of flow.
5.    Spiritual Engagement and Meaning. Discovering Meaning. Studies demonstrate a close link between spiritual and religious practice and happiness.
6.    Signature Strengths and Virtues. Discover and use your strengths. Studies show that the happiest people are those that have discovered their unique strengths (such as persistence and critical thinking) and use those strengths for a purpose that is greater than their own personal goals
7.    Positive Mindset. Optimism, Mindfulness and Gratitude. Treasure gratitude, mindfulness, and hope. Grateful people have been shown to have greater positive emotion, a greater sense of belonging, and lower incidence of depression and stress.

On a global scale, The World Happiness Report has been ranking the happiness of countries since 2012. In the 2020 report the US ranks 18th out of 153 countries with Finland, Denmark and Switzerland occupying the top three spots. These reports consistently find that income (measured as GDP per capita), healthy life expectancy, social support (having someone to count on), freedom (having a sense of freedom to make key life decisions), trust, and generosity, are associated with individual perceptions of subjective well-being. The 2020 report also indicates that inequality in perceived well-being between individuals in a country reduces average well-being[2]. Both social trust and institutional trust reduce the inequality of well-being by increasing the resilience of individual well-being to various types of adversity, including perceived discrimination, ill-health, unemployment, and low income. The report concludes that favorable social environments not only raise the level of well-being but also improve its distribution and are of first-order importance for the quality of life. This edition of The Beacon has many social engagement opportunities offered at Senior Coastsiders and I encourage you to participate. 

The staff at Senior Coastsiders meets every week to discuss our collective work and make sure we are providing the highest possible quality of service. We always start these meetings with an opportunity for each person to share one good thing that happened in the past week – which could range from enjoying a beautiful sunset to the birth of a new grandchild! These expressions of gratitude help us start our meetings on a positive note and connect with each other beyond our day to day work related activities.

What can you do this month to boost your own happiness or that of someone else? I’d be interested to know, so feel free to drop by my office, call me on the phone or email me.

Wishing you much happiness.


[2] Helliwell, John F., Richard Layard, Jeffrey Sachs, and Jan-Emmanuel De Neve, eds. 2020. World Happiness Report 2020. New York: Sustainable Development Solutions Network.
Community News You Can Use!
We take great pride in our community partnerships and view them as one more way to help provide resources for our community.
Peninsula Clean Energy is expanding its program that offers rebates of up to $4,000 for the purchase of a used electric vehicle.San Mateo County residents regardless of income can now receive a rebate starting at $700 for a plug-in hybrid and $1,000 for a fully electric vehicle.
Mask Policy Change at Senior Coastsiders:

In alignment with guidance from the California Health Department, San Mateo County will no longer require fully vaccinated individuals to wear a mask in most indoor settings effective Wednesday, February 16th. Senior Coastsiders will continue to follow the recommendations of state and local health departments, as follows:
  • We require all unvaccinated people entering our Center to wear a mask.
  • We strongly encourage all vaccinated people entering our Center to continue wearing masks if not actively eating, drinking, or exercising (individual teachers/instructors may require masks continue to be worn in their classes at their discretion).
  • If you aren't feeling well, don't come to the Center.
If you are uncomfortable coming to the center, we can make alternative lunch arrangements for you, and the majority of our classes will continue to be offered via Zoom. If you have any questions, please contact Sandi Winter at 650-726-9056 or at

Need a mask?
Senior Coastsiders has cloth masks, surgical masks, and KN95 masks and we are happy to give some to you! Limit is 2 masks/person while supplies last. Drop by the office or call us at 650-726-9056 to get your mask.
If you need assistance with shopping, would like to sign up for meals on wheels, need a mask, or need other assistance, we are just a phone call away! Please call our office at 650-726-9056.
Please forward to anyone you think might benefit from this information!