Volume 0222 | February 2022
Your Monthly News & Updates
Welcome to this edition of United Way of West Central Minnesota's monthly e-newsletter.

This month, we also are asking for feedback in the form of a very brief survey to help us navigate during these uncharted times. Our hope is this survey will assist our board in providing the programs and resources most useful to those we serve. Please feel free to contact our team with any questions or needs you may have.
Mark Your Calendars
We'll be participating at the
Songs of Summer - Litchfield
August 19th, 2022
Bridge Builders
West Central Minnesota is fortunate to have a broad system of non-profit and service organizations that work to change lives for area families and individuals. However, community needs change over time, and in order to be most effective, we believe that by creating a forum for those organizations to share, discuss, plan, and support one another all of our efforts will benefit. Bridgebuilders is a group run by the United Way that invites stakeholders in these organizations to benefit from these discussions.
Our goal is always to meet the current needs of our residents, to fill gaps wherever there may be a gap in services. Bridgebuilders will help to reduce duplication of effort among our non-profit partners, to understand as a collective where additional services are needed and plans for making the critical changes needed to be as effective and supportive as possible. If your organization is interested in joining us, click the registration link below.
Yuri Hanglund - Board Member
Yuri Haglund of Spicer, MN joined the United Way of West Central Minnesota’s Board of Directors in September of 2020, during the early phases of the COVID pandemic.
A manager for Velcro® Brand fasteners, her sense of dedication to her community is strong. She was seeking an opportunity to serve in meaningful ways right here in West Central Minnesota. Having traveled and lived in cities across the country, her unique perspective and experience made her a valued addition to our team. She has a strong passion for community and has worked hard to pivot the organization in a way to be most effective, especially in area health and nutrition. Though her term will soon be ending, her work has been invaluable. Most would describe Yuri as a passionate problem-solver who is generous, blessed, and made it her personal mission to give back.

Yuri was born in Mexico and lived in 3 countries before the age of 15. She settled with her family to Tucson, AZ. ...
File your taxes for free.

MyFreeTaxes helps people file their federal and state taxes for free, and it’s brought to you by United Way.

MyFreeTaxes helps people file their taxes for free while getting the assistance they need. United Way provides MyFreeTaxes in partnership with the IRS’s Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program to help filers prepare their tax returns on their own or have their return prepared for them for free.
eNewsletter Archive
Have you missed previous newsletters? We have you covered! Find our newsletter archive available on our website and get caught up on all we are doing to enhance our communities locally.
Imagination Library Signup
United Way of West Central Minnesota is vested in helping prepare kids in our region for success in Kindergarten and beyond. One way United Way is able to do this is through the Imagination Library program. Imagination Library provides a new book each month to children aged birth to 5 years of age at no charge to families who are enrolled. Books are delivered to the child's home by US mail.

To qualify for Imagination Library, the child must reside in the United Way of West Central Minnesota's territory area. Learn more about this program on our website, or use the link to sign a child up.
Need Masks? We've Got Plenty.
Let us know you need them and we will invite you to stop by our offices to pick them up. Masks are available individually-wrapped or in packs of five.
"Thank you so much for the masks! As soon as our office staff saw them, one of them yelled back to our principal, "Robin. we're gonna make it.!" The donation is much appreciated.

Misty Langseth
ACGC Risk and Prevention"
Please give us a heads up before stopping by to grab some.
Share Your Voice!
Help us better serve you - Take our short survey!
Big changes are occurring in our communities and we are focused on shifting focus to better serve our neighbors in West Central Minnesota. As we embark on this new path, we realize that the people we serve are the most important voice, and we depend on your input to make the most difference. We invite you to take part in a brief survey to help us help you better.

Has the United Way impacted your life or those around you? Maybe it was 17 years ago, maybe it was yesterday. Maybe you'd like to share a need in your community. We'd love to hear your stories! We're here to listen.