Sunday, September 12th, 2021
Vaccines to be Required – Vaccines against Covid-19 are free and available to anyone 12 years of age and older who wants to be inoculated. Receiving the vaccine protects not only you, but those you love and everyone around you, especially the children among us who are not yet eligible.  Beginning next Sunday, September 12, we ask of our adult worshippers that only those who have been fully vaccinated attend in-person services.  Please have your vaccine card or Excelsior Pass handy.  If you haven’t been vaccinated, speak with your doctor or go to the NYC Vaccine Finder to make an appointment. 
Masks On – Unfortunately we are back to a place in the pandemic where masks are strongly recommended for large, indoor gatherings. Please wear your mask beginning today. Until further notice, masks will be required for everyone in attendance, regardless of vaccination status. The mask must cover your nose and mouth at all times. Masks are available for those who don’t bring their own. If you need a mask, please see an usher. 
9 am Holy Eucharist
in-person worship

11 am Morning Prayer and Sermon
in-person worship
and live-stream

6 pm Holy Eucharist
in person worship

The Rev. J. Donald Waring
The Rev. Julia Macy Offinger
The Rev. Thomas Szczerba

The Combined Choirs of Grace Church
Dr. Patrick Allen, organ

Sunday School returns to the Sunday School rooms between the morning services. 10:15-10:45 am.

Children's Chapel returns to the Chantry during the sermon at the 11:00 am service.
You’ll find videos of past services and events on Vimeo and YouTube.

Catch up on audio podcasts of past sermons on our Soundcloud Channel.
Please see below for weekday worship opportunities, both in-person and virtual.
The Rector's Letter

Dear Friends,

Years ago, when Jimmy Fallon was a cast member of Saturday Night Live, one of his signature characters was Joey Mack, a radio talk show host on station Z-105. On air Joey Mack would banter with a wide array of colorful personalities, most of whom were merely himself using a different voice to create the illusion that someone else was in the studio. Every time he would return from a commercial break, he would shout into the microphone: "AND WE'RE BACK!" 

This coming Sunday is what we typically call “Welcome Back Sunday.” This year more than ever I can imagine Joey Mack in a dozen different settings announcing, “AND WE’RE BACK!” Sunday School, vested choristers in the chancel, and the 6 pm Eucharist in the chantry are back after the long shutdown due to the pandemic. The church is open again every day from noon to 5 pm, and on Wednesday the midweek 6 pm Eucharist in the chantry will be back. The Sunday Forum and many other programs will follow this month. Welcome back, indeed!

Unfortunately, at the same time that we are moving forward, it also seems that we are needing to take some steps backward. As we all know, the Delta variant of the coronavirus has enabled the pandemic to shout that it, too, is back. Even though highly effective vaccines are free and available to anyone aged 12 and older, many people strangely have chosen not to receive the shots, and the virus continues its grip on society. Therefore, to protect the children among us for whom the vaccines have not yet been approved, we are enacting two mandates for all indoor activities at Grace Church:

1.     Everyone must wear a mask that covers the nose and mouth. 
2.     Everyone who is 12-years old and above must be vaccinated. No exceptions. Please have your vaccine card or Excelsior Pass ready to show to an usher or volunteer when you arrive for worship on Sunday. For the safety of the children, if you are not vaccinated, please participate in the 11 am service through the livestream. 

It is our fervent hope that increasing numbers of people throughout the country will be vaccinated, and that such an embrace of common sense will beat back the pandemic once and for all. Until then, we’re back, but so are the masks and the need to keep up our guard against the virus. 

Finally, on a personal note, last month many of you heard my mother’s name – Virginia Waring – in the prayers for the departed. Thanks to all of you who sent cards and wonderful, heartfelt expressions of sympathy. Mom died on August 12th, two months shy of her 91st birthday. Even though her health had been in decline for the past year she valiantly cooperated with her many doctors and was fully in the midst of life until the very end. Next to her favorite chair in her apartment was a half-knitted infant cap that she was planning to donate to a charity (Stacie finished it on her behalf). In her refrigerator was an open bottle of her favorite white wine (I finished it on her behalf ). 

Since the pandemic began Mom was one of our most faithful worshippers on the livestream. It was fun for me to know that she was there, and I would occasionally call her out and remind her to use the coaster for her coffee mug. Every Sunday evening she would give me her review of the sermon, the music, and other details of the service. We had all hoped for more time, but time sets a limit to human life. Nevertheless, for those who trust in the Communion of Saints, it is open for us to believe that the livestream ministry is a foretaste of that greater mystery. Indeed, we are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses who rejoice with us, but upon another shore and in a greater light. 

See you in church.
This Sunday
Welcome Back Sunday! September 12th
The choirs will sing at the 11 am service. Sunday School returns between services from 10:15am-10:45pm in the Sunday School Room, with Children’s Chapel in the Chantry during the sermon at the 11 am service. Join us for a festive fellowship hour in Huntington Close (weather permitting) afterwards! Stop by the Outreach Table to learn more about the many ways you can help our neighborhood.
9:00 am Holy Eucharist, Sermon, and Hymns

Church is open
for in-person worship!
The Rev. J. Donald Waringpreaching
The Rev. Julia Macy Offinger
The Rev. Thomas John Szczerba Jr.

Dr. Patrick Allen, organ

11:00 am Morning Prayer and Sermon

Church is open
for in-person worship!

The Rev. J. Donald Waringpreaching
The Rev. Julia Macy Offinger
The Rev. Thomas John Szczerba Jr.

The Combined Choirs of Grace Church
Dr. Patrick Allen, organ
Service will continue to be video streamed every week. Access via any of our live channels. If you experience buffering, you can simply switch to another channel.

6:00 pm Holy Eucharist

In the Chantry
The Rev. Julia Macy Offingerpreaching
The Rev. Megan E. Sanders

Hymns with Instrumentalists

Coffee HourCoffee and fellowship will be available today in Tuttle Hall following the 9 am service and in Huntington Close following the 11 am service.
Activity Corner for Children In the north aisle of the church you will find coloring supplies, and books for children to use during the service. Please return all materials before you leave. We want to keep the area clean for all future families.  
This Week
Please Get Fully Vaccinated
Vaccines against Covid-19 are now available for anyone 12 years of age and older who wants to be inoculated. Receiving the vaccine protects not only you, but those you love and everyone around you.  It is the best way to help speed along the reopening of society.  Please speak with your doctor or go to the NYC Vaccine Finder to make an appointment.
The Church is Open

Everyday, noon to 5 pm
with Worship Service at 9 am, 11 am, and 6 pm on Sundays
as well as 6 pm on Wednesdays

All are required to observe posted guidelines during in-person worship and events to adhere to CDC Covid-19 safety protocols. We ask visitors to wear a mask, stay 6 feet apart, and sanitize your hands when inside Grace Church.
Monday - Centering Prayer (over Zoom)
12:15-12:45 pm Christian silent prayer that prepares us to receive the gift of God’s presence. Led by Currie Estreich, MA, Spiritual Direction, the General Theological Seminary.

Meeting ID: 337 800 858
Password: 058288
One tap mobile
+16465588656,,337800858# US (New York)
For questions about Zoom access, email the Rev. Thomas John Szczerba Jr.

Enter, Rest, Pray (CHURCH IS OPEN)
Grace Church is open to the public daily from 12:00 PM – 5:00 PM. All are required to wear a covering over their nose and mouth, and to observe posted safety guidelines.

Tuesday, Thursday – Bach at Noon (Held in the church during open hours and on Facebook Live) 12:20 pm - 30 minutes of music by J.S. Bach, played on the Bicentennial Organ.

Wednesday - Women’s Bible Study (over Zoom) – 10:30 am-noon – Long-running program of guided Bible study and discussion for women. For Zoom access info, please see the link below or email the Rev. Julia Macy Offinger well before the event.

Meeting ID: 896 065 849
One tap mobile
+19294362866,,896065849# US (New York)
For questions about Zoom access, contact the Rev. Julia Macy Offinger well before the event.

Saturday – Weekend Organ Meditation (on Facebook Live) 4pm - 45-minutes of diverse music played on the Bicentennial Organ
Coming Soon - Welcome Back September
Wednesday Evening Eucharist & Bible Study – Beginning on September 15th at 6 pm we are restarting our Wednesday evening service in the chantry. After the service, all are invited to the reception room for a lectionary-based bible study that will conclude at 7:30 pm. If you are interested in helping with the service, please contact the Rev. Thomas Szczerba by email
Grace Ministry Fair, Sunday, September 19th immediately following the 9AM and 11AM services. During Coffee Hour, meet volunteers from the many ministries of Grace Church and learn how you can be a part of making Grace Church go. Hear more from the Altar Guild, the Usher Guild, readers, acolytes, and the Hospitality Ministry and pick one (or two!) to sign up for. 
Youth Group is back! On September 19th All 6th - 12th-grade children are invited to join Father Thomas in the new youth room located at the bottom floor of the parish house for fellowship and discussion. Youth Group will happen on the first and third Sunday of every month. We are looking for adult volunteers to be a part of this exciting new offering for the youth of the parish. Please email Father Thomas if you are interested. 
Grace Church Community Nights - Inspired by the success of our summer cookouts, this fall we are launching a series of Community Nights. Mark your calendars for Wednesdays 9/22, 10/20, and 11/17 at 7 pm. Following the 6 pm service, food and drink will be available in Tuttle Hall. Parishioner, Brad Anderson, who teaches English at Trinity School, will lead us in a three-part discussion series entitled, “Hamlet: Language, Self, and Spirit.” Can Hamlet help us understand the currents blowing through society today? Come and see, whether or not you are a Shakespeare scholar. Readings and materials will be provided. If you plan on attending, email the Rev. Thomas Szczerba so we know how much food to prepare.
Grace Parish Showcase Art Exhibition & Fundraiser, Sunday, September 26th, immediately following the 11AM service. A physical display of the creativity and talent of Grace Church Parishioners as featured on the digital Showcase that kept us connected during COVID. Food, festivities, and guaranteed fun as we gather together once again! Creative works for display and sale, with proceeds benefiting Saving Grace NYC. Sponsored by the Grace Church Women (GCW). 
Food Donations for The Red Door Place Our food ministry partner, now called The Red Door Place at The Church of the Village, is one of the few pantry/soup kitchens remaining open to serve those in need during the Covid-19 crisis. Donations are desperately needed. Non-perishable food item(s) may be dropped off in the collection baskets in the narthex when you visit Grace Church during open hours. 
In Our Prayers
In our immediate prayers:

Lois Queen
Mary Ann Owens
Dana Newman

In our Continuing Prayers:

William Dobi
Claudia Paoloni
Tom Hall
Josephine Ferraiuolo

For those who have died:

Pricilla Salem
To add a name to the prayer list, please contact The Rev. J. Donald Waring, Rector.
Send your photos of milestone events for possible publication in the Weekly Epistle to Matthew Kopp, Membership and Development Manager.
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