MMI Monthly
Updates from the Munroe-Meyer Institute | Sept. 12, 2022
Director's message: What to know about backpack safety
As kids go back to school, the Munroe-Meyer Institute Occupational Therapy Team has some advice to stave off back and shoulder pain.

Masonic cornerstone ceremony
is Sept. 24 at MMI
The Masonic Grand Lodge of Nebraska will dedicate a cornerstone at the Munroe-Meyer Institute’s new home at 6902 Pine St.

From social media:
MMI research achievements
The Munroe-Meyer Institute's social media accounts keep the community up on the latest at MMI.

MMI's Amy Encinger, PhD,
named policy fellow
Dr. Encinger is one of six fellows with the Nebraska Academy for Early Childhood Research.

Time capsule: Hattie B. Munroe
A look back at some of the rich history of the Munroe-Meyer Institute.

Send your news to MMI Monthly
 Is there something exciting going on in your department? Send your news to MMI Monthly to share with your colleagues at the Munroe-Meyer Institute.

Munroe-Meyer Institute
985450 Nebraska Medical Center
Omaha, NE 68198-5450
Phone: 402-559-6418