Hello Folks -

Well, here we are, November of 2021, I hope you are all doing as well as can be.

Over the past few weeks, we’ve had a lot going on, from the Great Willamette Cleanup events in October, to our legal and policy work to curb the development of a massive poultry farm very close to the North Santiam River. Add to that dealing with aspects of a large sewage spill in the suburbs of Portland, and pushing the cleanup of Portland Harbor and river access in that area, and hopefully you can get a sense of the scope of our work.

What has caught my attention over the last year is how much you all take part. While we’ve all been dealing with the various elements of the pandemic, WR has still been able to forge ahead
with the important work of our mission. Our volunteers made a real impact in numerous ways. A huge thanks to all of you for your continued effort, and willingness to take part.