This past session the Alliance played an integral role in passing SB 71, legislation which the National Link Coalition has stated “may be the nation’s most comprehensive law allowing courts to include household pets in orders of protection.” Such orders are sought by Missourians who are needing protection against “acts, attempts or threats to him or her from a family or household member or intimate partner; or from acts of stalking or sexual assault.” However, historically not allowing pets on the orders has caused significant issues for pets as well as their guardians.
Violence in the home impacts all members of the family. 71% of pet owners entering domestic violence shelters report that their batterer had threatened, injured, or killed family pets. In one study of survivors, 48% of respondents reported that animal abuse had occurred “often” during the past 12 months and another 30% reported the abuse occurred “almost always.” The types of animal abuse reported included punching, hitting, choking, drowning, shooting, stabbing, and throwing the animal against a wall or down the stairs.