Contemporary Scripture Reflections for Spiritual Seekers

Dr. Elizabeth-Anne Stewart, BCC, PCC


September 11th , 2022

Pray that

sanity will prevail and that all those suffering on account of the terrible conflict in Ukraine will find the comfort and resources they need.  


"Prodigal Father"


EAS 1985

Foolish old man

like Lear

to divide the estate

between sons

jealous of the time

you live,

weary of their wait

for you to die.

Foolish old man!

The ledger

is the measure

of their love.

Now that he has

his share,

the youngest

saunters off

to consort

with whores and swine,

a lecher

defiled by rancid wine

in an ungodly land.

And the elder

is no better

though the letter

of the law

is what he follows.


he calculates,


on the inheritance

yet to come.

Foolish old man!

Watcher on the hill,

straining for sight

of the unfortunate

whose plight

rumor knows too well--

your eyes fill

with tears,

you caper

on the spot.

And now the geriatric trot,

the undignified run,

the excessive embrace

of the hireling

upon whose finger

you place

your ring.

Foolish old man!

For the spendthrift

you kill

the fatted calf,

risking rift

with the penny pincher

who refuses to feast

now that your sorrow's ceased.

Very foolish fond old man,

child-changed father

caught between

heartbreak and hope


while you can....




* Have you ever experienced the amazing grace of being lost and then being found again? If so, what was that like for you?

* As a result of the pandemic and world events, many people, especially youth, are feeling existentially lost. What would help them to feel "found" again?

* We often alternate between feeling lost and found. What spiritual practices might help us feel more consistently grounded?

Greetings, SBT Readers!

When a great soul departs this world, the world knows it -- and the world grieves. Despite some negative commentary about the royal family's connection to colonialism, the tributes pouring in on the occasion of Queen Elizabeth II's death acknowledge how highly she was esteemed across the globe, not just as a monarch but as a symbol of devoted service, selfless giving and stability. Commentators have pointed out that her passing marks the end of an era, but I believe that era -- an era of resilience, courage, and gracious living-- has long been gone. Rather, Elizabeth II reminded us that even in a world gone mad -- a world that has lost its moral compass and sense of humanity-- it is still possible to live with grace, dignity and compassion for all. On this anniversary of 9/11, a day of infamy and terror, may her example not only inspire the world's leaders but also touch the hearts of ordinary citizens everywhere; and may all of us remember the extraordinary reach each of us can have on the world's stage, just by being our best selves.

Many Blessings!



Link to the Sunday Readings

Tax collectors and sinners drew near to listen to Jesus, but the Pharisees and scribes began complaining, saying,

“This man welcomes sinners and eats with them.”

So he addressed them with this parable.

“Who among you having a hundred sheep and losing one of them would not leave the ninety-nine in the desert

and go looking for the lost one until it is found?

And when he does find it, he sets it on his shoulders with great joy and, upon arriving home, calls together his friends and neighbors, saying to them,

‘Rejoice with me because I have found my lost sheep.’

I tell you, in just the same way there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous people who have no need of repentance.

Lk 15:1-32

Amazing grace how sweet the sound

That saved a wretch like me

I once was lost, but now I'm found

Was blind but now I see

Being lost and being found -- that seems to be the theme of today's readings! Whether we look at the "stiff-necked people" in EX 32:7-14, or at St. Paul before his conversion --"once a blasphemer and a persecutor and arrogant" (Tm 1:12-17)-- or stories of missing sheep, lost sons and lost coins, the outcome is the same: That which is lost is found and God in God's mercy creates something new, initiating new possibilities. If we missed this message in our first reading, or if we somehow failed to understand the Pauline text, the Gospel hammers home the message with Jesus' references to the lost sheep and the lost coin, and with his Parable of the Prodigal Son.

But profound as this message may be, there is more to it than simply being lost and being found again. In the first place, neither the idolatrous Israelites, nor the missing sheep, nor Saul the persecutor of Christians, nor the missing coin know they are lost; and for his part, the prodigal son only realizes he is "lost" because he is hungry. Far from knowing they are "lost," prior to being "found" the Israelites are engrossed in their worship of the molten calf; Saul is obsessed with hunting down Christians; the missing sheep is happily wandering towards danger, oblivious to wolves, brambles and other threats; the coin has merrily rolled away; and the youngest son is enjoying a life of debauchery.

Secondly, in each passage -- with the exception of the parable-- the lost are found precisely because someone actively befriends them or seeks them out. Moses intercedes for his faithless people, Paul alludes to his life-changing encounter with the risen Christ on the road to Damascus; the good shepherd goes in search of the missing sheep, and the woman with nine remaining coins searches relentlessly for the one that is missing.

One could add, however, that the father's unconditional love for his erring son is what ultimately brings him home. Moreover, it is the father who runs towards his son, embraces him and welcomes him home.

Thirdly, "being found" results in great joy. In EX 32:7-14, Moses' intercession saves the people from God's wrath and ensures that God will continue to uphold the covenant. In

1 Tim 1:12-17, Paul describes the abundant grace and mercy he has received, despite being the "foremost" of sinners. And in the gospel, the shepherd rejoices over finding his missing sheep, the woman celebrates finding her lost coin and the father throws the most extravagant party in his family's memory because his lost son has finally returned home.

This joy is both human and divine. The "finders" in this text, like God, rejoice when those who are lost come home again, with contrite hearts and the willingness to begin anew. For their part, those who are "found" find mercy, forgiveness and unlimited love. This experience of "love beyond all telling" reorients them to the sacred path, aligning them with God's will once more, and opening up an infinite store of transforming grace. Perhaps the more we stray, the greater our capacity for joy!

'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear

And grace my fears relieved

How precious did that grace appear

The hour I first believed 



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Please note that I offer

Writing Coaching/ Editing, Life Coaching, Spiritual Direction, and Retreats.





This video explains my approach to this ministry, while my website provides further details as well. During COVID-19, sessions are by phone or on Zoom; I am also available to facilitate in-person or "virtual" retreats for groups and individuals.

Dr. Elizabeth-Anne Stewart | | [email protected]

C. All Photos by Elizabeth-Anne Stewart,

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