Fall 2024 Newsletter

General Election Information

TCNA President's Message

New Board Members

Neighborhood Committees

  • Public Safety
  • Neighborhood Crime Updates
  • Car Break-Ins
  • Free Covid Tests
  • Greens Committee
  • TCNA Tree Stewards
  • Neighborhood Gardens
  • City Legislation Passes to Save Trees
  • Streets Committee Updates
  • 39th Street Calming Plan: Update
  • Linkwood Road and Stony Run Walking Path Connection
  • Tuscany Road Calming
  • Calvert School: Liaison Updates
  • Communications Committee
  • Website: History of Tuscany Court Homes (1940)

News in and Around Tuscany Canterbury

  • Street Lights
  • Stoneyford Street Sign
  • Dumpster Information
  • Yard Waste Reminders
  • University Parkway Bridge near Linkwood Road
  • Event Space at the Rotunda
  • Where in Tuscany-Canterbury Photo Challenge?

TCNA Spotlight People, Places, Events

  • Playground Named after Mary Pat Clarke
  • Kenna Forsyth

Johns Hopkins University

  • Early Childhood Center: Updates
  • JHU Ranks 6th Best College in Nation
  • Calendar for Homewood Field and Other Events

Restaurants In Tuscany-Canterbury

Home & Condo: Sale Prices, Active Listings

Events In and Around Tuscany-Canterbury

Fall and Halloween Photo Galleries

Save These Tuscany-Canterbury Dates

October 12: Dumpster Available,

Canterbury at Tuscany Road, morning

November 13, TCNA General Fall Meeting

Next full TCNA newsletter will be sent out in November. Updates will be sent as needed.


TCNA is stronger with you as a member!

If you aren't a member, please consider joining TCNA this year.

Last year 25 individuals/ households became new members. The newsletter is now sent to 684 neighbors. Encourage your neighbors and friends to join the TCNA or just sign up to get the newsletter to learn more about the neighborhood.

Join or Renew TCNA Membership

November 5, 2024

General Presidential Election

Voting by Mail Options

US Mail or Drop Box

Drop Boxes for Mail-In Ballots:

Any time before 8 pm on November 5.

Available 24 hours a day.

Nearest drop box for Tuscany-Canterbury:

Baltimore Museum of Art

(10 Art Museum Drive) 

The drop box is located on the circular drive at the main entrance by Gertrudes.

US MAIL: Must be postmarked by 8 PM November 5.  Don’t wait to mail your ballot. Mail it early. Putting your ballot in a mailbox on Election Day does not mean it is postmarked that day.

If you want to make sure your ballot arrives at the Election Board, you can track your mail-in-ballot at


In Person Voting Options

Early Voting : October 24-October 31, 7AM-8PM

Early Voting Location near Tuscany-Canterbury:  



General Election Day : November 5, 2024 7AM-8PM

Polling Location for Tuscany-Canterbury

First English Lutheran Church

Charles and 39th Street

More information about voting 

TCNA President's Message

Pat Hawthorne


Greetings to Everyone and Happy Autumn!!


I don’t have to tell you how lucky we are to live in this wonderful community!!! Tuscany-Canterbury is truly a gem!! I have said this before, but I will say it again: Thank you to everyone who supports the TCNA by becoming a new member or by renewing your annual membership. Your dues monies help keep our neighborhood safe, clean, vibrant and eminently livable. And, of course, we welcome new neighbors who move into the community. I am pleased to report we already have ten new members since July 1st and are above budget in collecting dues so far this year. If new neighbors move to your block or your building, please reach out and welcome them with open arms and recommend they check out our web site: where they can join the TCNA and request to receive our extremely informative newsletter.


I also want to give a “shout-out” to all of our community volunteers who work tirelessly behind the scenes to make Tuscany-Canterbury one of the best Baltimore neighborhoods in which to live. If one of your neighbors is a volunteer, please thank them for their service.


There are several updates that might be of interest to readers:


Our fall general meeting has been scheduled for Wednesday, November 13th. We are considering several different programs and will send out details when they have been finalized. All residents are invited to attend.

 A Zoom meeting was held on August 5th by Johns Hopkins University to update the community about the relocation of the Early Childhood Learning Center. Groundbreaking for the new center (to be located at the intersection of San Martin Drive and University Parkway) will begin this fall with an anticipated opening in January of 2026. Please see the article later in the newsletter for more details.



New TCNA Board Members

Jack Boyson, New TCNA Board Member

Jack Boyson is a resident of the Tuscany Lombardy Community Corporation and is a retired international nonprofit organizational development and youth school-to-work specialist. He has lived and worked in more than 50 countries. 

In terms of community engagement, in the past he served on the Board of the Greater Homewood Community Corporation and was a Board member and President of the Wyman Park Community Association for many years. 

Very much concerned about the water quality of Stony Run and the conservation of its watershed and as well as the Inner Harbor, he also serves on the Board of Blue Water Baltimore. An avid outdoorsman, he is a Reserve Officer of the Department of Natural Resources Police. 

Brandon Eilertson, New TCNA Board Member

Brandon Eilertson has lived on Cloverhill Road since 2019. He is the board secretary for Baltimore Greenspace and is interested in protecting green spaces in Baltimore City to make them more accessible to all. He works as an infectious disease physician, seeing patients at UM-St. Joseph Medical Center.

Brandon currently is the Chair of the Tuscany-Canterbury Streets Committee and works closely with the City and the Broadview on the 39th Street Calming Project. He is also working with Parks and People on the Linkwood Road Project that connects the Stony Run Walking Path between the two pedestrian bridges on Linkwood Road.

Tuscany-Canterbury Public Safety Updates

Garth Thompson, Chair of TCNA Public Safety Committee

John Warshawsky, Vice Chair

3 cars were broken into between September 13 and September 14 on Cloverhill Road, Tuscany Alley, and Ridgemede Road.


Car Windows Broken

Police were called at 4:30 AM when a neighbor heard noise on Tuscany Alley. Police responded immediately but no one was found to arrest. Northern District police officer came to the TCNA board meeting on September 18. They reinforce that Tuscany-Canterbury was an extremely safe neighborhood and made suggestions.

Suggestions from Northern District Police

  • Remove anything visible from your car whenever and wherever you leave or park your car.
  • Always lock your car and check it to make sure it's locked.
  • Have motion lights where the area is dark.
  • Report any broken street lights to be repaired as soon as possible.

CALL 911 if you see something happening. Police will respond.

CALL 311 to report the the crime if the crime already happened.

Also Please Let TCNA Know


U.S. households will be eligible to order 4 free COVID-19 tests The COVID-19 Tests can detect current COVID-19 variants and can be used through the end of the year.


Streets Committee

Brandon Eilertson, Committee Chair

CLICK HERE to contact Streets Committee or visit TCNA Website for information about all the Streets' On-Going Projects

39th Street Calming Plan is Happening

Work has started and will be finished before Winter!!

The Street Calming Project reflects the hard work of TCNA leadership. The Broadview Apartments, Hopkins House and Johns Hopkins University. The Broadview owners are the leaders in the project and committed to this plan in 2015. They have spent over $100,000 to make all the phases happen.

Speed Bumps are Working!

City Department of Transportation (DOT) contractors have already created, marked and signed 4 speed humps in each direction between the 39th Street traffic circle and West University Parkway. A total of 8 have been installed. Crosswalks ill be near the speed bumps.


ADA Walkways to Cross 39th Street

The DOT workers are creating three new crosswalks across West 39th Street including ADA-accessible curb-cuts and bump outs to narrow the crossing distance for pedestrians to cross 39th Street.

Striping of Cross Walks and Parking Lanes

Once the cement work and striping is complete, each crosswalk will be protected by new planters. Final inspection by the city is expected in mid-October.

45 Planters to Slow Traffic at Crosswalks and Around Curves

After the inspection, the planters will be placed and filled with plantings. Neighborhood volunteers will be needed to help with this task.

Let us know if you can help with the planting .

New Signs to Slow Traffic on 39th Street


UPDATES: Stony Run Trail/ Linkwood Road Project

TCNA continues to advocate for the completion of the Stony Run trail between the two existing pedestrian bridges on Linkwood Road. Funding was obtained in 2023 to complete the trail and TCNA is partnering with the Friends of Stony Run and Parks & People to make this a reality. Baltimore City Recreation & Parks must agree to a memorandum of understanding (MOU) before the funds may be transferred to Parks & People. The process of the city creating and agreeing to the contract language has been very slow. When this agreement is complete, the funds will be used to create a final plan for the project. We are checking in regularly with our partners to move this process forward as best we can.


Tuscany Road Calming Project

A Tuscany Road working group in conjunction with Calvert School is exploring traffic calming options on Tuscany Road. In the spring of 2024 fifteen Tuscany Road and Tuscany Court neighbors put in 311 requests to slow traffic on Tuscany Road. The response from the City was that by mid September the requests would be evaluated.

The City has agreed to do a study of the traffic issue on Tuscany Road this fall.

This issue was discussed at the Calvert Liaison meeting in August 2024. Calvert supports the neighbors' request for speed bumps on Tuscany Road.

Greens Committee

Eric Elton and Patrick Mutch, Committee Co-Chairs

Board Member of Friends of Stony Run: Eric Elton

TCNA Landscape Committee

The landscape committee was able to contract with Mark Pratt, a retired landscaper, who nicely groomed our four garden areas, 39th Street, pedestrian bridge at the intersection of Linkwood Road and Stoneyford, Ridgemede Elbow, and the Tuscany Oval. We hope he will continue to serve TCNA for future weeding and plantings. 

Information About All the TCNA Public Gardens


Tree Stewards

GOAL: Keep Tuscany-Canterbury Green and Tree-healthy

TCNA Tree Stewards

The TCNA Tree Stewards Committee is pleased to report that two tree stumps on Cloverhill Road (leftover from dead trees taken down by the city) have been ground up. Next steps are for new trees to be planted this fall. We also anticipate that three or four new trees will also be planted next spring after stump removal. 

Click Here for More Information about the Tree Stewards' Program in TCNA

Everyone Can Help!

See a Dead or Diseased Tree in a Public Place?

Make a request via telephone 311 or at DPW

Then send an e-mail to TCNA at and let us know where the tree is located, the date you submitted the 311 request, and the 311 ticket number. TCNA will follow up with Baltimore City if tree is not removed..

Interested in Being a TCNA Tree Steward? TCNA Needs YOU!!

Tree Replenishment Made Into Law

Read more about the new law

Linkwood Park

This year several of the trees fell down in the park and along the Stony Run Walking Path

Mayor Brandon Scott signed into law City Council Bill 23-04654 to protect trees on recreation and parks property. This will increase Baltimore’s tree canopy, improve water quality and combat the urban heat island effect that makes our city hotter than surrounding areas.

The Baltimore City Rec and Parks Forestry Division is on the leading edge of preserving the environment. It is responsible for Baltimore being one of the few cities gaining in tree canopy. Now with the new council bill, it puts into law one of the strongest protections for park trees in Maryland.

Calvert School

  • Liaison Committee Updates August 2024
  • Calvert's Calendar for October and November

Liaison Committee Report, September 2024

Amy Mutch, Chair


The TCNA Liaison Committee met on August 28th with Headmaster Andrew Holmgren and Director of Finance Tom Travers. Our agenda covered the school calendar, landscaping and tree maintenance, traffic and carpool concerns, sidewalk repairs, and school upgrade enhancements. Six dead trees on the Tuscany Road bank will be replaced when the weather is conducive. Dying trees on the Stoneyford bank were brought to Calvert’s attention at the meeting. The increase in severity of summer storms will require greater attention paid to the Calvert grounds as trees fall.

Prior to the start of school Calvert parents were informed of the carpool policy and need to respect the residents by not blocking intersections, by using only Tuscany Road for school access, not speeding, and facilitate car exiting by practicing seat belt release with young students. 

TCNA allows for a 2-week adjustment at the beginning of the school year and the official monitoring began on September 16th. The afternoon pickup has been slower in recent years, but Calvert expects to see an improvement when the after-school clubs begin. 

The sidewalk repairs on Stoneyford have failed so many large cracks have returned. 

Calvert informed us that the concrete yard behind the lower school new addition will be replaced with artificial turf. It will be a simple project and may involve one day of jackhammer noise. Just to confirm the additional classrooms in the rear of the lower school were to allow for smaller homerooms and upgrade the science and music space. No increase in enrollment was or is planned going forward.

The new trees that did not survive the summer will be replaced.

Calvert's sidewalks on Stoneyford Road that need to be repaired.

Calendar Events for Calvert School

Calendar of Events for Calvert School 

Communications Committee

Linda Eberhart, Newsletter Coordinator

Julie Watson, Webmaster

John Robinson, Photographer

Committee: Ann Finkbeiner and TCNA board members contribute articles, photos, and others who help with the newsletter and website.

TCNA Website History Feature

Tuscany Court Homes (1940)

Tuscany Court is a small circle of Colonial-and Tudor-style houses, constructed by the Mullan Contracting Company in 1940.

These homes are similar to the Tudor design on Tuscany and Ridgemede Roads. Garages are either under the homes or are at the end of each alley. Some of the homes have decks or some have fenced in yards. These 14 homes rarely are on the market for sale because of the strong village-like atmosphere that has been maintained over the decades.

More Pictures of Tuscany Court

Tuscany Court is beautiful and fun in every season.

Several times a year the neighbors in Tuscany Court have a cook-out or party and invite all the neighbors on Tuscany and Ridgemede.

More Information About Tuscany Court

TCNA Newsletter and Website

If you have any ideas or thoughts about the website or newsletter, please let us know. If you are interested in helping with the TCNA newsletter and website, please let us know.

We need someone to help identify events for the newsletter and someone to keep the JHU's and Calvert's calendars current.

Click Here with your ideas or to help

In and Around Tuscany-Canterbury

Questions, Comments, Messages

If you see a problem, have a question, or want to help, let TCNA know.


Let TCNA Know Your Neighborhood Concerns

Residential Permit Parking (RPP)

RPP neighbors have until October 31, 2024 to decide if they want Virtual Permit Parking on those blocks. The City says that it will be able to provide more enforcement so only people with permits park on those blocks during the specific time periods. Some neighbors have concerns about the new system.

See September 18 RPP Update for more information and let Nancy Lee know any questions you have. A separate email will be sent to neighbors on those blocks to find out what they want to do.

TCNA Board Member Nancy Lee LaMotte, Coordinator RPP

More information in the TNCA RPP upadate on September 18, 2024
Contact Nancy with questions or concerns

October 12, Canterbury at Tuscany

Next dates are in Spring of 2025

Neighborhood Dumpster

Baltimore City allows each neighborhood to schedule a dumpster 4 times each year. Anyone in the neighborhood may use the dumpster.

It is delivered sometime in the morning and is available for 4 hours. Please place your materials inside the dumpster.

Building materials and dangerous materials should not be placed in the dumpster

Thank You to Sam Park who is the TCNA neighbor who coordinates this effort.

Stoneyford Street Sign

There was a car accident 3 years ago and the light was knocked down. The light was replaced one year ago but no sign. Then the wrong sign was put up.

Now the correct sign is there! (Stoneyford at Tuscany)

Street Lights

Not Working

Lights are important for the safety of our neighborhood.

The BGE contractor repaired the power to the four lights surrounding 221 Ridgemede! They said there was a short in the feed to the pole on Linkwood. It was repaired in 48 hours.

The light at the Tuscany Alley and Linkwood Road is now repaired. It was broken and "fixed" many times in the past year. Hopefully, the problem has now been permanently solved.

The street light in the middle of the Tuscany Alley was flashing and repaired quickly. 

If you see a light not working, please call 311 or use the BGE Lights app.

: Report street light outages on BGE app

If it is not fixed within 48 hours, please contact . Let us know the location, when reported and the confirmation number.

Special thanks to our neighbor John and his dog Cooper, who immediately report street light problems that they see while walking through Tuscany-Canterbury. If it's not fixed, John then follows up again until the light works!!

Yard Waste Reminders


From the City Public Works Department, please remember the following:

  • Put your yard waste out on your regular Tuesday trash collection day.
  • Put it at the same place where you put out your trash.
  • Put yard waste in plastic bags (preferably clear or labeled bags), paper bags, or bundle it.
  • Limit yard waste to 5 bags per collection.
  • Tree branches larger than 4 inches in diameter or longer than 3 feet will not be collected.

University Parkway Bridge near Linkwood Road


It was difficult to walk across the bridge on due to the overgrown weeds. Thank you to Johns Hopkins University for getting it cleared.

After it was cleaned

Tuscany-Canterbury Challenge

Where in Tuscany-Canterbury were the photos taken?

The Summer Photo Challenge

Only the owner of the home recognized the backyard. Photo was taken from the Tuscany Alley near Linkwood Road.

Maybe it was too hard? This month the photo challenges should be easier.

Fall Photo Challenges

HINT: Can be seen from a public street or alley

Send us your answer or a photo to include in the newsletter.

The proposed Barn and Lodge restaurant and events venue at the Rotunda in Hampden with live entertainment.

Baltimore’s Board of Municipal and Zoning Appeals (BMZA) held a public hearing on the live entertainment request on September 3. But after listening to more than two hours of testimony, the commissioners said they were unable to reach a decision and scheduled a second meeting for deliberations on Tuesday, October 1.

Read Entire Article about the Proposal at the Rotunda


TCNA Neighbors, Places, Events

Let us know about anything that should be featured.   Email:

The "Council President Mary Pat Clarke Playground"

The Lake Montebello Playground was replaced with brand new playground equipment. Surrounding neighborhoods requested to name it for the former Council President Mary Pat Clarke! Mayor Scott praised her work throughout the City for 32 years in the Council and as the first women as Council President.

Kenna Forsyth (June 1941-June 2024)

In recognition of Kenna's work in Tuscany-Canterbury, an inscribed stone was placed in the 39th St. TCNA garden when she moved to Roland Park Place in 2019.

Earlier this summer, the world lost one of its brightest gems. We are so sorry to share that we have lost our dear friend and long-time neighbor, Kenna Forsyth. For over 45 years, Kenna contributed her time and talents to our neighborhood as TCNA Association president and board member. She also directed the garden, membership, and newsletter committees. She fought to achieve historical status for the Ascot House on 39th Street. She met with the 5 fraternities on a regular basis and created a plan where they would take responsibility for any damage done during their parties and cleaned up the streets of any trash that was left behind.

Most importantly, she was the glue that binds so many of us to one another in our neighborhood. 

  • JHU Early Learning Center
  • JHU Ranks 6th in Nation
  • Homewood Field Schedule

Relocation of the JHU Early Learning Center (ECLC) to University Parkway and San Martin Drive

At the zoom meeting of August 5, 2024 with JHU and TCNA, the following updated information was provided.

  • Construction is still scheduled this fall pending receipt of necessary permits from the city.
  • The new ECLC is anticipated to open January 2026.
  •  JHU is committed to preserve as many of the current 28 specimen trees as possible. Ten trees will need to be removed. The City requires that, for each tree removed, another tree will need to be planted. JHU will plant some of the replacement trees on the grounds of the Center and others will be planted elsewhere on campus.
  • The L configuration selected for the building will allow easier access for parents bringing in infants and toddlers in strollers. It will also allow for more trees to be saved.
  • The playground equipment will be made out of all natural materials. There will be many trees and plants that will be incorporated in the area for shade, education, and play.
  • The staff parking lot will be pervious. The drop-off area will be impervious asphalt to make it easier to push strollers, etc.
  • Access and egress will be off of University Parkway and San Martin Drive.
  • The 8’ security fence around the property will be heavily planted to camouflage the fence and provide protective privacy for the children in the playground area.
  • The exterior colors used for the building will be natural hues.
  • The front entrance and the mechanical storage area (to the left of the front entrance) will be heavily landscaped. The parking lot will have trees to provide shade.
  • There will be minimal signage in order to protect the children.
  • There will be a natural sensory garden for the children.
JHU Information About the Early Learning Center

Johns Hopkins University this year rose to the No. 6 spot in U.S. News & World Report’s rankings of the best colleges in the nation.

The JHU events on the Homewood Field and other activities such as Ice Skating and the Spring Fair are in a separate calendar on the TCNA website in order for neighbors to be updated about what is happening.

JHU Homewood Field Calendar and Other Events on Campus


In and around


Maureen LaPorta, TCNA Restaurant Liaison

One World Cafe

One World will have Halloween Bingo. Date to be determined. They will post on their Facebook page so please check there.

On Wednesdays, from 3 - 8PM, One World is offering Quesadilla or Bean Burritos for $9.09 eat in or carry out.

Hours: Tuesday through Friday 10- 8 Saturday 9- 8 Sunday 9-4

Happy Hour is 4-6 PM, Sunday through Thursday, with 50% off all alcoholic drinks.
Alizee has specials Sunday through Thursday and burgers at the bar.

Happy Hour 5:00-9pm six days per week (closed on Mondays). Happy Hour includes half-price appetizers, a decrease in drink prices, and approximately half price beer.
Ambassador now offers the lunch buffet daily from 11AM - 2:30PM with the exception of Monday. The weekend buffet menu includes Mimosas and Bloody Marys for an increased price.
There are specials for each day Sunday has Street Food with burgers at the bar. Each menu is designed for neighbors who are close to the restaurant and can just drop in at any time.

Happy Hour is at the bar 5-7PM each night with the exception of Saturday. Sunday is Happy Hour at the bar all night.

Kanom has new management. Oat is the new manager and they continue to serve their classic sweets menu. Coconut cake is a speciality that they have on occasion. Tiramisu and almond croissants are their most popular items. There may be updates/changes in the future. 410-829-5393.

Hopkins Market

Hopkins Market has had their health inspection and have one more inspection to go. Once that is complete, they will apply for their occupancy license. Goal is for an October opening.

Read more about all the local restaurants in Tuscany-Canterbury in the new TCNA restaurant web page.

Tuscany Canterbury Homes & Condos

Sold Prices, Active Listings, Under Contract

List Now Also Includes Rentals

Active means currently on the market. .

Closed means the property has sold and no longer for sale.

More information about the sales in Tuscany Canterbury

Thanks to TCNA member and realtor, Julia Frazier, who provides this information.

Note: The information is deemed reliable, but not guaranteed.   

Source:  This information is gathered from BRIGHT MLS, Inc and is provided courtesy of Julia Martin Frazier of Monument Sotheby's International Realty, Realtor for the Sales, 42 Village Square, MD, Cell: (410) 908-1760; Office: (443)708-7074 email:

Events In and Around


If you have an event that you would like included in the newsletter, send information to the month before the event.

October 5 and 6

Last time for Household Hazardous Waste Collection

Until Spring 2025


Hispanic Heritage Month is a celebration of the culture, food, and heritage of our Latine/Hispanic community! There are several opportunities to celebrate including the various festivities for independence days for Latin American countries, speakers, and more! The Parade of Nations is October 6th! Here is a great description and history of Hispanic Heritage Month.

Spooky Tuesday Movies

Wyman Park Dell

October 8th, 6PM

Friends of Wyman Park Dell is hosting a Spooky Tuesday Movie Night. See a favorite, E.T. The Extra-Terrestial! You can bring your blanket or chair. Popcorn will be available for purchase.

  • Sunday, October 13
  • Saturday, Nov 9

Book donation window,

9 AM to 2PM ONLY

Book giveaway, 9am-5pm

Check website for details

The Book Thing Website

Concerts Near Tuscany-Canterbury


2nd Community Concerts

4200 St. Paul Street

Free concerts. No tickets or registration required. Presented in-person and live streamed on YouTube

There are many wonderful concerts available within a few minutes drive from our neighborhood. Some even within walking distance! The TCNA webpage has the list of concerts in the area. (Most are free.)


The Goats are coming back! 

The Friends of Wyman Park Dell are bringing back the Goats! The Goats are scheduled for October 25th and will stay around until they are full.

Brew Article about the Goats on the Slope

Tuscany-Canterbury in the Fall

Fall Gallery

Halloween Gallery

TCNA Officers and Board Members 2024-2025

  • President: Pat Hawthorne (Gardens of Guilford, Stony Run Lane), Calvert Covenant Renewal Workgroup, Chair Membership Committee, Member, Greens Committee
  • Vice President: Garth Thompson  (Ridgemede Road), Public Safety Committee, Chair
  • Past President: Julia Frazier (Canterbury Road), Calvert Covenant Renewal Workgroup
  • Treasurer: Bill Bass (Cloverhill Road)
  • Secretary: Bonnie Boland (The Colonnade, Canterbury Road), Member Greens Committee

Board Members:

  • Josh Cohen (Cloverhill Road), Events
  • Linda Eberhart (Tuscany Road), Newsletter Coordinator
  • Brandon Eilertson (Cloverhill Road), Chair, Streets Committee,
  • Eric Elton (Cloverhill Road), Greens Committee, Co-chair, Calvert Covenant Renewal Workgroup
  • Nancy Lee LaMotte (Ridgemede/Ridgewood Condo, Ridgemede Rd), Residential Permit Parking Coordinator, Membership Committee, Calvert Covenant Renewal Workgroup
  • Maureen LaPorta (Ridgemede Road), Neighborhood Restaurant Liaison
  • Rosalyn Mansouri (Winthrop House, Charles Street), Membership Committee
  • Amy Mutch (Tuscany Road), Calvert Liaison Committee Chair, Calvert Covenant Renewal Workgroup
  • Jo-Ann Orlinsky (St. James Condo, Charles Street), Membership Committee
  • John Warshawsky, (St. James Condo, Charles Street), Public Safety Committee
  • Julie Watson (Canterbury Road), Webmaster

Find out more about

Tuscany-Canterbury Neighborhod