This Week in Farm to School
February 17, 2022
Farm to school connects local agriculture, schools, and partners to benefit students, educators, farmers, families, and communities.
2022 Whole Kids Foundation Garden Grant Application Process Webinar
February 23, 2022 // 3 pm EST
Join the Whole Kids Foundation to hear more about their Garden Grant Program, eligibility, and application requirements! They will also share some how-to information about the online application portal.
Virtual Training: Better Being for Clearer Seeing
February 24, 2022 // 12 - 3 pm EST
Approaching evaluation with a foundation of equity and justice is a vital component in moving towards the National Farm to School Network’s Call to Action that 100% of communities hold power in a racially just food system by 2025. To better equip the farm to school community with the experience and tools to move towards anti-racist, equitable, and liberatory evaluations, please join the National Farm to School Network for this special 3-hour training session with Dr. Geri Lynn Peak of Two Gems Consulting. This workshop is designed to help evaluators examine the construction of persistent biases that impede excellence in discerning reality with a particular emphasis on learning within the farm to school and farm to early care and education (ECE) context.
North Carolina Youth Institute (NCYI)
Registration due: March 4, 2022
Event date: April 1, 2022
The NCYI is hosted by NC State University’s College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and the Department of Crop and Soil Sciences and is a part of the World Food Prize's Global Youth Institute. This program provides a platform for youth to research and give recommendations to solve key global challenges that range from food insecurity, access to potable water, poverty, human rights, engineering issues, and more. Students research issues they care about and propose their ideas to solve these grand challenges. There is no registration cost to participate in the Institute and meals will be provided during the event. However, both student and teacher/mentor participants must organize their own transportation to and from the event in North Carolina.
United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Team Nutrition Meal Talk Webinars
March 9, 2022 // 3 pm - 4 pm EST
Join the USDA’s Team Nutrition initiative for a new webinar series, Meal Talk Webinars. These webinars provide interactive trainings on hot topics related to school meals. The first webinar of this series will focus on school breakfast and will provide an overview of USDA’s School Breakfast Program, including the benefits of school breakfast, program requirements, and resources for navigating supply chain challenges. Food and Nutrition Service Offices, State agencies, School Food Authorities (SFAs), and others who may be interested are invited to participate.
Build a Better District Wellness Policy
March 24, 2022 // 2 pm EST
Join an Alliance for a Healthier Generation as they guide participants through revising their district’s wellness policy. Participants in this 30-minute session will learn how to use Healthier Generation's one-of-a-kind digital policy builder tool to select evidence-based practices, add state or local policy requirements, along with USDA final rule language, and collaborate with district leadership to update your policy for school board approval.
North Carolina Summer Food Service Program Sponsors
Children and teens in North Carolina need you! The North Carolina Department of Public Instruction is recruiting community organizations to serve as sponsors for NC Summer Nutrition Programs to provide free, nutritious meals and ensure no child goes hungry when school is out.
2022 NC Jr. Chef Competition Finalist Teams
Five teams of high school students enrolled in food and nutrition and culinary arts courses will vie for the state title in the 2022 North Carolina Jr. Chef Competition. Based on applications and recipes submitted, teams from Apex High (Wake County Public Schools), Ashe County High, Monroe High and Parkwood High (Union County Public Schools), and Swain County High were selected as finalists in the statewide cook-off next month.
School Meals Report, 2020 - 2021 School Year
The Food Research and Action Center has released their 2022 report – The Reach of Breakfast and Lunch: A Look at Pandemic and Pre-Pandemic Participation. The report found student participation in school breakfast and lunch dropped dramatically across the country when the COVID-19 pandemic hit and School Nutrition programs are still recovering.
Climate Justice For All Project Grants
Deadline: March 7, 2022
The Climate Justice for All Grant Program (CJA grants) is an initiative that supports organizations or grassroots groups run by and primarily serving frontline communities in developing community solutions to environmental injustices in the US and Puerto Rico. Selected organizations receive a one-time grant of up to $20,000, access to a curated library of resources, and opportunities to help amplify and spread their message in partnership with Climate Reality and peer organizations.
As part of the grant cycle, organizations are invited to participate in capacity-building workshops, check-ins with Climate Reality staff, and peer-learning opportunities with other grantees. Their grant-making approach is based on working collaboratively with all grantees and building authentic relationships together. While they work closely with grantees to ensure their solutions are advancing at a steady pace, grantees are always in the driver’s seat. With flexibility, trust, and recognition of their expertise, they see organizations as working partners in the pursuit of an equitable and sustainable future for all.
Whole Kids Foundation Garden Grant Program
Deadline: March 11, 2022
At Whole Kids Foundation, they know that the more kids know and feel connected to their food, the more curious they become about how things grow or taste, and the more willing they are to try new foods. Their Garden Grant program provides a $3,000 monetary grant to support a new or existing edible educational garden located at either a K-12 school or a non-profit organization that serves children in the K-12 grade range.
School Nutrition Foundation Equipment Grants
Deadline: March 31, 2022
The School Nutrition Foundation is teaming up with industry partners to provide new kitchen equipment to deserving districts. Apply now for the 2022 SNF Equipment Grant Program, featuring applications for not one but FIVE grants! Eligible applicants have the opportunity to win equipment grants, each worth between $20,000 to $100,000 of equipment. Applications and photos must be submitted by a School Nutrition Director. This year, only finalists will be asked to submit a 2-3-minute video. They will announce the recipients in May of 2022.
Farm Bill Guide
Check out this resource from the Food Policy Networks for food councils on the upcoming Farm Bill. This guide explains the Farm Bill’s legislative process, funding practices, and influence on our food system. Additionally, the guide provides examples of how food councils have engaged in Farm Bill advocacy.
Transitional Standards for Milk, Whole Grains, and Sodium - Final Rule
The USDA is finalizing its November 2020, proposed rulemaking regarding Child Nutrition meal pattern requirements. The USDA’s Food and Nutrition Service invites interested persons to submit written comments, before March 24, 2022, on the provisions of this final rule.
28-Days of Black History
Curated by Black artists, educators, curators, and visionaries, subscribe to Anti-Racism Daily's free, daily email series to celebrate Black History Month this February. Each email will include a cultural artifact, action steps, and discussion questions!