August 31, 2021
September 1, 2021 DEADLINE

It is time to complete the annual reporting (financial responsibility disclosure (FRD), IOLTA, etc.) and pay annual fees for the 2021-2022 fiscal year. The deadline for reporting and paying fees is on or before midnight, September 1, 2021. To complete the reporting process go to and click on the Membership Reporting and fees 2021-2022 tab.
(Note: This is not the CLE reporting period deadline which ends in 2022.)

The time schedule to follow on Keller issues is available on the State Bar’s website or  Click here for Keller Notice . If any member has questions concerning this matter, please contact Anita Casey at The West Virginia State Bar at 304-553-7228 or by email at  
Challenges should be directed to Executive Director Anita Casey and may be submitted by mail: 2000 Deitrick Blvd., Charleston, WV 25311 or email:
The State Bar is monitoring, on a daily basis, National, State and local health and safety updates regarding the COVID-19 pandemic. The Bar wants to keep all members, staff, visitors, and others safe.  Participants at upcoming Bar events, including but not limited to the Board of Governors’ meeting and Regional meetings, may be asked to wear masks, social distance, and comply with any State or local health department mandates/protocols. As events draw near, the Bar will advise you, via the Bar Blast, of any mandates/protocols on scheduled gatherings.  
The WV Board of Risk and Insurance Management (BRIM) has determined that claims in the Patient Injury Compensation Fund (PICF) are now fully funded. Under W. Va. Code Section 29-12D-1a(d), the required 1% assessment of the gross amount of any settlement or judgment in a qualifying claim under the MPLA will terminate if the liability of the PICF is funded in its entirety. As all claims are now fully funded, these assessments are no longer required to be remitted to BRIM for deposit into the Fund. 
Questions should be directed to Mary Jane Pickens, Executive Director, WV Board of Risk and Insurance Management at 

The WV State Bar is happy to announce that Photo ID Cards can once again be requested online. If you have a West Virginia Driver’s license, you can request that a card be mailed to you using your existing driver’s license photo. If you do not have a West Virginia driver’s license, you can still request the card online then take your receipt to any WV DMV office to have your photo taken. 

New West Virginia State Bar Administrative Rule 6.05(f) allows attorneys to earn one credit hour of CLE for every three completed hours of pro bono legal services performed at one of the organizations named in the rule (see logos below). Attorneys cannot earn pro bono credit for legal services performed at any other organization. You can earn a maximum of 6 pro bono CLE credits per reporting period (equal to 18 hours of pro bono work). No pro bono credits carry over to future reporting periods.  
CANCELLATION of Lunch and Laughs with a Legal Legend
(Previously scheduled for September 10, 2021)
The Board of Directors of the West Virginia Bar Foundation has voted that it is in the best interest of everyone involved for this year’s Lunch and Laughs with a Legal Legend to be POSTPONED. Everyone always looks forward to this fun event where a well-known figure in the West Virginia legal community is roasted for the good of the causes of the Foundation.
However, with the current uncertainty surrounding the COVID situation, the Foundation’s Board of Directors thought it prudent to re-schedule until September 2022. Be on the lookout for the new date once the Erickson Alumni Center has it set.
In the meantime, if you have any questions or want to donate to the West Virginia Bar Foundation in support of its many causes, please e-mail Executive Director Deb Scudiere at or call her at 304 282-2462. 
 Two-part CLE series on Transgender Kids
The Court Improvement Program
Division of Children and Juvenile Services
September 14 and September 28, 2021
Part I: Transgender 101 will be held on September 14, 2021 from 12:00 PM to 12:50 PM and will topics will include Terminology, Coming Out, Is this a Phase?, and Mental Health Concerns.
Part II: The Unique Needs of Transgender Kids in Care will be held on September 28, 2021 from 12:00 PM to 12:50 PM and topics will include Family Conflict, Truancy, Placement Decisions, and Meeting the Mental Health and Physical Health Needs of Transgender Kids.
Location: WebEx - Webinar
CLE: 1 credit per session
Speaker: Dr. Molly Fechter-Leggett, WVU Medicine.
Cost: None
Basic End of Life Planning: Powers of Attorney,
Living Wills, and Simple Wills
 September 15, 2021, from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Cost: Free. Legal Aid of WV asks that attendees take a pro bono wills case within 12 months of the training.
CLE: 2.4 credits 
Course Description: This two-hour seminar will provide basic training on end-of-life planning, including a discussion and explanation of powers of attorney, medical powers of attorney, living wills, and simple wills. The presenters will also review current law, the Five Wishes advance directives, special needs trusts, and the transfer on death deed.
Location: Virtual or In-person: Virtual will be via GoToWebinar. In-person attendance offered at Charleston Legal Aid office for a maximum of 6 (six) attendees
Sign-up:  When registering, note in the “Questions and Comments” box if you are planning to attend the in-person training.
Forensic Psychology/Psychiatry Issues
In Civil and Criminal Law
September 22, 2021 (9:00 a.m to Noon)

Location:  In-person or live Webinar
Host: State Bar
Speakers: David A, Clayman, Ph.D., Steven G. Cody, Ph.D., and Nathaniel Stephenson, Psy.D.
CLE: 3 credits

CLE Announcements
Temporary Waiver of Online and In-house
Continuing Legal Education Credit Limit

Due to ongoing concerns associated with the COVID-19 virus, the Supreme Court of Appeals of West Virginia has granted a request from the Mandatory Continuing Legal Education Commission for a temporary waiver of current CLE rules and regulations which limit the CLE credits for online and in-house credits to 12 credits, or half of the mandatory continuing legal education requirements FOR THE 2020-2022 reporting period.

Extension of the Bridge the Gap Requirement
Attorneys admitted to the WV State Bar between July 1, 2018 and December 31, 2020 have been granted a one-year extension of time to complete the mandatory Bridge-the-Gap Program.
The extension was based on a determination by the Court that attorneys within that time frame were adversely affected by the cancellation of the Bridge-the-Gap program scheduled in April 2020 due to COVID.