Eaton County 4-H
Family News
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Program Announcements

Welcome Zaire!

Please join us in welcoming Zaire Parrotte as the new Eaton County 4-H Extension Program Coordinator! Zaire is looking forward to providing leadership for the 4-H program starting June 12th. Until then, please continue to keep in contact with Sara Corr and Roxanne Turner for any questions you may have.

4-H Program Contact Information

  • 4-H Online enrollment questions: Please reach out to Sara Corr, Eaton’s support staff, at 517-543-2310 or
  • Newsletter additions: Please reach out to Sara Corr, Eaton’s support staff, at 517-543-2310 or
  • You can also reach out to Roxanne Turner, District 8 supervisor (including Eaton), at or 517-546-3950.

Upcoming County 4-H Events and Activities
Visit our county 4-H events calendar

State 4-H Horse Show

4-H youth in the horse project area: The State 4-H Horse Show is back! We have 13 delegate spots for Eaton County 4-H (and will need 3 volunteers if we fill all 13 spots).

Dates: August 18-20, 2023

As a reminder, to be considered as a delegate for the State 4-H Horse Show, all 4-H members must complete the delegate selection packet, including 8 of the listed activities, and return to the Extension office by July 1. NEW THIS YEAR, all chosen delegates will receive a $30 scholarship to put towards fees.

State 4-H Horse Show information will be available here

Eaton County Delegate Selection Packet

4-H Food Shack Reminders (revised)

Are you planning to help with your club's shift at the 4-H Food Shack during fair week? Here are a few things you may need to know:

  • Clubs have 4 and 1/2 hour shifts and must provide 3 adults and 5 youth per shift. Check with your club administrative leader for your assigned shift day and time.
  • All adults must be Gold or Silver level volunteers. Only Gold level volunteers can work the registers. If you need to apply as a volunteer, you can do so at:
  • Youth ages 8 & up can work in the food shack. Older teens may work registers (will be determined by the skillset of the youth during the shift). No more than two 8-year-old's on the same shift
  • Must have clean, closed toe shoes (cannot come from a barn).
  • No sleeveless shirts.
  • Clean hats are OK, hair must be pulled back.

Save the Date - Upcoming County Meetings

4-H Council: Thursday June 1, at 7pm, in the PMR.

  • Open to all regardless of project area! Every club is encouraged to send at least 1 volunteer and 1 youth to every Council meeting.
  • This meeting agenda is TBD.

Jr Livestock Association: Monday June 12, at 7pm, in the PMR

  • Open to all youth and volunteers in the beef, dairy beef/feeders, sheep, and swine project areas. This meeting will go over any last minute sale details.

4-H Jr Livestock Association Sale

4-H JLA Sale Shifts

The JLA sale cannot run without YOU! We need a significant number of volunteers to help on the Thursday and Friday of fair week to make the sale run smoothly. Sale shift sign up will be available in June. As a reminder, youth who work a sale shift (or have a representative work a sale shift on behalf of the youth) will receive their sale check a week earlier than those who do not.

Sign up here:

Note that adults will need to complete screening in order to volunteer this year! This includes all adults for the shifts listed below, whether you come from 4-H or FFA. 4-H age youth (4-H or FFA) do not need to complete screening to help. Screening at a Gold level may take 2-4 weeks and screening at a Silver level may take 3-4 days, so please plan ahead (if staff are processing a large volume, it will take longer - applying now is highly recommended! If you are not accepted as a volunteer prior to fair, you may not volunteer in the role). If adults are interested in volunteering for one of the sale shifts mentioned below and need to complete the minimum level of screening listed, you can apply at:

Overview of sale shifts

Throughout fair week:

  • Money Counting: Adults (Gold level volunteers only) and older teens. Help balance the funds collected with records for deposit. Time varies (early in the week is 30 minutes or less, sale day is an hour or more).

Thursday shifts:

  • Lunch: Adults (Silver or Gold level volunteers) and youth. Help serve food at the JLA Buyer Luncheon on sale day. 2 hour shifts.
  • Counter: Adults (Gold level volunteers only) and older teens. Help register and check out buyers and answer questions about the sale. 3 hour shifts.
  • Tech: Adults (Gold level volunteers only) and older teens. Help record buyer information, clerking sheets, premiums, and payments into the Fair Entry system. 2 or 3 hour shifts (shifts are staggered throughout the day).
  • Filing: Adults (Silver or Gold level volunteers) and youth. Help file buyer folders in numerical order. 2 hour shifts.
  • Runners: Youth. Help run back and forth between the sale ring and the office with clerking and premium sheets. 2 hour shifts.
  • Clerking: Adults (Silver or Gold level volunteers). Help record buyer information and other sale information in the ring. Entire sale (with breaks).
  • Thank you table: Adults (Silver or Gold level volunteers) and youth. Help hand out pen thank you signs to youth to put above their pens. 2 hour shifts.

Friday shifts:

  • Office support: Adults (Gold level volunteers only) and older teens. Help with counter or tech related work with checking out buyers, processing payments, and animal shipping information. 2 hour shifts.

JLA Sale Shift Sign Up

4-H JLA Sale Information

July 13, 2023

Eaton County Fairgrounds (in-person sale)

Sale will start at 10:00 a.m. with a pause for lunch following the beef sale.

Sale Order: Beef - Sheep - Swine

You can find many resources for youth sellers and for buyers on the websites linked below, including the following:

Website for Youth Sellers: Sale rules (in the JLA Bylaws), Frequently Asked Questions document, lunch schedule and food list (when available), shift sign-up (when available), sale forms, carcass instructions

Website for Buyers: Sale Flyer, Proxy and Premium Forms, Frequently Asked Questions document, and additional information

JLA Website for Buyer
JLA Website for Youth Sellers

4-H Small Animal Association Sale

4-H SAA Sale Shifts

The SAA sale cannot run without YOU! We need a significant number of volunteers to help on the Thursday and Friday of fair week to make the sale run smoothly. Please click the button below for the sale shift sign up.

Note that adults will need to complete screening in order to volunteer this year! This includes all adults for the shifts listed below, whether you come from 4-H or FFA. 4-H age youth (4-H or FFA) do not need to complete screening to help. If adults are interested in volunteering for one of the sale shifts mentioned below and need to complete the minimum level of screening listed, you can apply at:

Overview of sale shifts (all shifts on Saturday, July 15):

  • Lunch: Adults (Silver or Gold level volunteers) and youth. Help serve food at the SAA Buyer Luncheon on sale day. 1.5 hour shifts.
  • Silent Auction: Adults (Gold level volunteers only) and youth. Help run the silent auction. 1.5 hour shifts.
  • Counter: Adults (Gold level volunteers only) and older teens. Help register and check out buyers and answer questions about the sale. 2 to 3 hour shifts.
  • Tech: Adults (Gold level volunteers only) and older teens. Help record buyer information, clerking sheets, premiums, and payments into the Fair Entry system. 2 hour shifts.
  • Filing: Adults (Silver or Gold level volunteers) and youth. Help file buyer folders in numerical order. 2 hour shifts.
  • Runners: Youth. Help run back and forth between the sale ring and the office with clerking and premium sheets. 1 hour shifts.
  • Clerking: Adults (Silver or Gold level volunteers). Help record buyer information and other sale information in the ring. Entire sale (with breaks).
  • Thank you table: Adults (Silver or Gold level volunteers) and youth. Help hand out pen thank you signs to youth to put above their pens. 1 hour shifts.

SAA sale shift sign up

4-H SAA Sale Information

July 15, 2023

Eaton County Fairgrounds (in-person sale)

Sale starts at 1:00 p.m., Silent Auction TBD, luncheon begins at 12 p.m. noon

Sale Order: Poultry - Rabbits/Cavies - Goats

You can find many resources for youth sellers and for buyers on the websites linked below, including the following:

Website for Youth Sellers: Sale rules (in the SAA Bylaws), Frequently Asked Questions document, lunch schedule and food list (when available), shift sign-up (when available), sale forms

Website for Buyers: Sale Flyer, Proxy and Premium Forms, Frequently Asked Questions document, and additional information

SAA Website for Buyers
SAA Website for Youth Sellers
Statewide 4-H Events

Interested in attending a state or national 4-H workshop, camp, or other event? Don't forget - Eaton County 4-H has many scholarships available to help cover the cost of the events! For more information about scholarships, visit the link in the button below or contact 4-H staff.

Scholarships for state and national 4-H events

Registration is open for 4-H Great Lakes and Natural Resource Camp!

4-H Great Lakes and Natural Resources Camp is an annual three-time national award-winning camp that mixes summer fun and hands-on science education. The camp will be held July 23-29 on the shores of Lake Esau at Camp Chickagami in Presque Isle. This pre-college program is for teens who will be age 13 to 15 during camp. 

During this enriching MSU Extension educational program, campers will increase their science literacy and stewardship as they learn from natural resource experts in fields such as Great Lakes coastal and fisheries management, limnology, wildlife, forestry, geography, geology and environmental education.

In addition to hands-on learning, attendees will also enjoy exciting natural resources recreation activities such as kayaking, snorkeling, sailing, fossil hunting, archery, photography, and evenings around a campfire.

First-time campers also go charter fishing and learn and learn to fillet their catch while all campers have fun and make new friends with people from difference backgrounds and areas.

Registration is now open! The registration fee is $500 and includes six nights of lodging, all meals and snacks, a t-shirt and program and activity costs. Space is limited to 70 campers so register today. For more information and to register, visit

Dog Agility Workshop

The Agility Workshop is NOW open for registration. Please note that there are two different sessions. Morning is for beginners, afternoon is for advanced. Dogs MUST be able to work off-leash and have a recall. Space is limited to 20 beginner spots, and 20 advanced spots. Cost is $35.00. Youth and their canine partners will be working at four different stations: contacts, weaves, tunnels and jumps.

There is a QR code on the flyer and the registration link is below.

Host a Japanese youth in Summer 2023 through States' 4-H International!

Host a delegate in your home this summer and give your family a global perspective!


Invite an international youth into your home for three and a half weeks and share an American experience. Expand your family’s cultural understanding, learn about new foods and customs, and possibly a new language all while sharing your own. Your children will build lifelong friendships and will gain new perspectives on their own country too! Applications to host can be found at


For more information



Contact Michigan 4-H International Exchange Programs Coordinator Jan Brinn or Co-Coordinator John Wurm  

The Ingham County 4-H Horse Camp registration is open!

All of the information is available here:

In the link above you will find the 2023 Horse Camp General Information document. It is recommended that you review this document before registering as it includes rules, session titles, and an agenda.

View the 2023 Horse Camp event page:

Livestock Judging Camp Save the Date

Save the date for a livestock judging camp on Saturday, June 3rd, 2023! This event will be open to both 4-H, non-4-H youth, and coaches/volunteers.

During this one-day clinic, youth and coaches will have the opportunity to learn from industry leaders about all things livestock evaluation. Youth and their coaches will gain experience judging beef, sheep, swine, and meat goats.

Participants will pre-select two breakout sessions to attend in the morning and rotate through each species in the afternoon. Breakout sessions include Analyzing Data and Scenarios, Oral Reasons 101, Advanced Reasons, Selection Priorities, Intro to Livestock Judging Contests, and a Coaches Corner session.

Registration closes at 11:59 p.m. on May 15, 2023


Here is the information link: 

2023 State 4-H Goat Show

Join us for the 2023 State 4-H Goat Show! The show makes its return on Saturday, June 17 at the MSU Pavilion. Michigan 4-H members ages 5-19 and volunteers in goat projects are invited to attend. Registration closes June 1.

The show catalog and registration information can be found on our website:

Overnight Canine Camp 2023

The 2023 4-H Canine Camp is now open for registration! Space is limited, and all the information is provided in Events when you register. A few notes:

You must pay to hold your spot. You may send a check if you don't wish to use a credit card. But, if the camp fills quickly, we will be taking the participants who have paid. Please read the cancellation policy carefully.

Any adult that registers to participate and wants to stay in the adult side of the dorm MUST be a 4-H Gold volunteer. Otherwise, adult participants must dry camp or stay off site overnight.

Youth ages 8-11 may participate but they MUST have a parent or guardian with them all day, and at all sessions/activities for supervision of them and their dog. They will not be allowed to stay overnight, so parents will need to make arrangements for off site lodging. Parents won't need to pay for registration for themselves in this capacity, and will receive all meals and snacks free.

Registration does have limits for participation set up for youth and adults based on bed capacity. If you are only day camping (sleeping off site or dry camping), you will be able to participate as it is bed capacity that is restricting participant numbers. Dog must have all vaccines by May 18th. Parent or guardian must sign the Aggressive Dog Policy

This will be an exciting weekend of learning with your canine partner!

Register at:

Registration closes at 11:59 p.m. on May 18, 2023

For the most up-to-date events listing, go to

4-H Club Best Practices

This section will feature a different topic each newsletter highlighting best practices for 4-H clubs. Everyone, youth 4-Hers, adult volunteers, and families, can contribute toward making their club the best and following best practices!

Volunteering in 4-H and Volunteer Screening for Adults

Did you know that adults that interact with the 4-H program (through your club, a fair shift for a 4-H run activity, or county program) may need to complete screening depending on your role and what you may be doing within the club?

Do you volunteer in any of the following ways in your 4-H club?

  • Help kids that are not your own with club activities
  • Lead projects or activities in the club
  • Handle funds (from helping a treasurer to manning the fund collection point at your club's fundraiser)
  • Manage a booth at an outreach event (such as a school open house)
  • Chaperone kids at club outings or field trips
  • Want to become a club administrative leader
  • Lead county-level activities (such as Cloverbud Camp, workshops, or other events)
  • Running the cash register at the 4-H Food Shack at fair
  • Any of the following shifts for the Jr Livestock Association or Small Animal Association sales: Counter, Tech, Money Handling, Friday JLA office support

Then you may need to complete screening as a Gold level volunteer!

Do you volunteer in any of these other ways in your 4-H club?

  • Help your club's 4-H Food Shack shift at fair (if not on the cash register)
  • Work your club's registration table for meetings
  • Any of the following shifts for the Jr Livestock Association or Small Animal Association sales: Lunch, Filing, Clerking, Thank you table

Then you may need to complete screening as a Silver level volunteer!

If you are unsure if you need to complete screening, please contact the Extension office. If you are volunteering in any of the ways listed above, you need to fully complete screening and be accepted as a volunteer prior to serving in any volunteer role. Please plan ahead! It can take 2-4 weeks for Gold level volunteer screening and 3-4 days for Silver level screening, depending on staff capacity (it could take longer).

Volunteer Definitions

Apply to be a volunteer
Eaton County Fair
The following information is related to the Eaton County Fair. While The Eaton County Fair is not a MSU Extension, 4-H sponsored event, this information is of interest to many in our 4-H community. Please contact the Eaton County Fair directly for any fair related questions. Contact information can be found on their website at

2023 Fair Theme:

"Showing at the Eaton County Fair"

Registration via Fair Entry NOW OPEN!

Fair Entry is now open for registration!


  • Please make sure to use the fair book when registering as you will need to know what classes are appropriate for you to register in. The fair book can be found online at
  • Keep the email that the system will send as confirmation of your entries. Entries will be approved by the fair office and you will receive a second email when your entries are approved.
  • All pen space request forms, June 1 forms, and camping forms will be collected by the superintendent/fair office as appropriate, NOT through Fair Entry.
  • Please do not enter into a class unless you are planning to exhibit in that class at fair.
  • If you tagged multiple animals, you may need to create separate entries for each animal.
  • Youth exhibitors should enter into classes which are not in a department labeled "Open Class..."
  • Open Class entries will open on June 2nd and close on June 18th.
  • If you have any questions or problems, please contact the Fair Office at 517-543-4510 or Martin Fabrik at 517-667-1293 via call or text.

Fair Entry Website

Fair board meetings

Fair board holds public meetings on the third Monday of the month. The next public fair board meeting is Monday, May 15th, at 7pm at Kardel Hall.

Fair Office Hours

The fair office is now open full time, 9am - 4:30pm Monday - Friday, and open until 6pm on Wednesdays.

The fair office is located in the Theo Savage Exhibit Building on the side of the building closest to Cochran Ave.

Contact information can be found at:

Michigan State University is an affirmative-action, equal opportunity employer. Michigan State University Extension programs and material are open to all without regard to race, color, national origin, gender, gender identity, religion, age, height, weight, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, marital status, family status, or veteran status.

Michigan State University occupies the ancestral, traditional and contemporary lands of the Anishinaabeg – Three Fires Confederacy of the Ojibwe, Odawa and Potawatomi peoples. The university resides on land ceded in the 1819 Treaty of Saginaw.

Sara Corr (Pronouns: she, her, hers) | Eaton County Office Manager | Eaton County MSU Extension

517-543-2310 |

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