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August 2022

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Research Spotlight

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NGCP Updates:

Resource Update

Exemplary Practices Resource Page Updates

NGCP has updated our Exemplary Practices resource pages for Engaging Girls in STEM and Access and Equity, two collections of research-based publications and webinars to inform programming, presentations, and proposal writing related to equity and STEM education. Resources highlight gender equitable and culturally responsive strategies and program examples on topics such as, disability justice in STEM education, culturally responsive programming for Indigenous youth, and intersectionality as a tool for broadening participation of girls and women in computing. 

Illustration with purple, blue, green, yellow colors of girls tinkering

Graphics from NGCP's State of Girls and Women in STEM

NGCP has created a tool kit with graphics of statistics and research focused on K-12 Education, Higher Education, and the STEM Workforce from the State of Girls and Women in STEM report. These free graphics can be used on social media and in presentations.


NGCP Webinar: Leveraging Collective Impact to Support STEM Programs and Resources

September 29, 2022, 12:00 PM Pacific / 3:00 PM Eastern

In celebration of NGCP's 20th anniversary in September, learn how NGCP and other organizations leverage collective impact to provide the opportunity for programs to increase their ability to maintain interest and participation of girls in STEM. Hear from a dynamic panel of speakers on strategies for successful STEM collaborations and how to nurture and scale effective STEM learning opportunities for all young people.

NGCP Webinar Series: Addressing STEM Stereotypes

We can break down stereotypes about STEM and help young children, youth, and young adults strengthen their interest and identification with STEM. Learn about strategies and resources to foster conversation with diverse learners and break down stereotypes.

         Addressing STEM Stereotypes with Youth and Young Adults

         October 13, 2022, 11:00 AM Pacific / 2:00 PM Eastern

         Addressing STEM Stereotypes with Young Children

         October 20, 2022, 11:00 AM Pacific / 2:00 PM Eastern


NASA Inspires Futures for Tomorrow’s Youth (NIFTY)

NASA’s Science Mission Directorate has awarded $1.2 million dollars across four years in support of a new project entitled NASA Inspires Futures for Tomorrow’s Youth. The National Girls Collaborative Project is excited to be partnering with Twin Cities PBS (lead), Space Science Institute and the NASA Langley Research Center, this initiative will prepare 100 NASA STEM professionals to use research-based gender equitable and culturally responsive practices to encourage youth (ages 9-14) to engage in STEM studies and NASA career pathways. The project has a strong focus on engaging more underrepresented youth, including girls and Black, Latinx, and Indigenous youth in STEM.

Research Spotlight

international journal of STEM education cover, intersecting circles

In August we are highlighting intersectional research and it’s connection to practice, showcasing exemplary practices and program models for engaging girls and youth in STEM. 

Which role models are effective for which students? A systematic review and four recommendations for maximizing the effectiveness of role models in STEM, by Jessica R. Gladstone and Andrei Cimpian, provides a review of research on role models and students’ STEM motivation, analyzing how youth perceive role models in relation to their intersectional identities. Four recommendations for designing role model experiences to diversifying STEM are identified: Portray role models as competent and successful, portray role models as meaningfully similar to youth, prioritize exposing youth from groups traditionally underrepresented in STEM to role models, and portray role models' success as attainable. 

Upcoming STEM Events

CMD-IT/ACM Richard Tapia Celebration of Diversity in Computing Conference  

Washington, D.C., September 7-10, 2022

The Tapia Conference, organized by the Center for Minorities and People with Disabilities in IT and Association of Computing Machinery, brings together undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, researchers, and professionals in computing from all backgrounds and ethnicities to celebrate and promote diversity. Register


Association of Science and Technology Centers (ASTC) Conference

Pittsburgh, PA, September 12-15, 2022 

ASTC is an organization of science centers and museums dedicated to furthering public engagement with science among diverse audiences. This year's theme “Traversing Tomorrow Together” will explore a refined vision of the future for science and technology centers, museums, and allied professionals working at the intersections of science, technology, and society. Join NGCP for two workshops, Dream It, Plan It, Evaluate it: Inspiring Equity in STEM Environments, and Connecting Museums and Libraries to Promote Community Engagement in Science, and visit our exhibit hall booth. Early bird registration ends August 16, 2022. Register.

Grace Hopper Celebration (GHC)

Online, September 20-23, 2022

GHC is the world's largest gathering of women technologists. This year's theme "Next is Now", underscores the urgency for equity in tech by considering all intersections of power. Participants will gain access to career and academic workshops, networking opportunities, and role models. A virtual conference option is available on the registration portal. Register.

American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES) Conference

Palm Springs, CA, October 6-8, 2022

The AISES conference focuses on educational, professional, and workforce development for Indigenous peoples of North America and the Pacific Islands in STEM studies and careers. Includes the largest college and career fair in the U.S. for Indigenous students and professionals. Exhibitors represent a diverse range of corporations, educational institutions, government agencies, nonprofits, Tribes, and Indigenous-owned businesses. Early bird registration ends August 12, 2022.  Register.

CSforALL Summit

Memphis, TN, October 19-21, 2022

The summit theme is “Game Changers in CS", exploring ways to shift the movement to ensure computer science is an equitable and sustainable part of the K-12 experience. With Memphis partner CodeCrew, the Summit will feature high-level conversations with national thought leaders highlighting strategies for equity, removing barriers to access, and building meaningful engagement for all students. Call for 2022 Commitments is open until September 9, 2022. Register

Society of Women Engineers Conference (WE22)

Houston, TX, October 20-22, 2022

WE21 is the largest conference for Women Engineers. This year’s theme is "A World of Opportunity Awaits." Learn, network, and be inspired by diverse women in the fields of technology and engineering. A virtual conference option is available on the registration portal. Early bird registration ends September 30, 2022. Register.

National Career Pathways Network (NCPN) Connect Conference 

Atlanta, GA, October 20-22, 2022

The NCPN conference is a professional development opportunity offering informative presentations, keynote speakers, and other timely information for professionals in Career Pathways, CTE, and workforce and economic development. Register.

Summer Changes Everything NSLA Conference

Washington, DC, October 24-26, 2022

The National Summer Learning Association (NSLA) conference is an opportunity for stakeholders in the summer learning movement to share resources, best practices, and solutions for summer learning and afterschool programs. Early bird registration is open. Register.

Beyond School Hours

Orlando, FL, February 9-12, 2023

Educators and leaders serving K-12 students in afterschool, summertime, and beyond will have the opportunity to engage in professional development and capacity building, including hands-on workshops, interactive discussions, exhibits with the latest products and solutions. Early bird registration ends September 30, 2022. Register.

STEM Resources
IF/THEN collection logo, black and purple

IF/THEN® Collection Activities 

The IF/THEN® Collection features hands-on activities created by NGCP and partners for engaging girls and youth in STEM. Activities focus on topics such as representation, STEM journeys, and stereotypes, and feature the diverse careers pathways of AAAS IF/THEN® Ambassadors working in disciplines such as environmental science, mathematics, astronomy, and more. 

National Aviation Day 

Celebrate National Aviation Day (August 19, 2022) with role models resources from the IF/THEN® Collection, including Nikki Sereika, Aircraft Maintenance Technician and Adele Luta, Scientist & Innovator, and NASA’s Aerospace-related STEM Resources for K-12, a collection of lesson plans featuring hands-on activities and STEM toolkits on topics, such as sustainable aviation.

Learning from young women cover

NCWIT Learning from Young Women Study

This National Center for Women & Information Technology (NCWIT) study explores why some women pursue and/or persist in computing fields, while some do not. Data included a large sample of women from around the United States in high school, college, and the workforce over six years. Key findings underscore the importance of recognizing institutional and cultural factors that reinforce and maintain exclusionary practices, highlighting how gender and ethnicity-blind meritocracy perpetuate systemic biases.

The Toy Association’s Back to School STEAM Toy Shopping List

Toys on the list meet the criteria set in The Toy Association’s STEAM Toy Assessment Framework, developed in partnership with The Good Play Guide™, and have passed a rigorous evaluation process to earn an official “STEAM Stamp of Approval”. The toys were first tested by children and were evaluated by The Good Play Guide™. Learn more

Global Resources
Gender Report Cover

UNESCO Global Education Monitoring Report 

This annual report provides a global picture of advances in and barriers to achieving gender equality in education across 120 countries and highlights the impacts of gender stereotypes and biases on girls' access, performance, and pursuit of STEM. Key findings include that girls' performance in mathematics is equal to boys in upper primary and secondary school, however, boys continue to be the highest performers in all countries. In middle and high-income countries, while girls in secondary school score higher in science, they are less likely to pursue science-related careers.

About Us

The National Girls Collaborative Project™ promotes equity and STEM experiences as diverse as the world we live in. Our mission is to connect, create, and collaborate to transform STEM for all youth.

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Support Our Work

Help create the tipping point for gender equity in STEM. Your support helps NGCP connect, create, and collaborate to transform STEM for all youth. Your generosity allows us to support programs working to increase girls’ interest in STEM by providing collaboration support, professional development, curriculum, and helpful evaluation and assessment techniques. Consider making a recurring donation to maximize your impact!

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