We are making a plea for some help this month to help support the many new rescue Goldens that have arrived at our doorstep.
We anticipated that this may happen when life began turning back to normal post-COVID and we are so proud to be a source people turn to when they can no longer care for their Golden. This selfless act is one of the most difficult decisions a family can make for their pups. We are seeing many owner turn-ins and are receiving lots of calls from local shelters with Goldens in need of a new home. Several have heartworm, medical issues, and training needs which we quickly move to rectify and as a result, we have seen our medical/training costs skyrocket.
We cannot do the work we do without the help from every one of you within our AGA family. Even the smallest amount will help us to provide the care needed for these pups while they look for their forever home.
Will you please consider donating today?