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December 2024

December has brought snow on the mountains, rain everywhere else, and that familiar, low winter sunlight. We cherish the daylight we have, and the horses are all cute, fuzzy, and well-insulated.

Jerry and I took an actual vacation recently, joining our friends Dave Ellis and Jody Grimm at their ranch near Porterville, California for a relaxed week of horsemanship and cow work. We took Jerry's young horse Jackson, and my trainee Oliver, from Wensleydale Farms in Oregon. The dogs came too--Jackie the old hand, and my Alice, brand new to the whole travel thing. We had a great time with a great group of people, working cows, exploring the ranch, and spending some nice arena time with Dave. Many thanks to our hosts!

Warmest wishes. Wherever the holidays find you, we wish you and yours a safe, warm, wonderful Christmas and New Years!

Yours in good health and wise horsemanship,

Mary Gallagher

Upcoming Events

Dec 29

11–2 Feet First Hoof Care class

Every Friday, 10:30 - 12:30 Groundwork class!!

Join Mary Gallagher and students for some special time to connect with your horse, on the ground.

Sapphira and Avonlea go for that Christmas spirit!

View The Calendar Online

Feet First Hoof Care Class

With Jerry Schmidt and Mary Gallagher

Sunday, Dec 29, 11 am - 2 pm

Jerry Schmidt and Mary Gallagher teach you how to care for your barefoot horse, from cleaning to balancing the hoof through regular maintenance you can do between trims.
Email Mary Gallagher to Register

Wise Horsemanship

You can watch videos and read articles from Mary Gallagher, Jerry Schmidt and others, sharing tips on horsemanship, hoof care and life on the Farm, at our Wise Horsemanship blog and YouTube channel. Subscribe to both get the latest content!

From the Gallery

Cow work in the Sierra foothills at LS Ranch.

Jerry on vacation.

Alice, mountain dog.

Oliver was great with cows!

Ground class in the Emerald Forest

That two in the afternoon winter sun....!

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