• THIS WEEK IN PNEC                 July 28, 2022
Penn Northeast Conference UCC, 431 Delaware Ave., Palmerton, PA 18071
www.pnec.org  610-826-3113
Conference Minister, Rev. Dr. Bonnie Bates   bonnieb@pnec.org       
Barbara Jennings   barbaraj@pnec.org
Patty Rehrig   pattyr@pnec.org
Bonnie's Letter
“And Jesus began to weep.” John 11:35
Dear Friends,
There are a few times in scripture where Jesus weeps. He weeps over the city of Jerusalem in one place – for they have been known as the city that kills prophets. Yet, in this passage from John, Jesus is weeping over the death of his dear friends Lazarus. Jesus expresses his sorrow, even as he prepares to raise Lazarus from the dead. Sorrow and loss are present even when we know resurrection comes.
The Penn Northeast Conference has experienced its share of sorrow and loss this summer – and our congregations and pastors have experienced almost countless losses since the COVID pandemic began. All this loss is challenging, even when we know, we truly do know, that God is a God of love and resurrection.
Yesterday marked the nine-month anniversary of Steve’s passing (my husband). Someone asked me how I was. I wasn’t sure what to say. I am at peace because he is at peace. I miss him because we spent more than 42 years as friends and partners. There are moments when I can’t catch my breath from the pain and moments when it would be hard for someone to know my heart is still broken. And yet it is. And I, too, weep.
Who are you weeping for these days? With whom are you sharing your stories and memories through the life, relationship, and loss of someone dear to you? How are you coping?
I would ask that you talk about these losses and not hide them. Reveal the brokenness in your heart and your life with one another. We are communities, in relationship with one another – through the happiness and the sorrow of life. To grieve is not to deny resurrection but rather, to honestly express your humanness with one another, as we await the resurrection for each and all of us. Jesus grieved and rejoiced. We grieve and rejoice.
We move in and through this life with one another. We move in and through this life with Jesus leading, God comforting and the Holy Spirit strengthening us. Take a moment and breathe. Weep if you need to. Rejoice when you can. Accompany one another through this mixed emotional existence we call life.
Blessings, Bonnie
Caring Bridge Entry dated July 25, 2022 posted by Alan and Candy Miller’s daughter, Tina.
Today is a post I didn’t want to write. I wish I had better news to share but inevitably we knew one day this day would come. My father had an appointment today with his doctor. The cancer is not responding to chemo. Unfortunately, we knew today would not be good as we have watched his body succumb to the devastating effects of cancer within the last two weeks. He decided not to finish his chemo. Time is something we had much more of how we the doctors feel it will not be much time at all. My father has fought so bravely these last seven years. Now we spend time together as a family and share wonderful memories. 
We would love for you to share a memory for us to share with dad these tough days. If you have a fond memory of dad to share we would love to read them to him. 
Please continue to pray for our family and most importantly my daddy these last few weeks for peace and comfort in his body and soul. 
(Alan’s address is 4080 Saint Johns Street, High Point, NC 27265)
Last Call for These Upcoming Events & Deadlines
Due to lack of usage, the Conference Office will no longer have a fax # effective immediately. No faxes will be able to be sent or received. Thanks.

October 9, Save the Date!
The Greater Allentown CROP Hunger Walk
(Lehigh Conference of Churches)
Greater Allentown CROP Hunger Walk: Sun., Oct. 9, 2022, 1:30 p.m., with registration beginning at 1:00 p.m. at St. Timothy Lutheran Church, 140 S. Ott St., Allentown, PA 18104
Music Copyright Law - Is Your Church Compliant
Churches exist to help, encourage and develop people in their Christian walk. Who would ever think that churches need to comply with Music Copyright Law! There is much more involved in overseeing a church than planning the weekly service. The behind-the-scenes detail would surprise most people. Churches have systems and processes in place to help […]

Save The Date…
WISE UCC Mental Health Network
October 22, 2022 @ Jordan UCC
Watch for more Details!
 Allowing Others to Use Church Property: What Churches Need to Know
This year we have received a number of questions about third party use of property—both leasing and one-time or short-term use by individuals and groups. Earlier in the year I posted Leasing Church Property to a Tenant: What Churches Need to Know. Today I have posted Allowing Third Parties to Use Church Property: What Churches Need to Know. The first covers leasing and the second covers facilities use. These should answer some of the basic questions that are filtering up from Local Churches.
Leading Worship for Lay Leaders
Saturday, December 3, 2022
9AM to Noon via zoom
Designed to help lay leaders prepare and lead worship!
The training will cover:
  • Basic liturgy planning
  • Using the lectionary
  • Identifying hymns
  • Utilizing worship resources to plan worship
  • Framing questions for dialogue sermon
Congregational Polity Training
Helping Congregations Understand UCC Polity
Saturday, August 20, 2022
9AM to 11AM via zoom
(2 hours continuing education for authorized ministers)
Congregation Members and Pastors are Invited
This training gives members of congregations an opportunity to explore how the UCC was formed, our historical foundations, and how the structure and decision-making of the various settings of the church interact with each other.

News from United Church of Christ Global H.O.P.E.
  • Ukraine Response Partner Update: $25K to IOCC
  • UCC addresses severe drought and hunger in East Africa
  • More UCC immigrant-welcoming churches needed now
  • $250 Matching Grant now available for CWS Kits, Buckets and Backpacks and more!
Supreme Court Amicus Brief Update
I’m writing to let you know about a new post on my (Heather E. Kimmel) blog. It describes the Supreme Court cases in which the General Synod participated as an amicus this past term. While this is not the same kind of legal information I usually provide, I thought you would find it interesting as we watch the trajectory the Court takes with respect to individual liberties.
Heather E. Kimmel (she/her), General Counsel
United Church of Christ, National Ministries
216-736-2138 | kimmelh@ucc.orgUCC.org
Webinar on Pollution
UCC Webinar—Water and Environmental Justice
August 10 - 1PM ET
For the UCC’s next Creation Justice webinar, our special guest will be Lynn Thorp who serves as the National Campaigns Director for Clean Water Action. She will discuss how we can make effective and equitable strides in reducing water pollution, including exposure to toxic substances such as the highly toxic “forever” chemicals found in almost everyone’s blood in the U.S. Even if you can’t make the scheduled time of 1 pm ET on Wednesday, August 10th, still sign-up, and we will send you a recording. Register now!

Lehigh Valley Pride
Now that we are getting closer to the 5th year of a unified PNEC booth at Lehigh Valley Pride, I am hoping you will be able to join us with your time and energy. This year’s theme for the event is LOUD and PROUD. We’re going to align with our welcoming message. We will have a beautiful new backdrop (still in progress) for photos and a chance to meet the community with a big smile and God’s loving hand.

Two more doors to go then the lettering – GOD’S DOORS ARE OPEN TO ALL.

Here is a link to sign-up for some time staffing the booth. If you can’t be there but want to help in another way, please send me a note. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/409044daaaa29a3f94-pnec

Peace be with you…
Gary M Barraco (he/him/his), Pastor and Chaplain
UCC Clergywomen Leadership Event
The UCC Clergywomen’s Leadership Event has been postponed at least twice during the pandemic, and we are excited to be offering the event this September 27-29 in Decatur, GA. “For Such a Time: To Confront, Connect, and Create at the Intersection of Race and Gender” is open to authorized clergywomen* in the United Church of Christ. Registration is now open for the in-person and online gathering. (* This invitation is expansive to include all cis and trans women as well as non-binary people comfortable in a space that centers the experiences of women.)
New Suicide and Crisis Lifeline
On Saturday, July 16, the federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) is rolling out a new, nationwide 988 dialing code that will connect callers to a network of more than 200 locally operated and funded crisis centers across the country.
Similar to the 911 emergency number, the 988 Lifeline is designed to be an easy-to-remember direct connection to care and support for anyone experiencing mental health-related distress, including thoughts of suicide, mental health or substance abuse crises, or any other kind of emotional distress. People can also dial 988 if they are worried about a loved one who may need crisis support.
The 988 system will connect with callers via call, chat, or text. The lifeline provides free and confidential support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, across the Unites States. Numerous studies have shown that the Lifeline works – most callers are significantly more likely to feel less depressed, less suicidal, less overwhelmed, and more hopeful after speaking to a Lifeline crisis counselor.
Lehigh Dialogue Group's Multicultural Interfaith Potluck Picnic
On September 18th, from 4 to 7pm, the Lehigh Dialogue Group is hosting a Multicultural Interfaith Potluck Picnic! This outdoor event is open to the public and presents the opportunity for Lehigh Valley residents to learn more about the diverse cultures and faiths that make up the fabric of our great community. The picnic will take place at the Lehigh Dialogue Center located at 2200 Industrial Drive, Bethlehem, PA. Family friendly activities are included such as face painting, balloon twisting, and much more!
PA Academy of Ministry
Ministerial Ethics and Professional Development
Aug 23–Sept 27, 2022
Instructor Jessica Young Brown
Church Finances
Oct 11–Nov 15. Tuesdays, 7–8:30pm.
Instructor, Lovett Weems
For pastors and lay leaders. 2.5 CEUs. $125. 

Boundary Training Opportunities
The PSEC staff has added an additional opportunity to obtain Advanced Boundary Training this year. This new training will take place September 14th and will be held via zoom -- "Keeping TIme for Rest and Renewal" reviews The UCC Ministerial Code call that all authorized ministers commit to “setting aside time for Sabbath and vacation”. Meanwhile, the UCC Call Agreement for a pastor names that “the covenant with our church requires your attention 24/7 to matters beyond your control.” How do you prioritize time for rest while being available to the church 24/7?
This Advanced Boundary Training will address sabbaticals, sabbath, and time off. We will discuss the following topics, to name a few: Is it ever okay to cancel or return from vacation for a church emergency? How long can a pastor be unreachable from their congregation? What to do if the congregation doesn’t want to give you a sabbatical or the benefits of a sabbatical even if you don’t want one.
Register for this new Advanced Boundary Training by clicking here

Diversity Training Offered
Diversity - what is it, how does it increase the vitality of our communities and congregations and our commitment to Christ?
The PSEC presents a Diversity Awareness Training for pastors on Thursday, October 13th from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm, via Zoom. Good for 3 Diversity Training contact hours.
Presenters: Rev. William P. Worley, Rev. Kevin McLemore and Rev. Cean James.
$20.00 for UCC members and $25.00 for non-UCC members.
Click here to register.

The Church’s Post-Pandemic Future
September 19 - 21, 2022
Speakers and a format are announced for a September all-church summit.

Worship on Wednesdays
at St. Timothy Lutheran Church, Allentown
(Lehigh Conference of Churches)

More Boundary Training Opportunities

The Advanced Boundary Training "Power and the Office of Pastor" which was scheduled for September 14th has been re-scheduled for October 19th. To register for "Power and the Office of Pastor" click here.

November 2: Advanced Boundary Training "Pastoral Self Care"

URGENT volunteer need - Brethren Disaster Ministries Waverly TN - We had a cancellation for one of our upcoming weeks at our Waverly, TN project location. We are wondering if you would be able to advertise this need with your volunteer base? It is the week of June 26-July 2. We currently can take up to 14 volunteers. If folks are interested in volunteering, please have them contact me via this email address. 
Kim Gingerich, Program Assistant, Brethren Disaster Ministries-Rebuild
A Ministry of the Church of the Brethren, 601 Main St., PO Box 188, New Windsor, MD 21776
kgingerich@brethren.org717-586-1874 (cell) 

The CDC has activated its Emergency Operations Center (EOC) in response to multiple cases of
monkeypox that have been reported in several countries that don’t normally report monkeypox, including the United States. Infections with the strain of monkeypox virus identified in this outbreak are rarely fatal. However, people with weakened immune systems, children under 8 years of age, people with a history of eczema, and people who are pregnant or breastfeeding may be more likely to get seriously ill from monkeypox. Here are some resources to learn more:
This is the main monkeypox page on CDC's website. This page includes links to many important resources related to monkeypox, including preventionsigns and symptoms, and resources.
This page provides information on how partners can help with messaging to specific communities and channels to increase awareness of monkeypox, while reducing the chances of stigmatizing those who may have contact with the virus.
This page provides information on preventing monkeypox spread in congregate settings, including correctional and detention facilities, homeless shelters, group homes, dormitories at institutes of higher education, seasonal worker housing, residential substance use treatment facilities, and other similar settings.
This page provides several frequently asked questions and answers about monkeypox.
Please share these resources widely within your networks and the communities you serve. 

Clean-up Buckets needed by Church World Service - Help replenish CWS storm supplies

**You can find more information & updates at UCC Disaster Ministries: www.ucc.org/disaster