
For me in New Haven, the Summer whizzed by and I find myself suddenly in a new season.

The past months brought devastating droughts to my home state of Kentucky and other continents, heatwaves and wildfires to my friends in California, Spain and so many other places throughout the world. Deaths and births, setbacks and advances, disappointments and joys – almost too much to grasp.
Time to ask questions, to look at my/our situation, in a fresh way.

When I take time to stop, to exhale, to breathe slowly, what is calling to me – from outside? from inside?

For you, whatever part of the world you are in, whatever season, whatever stage of life – what are you noticing? What is calling to you – from outside? from inside?

When tragedy and violence – or even “small” personal upsets – confront us, how can we see them in a way that promotes compassionate action?

I wish for each of us, clarity, compassion, courage – and a dash of humor to leaven and lift us.

Yes, both clarity and humor, because as Ivan Illich, my beloved mentor in Latin America, reminded us, Never trust a sad revolutionary.

Onward, step by step!
Oasis Sanity Tip:

Take five minutes today to go outside and look at the big universe above, under your feet, around you.

Ask yourself:
1.      What is calling to me?
2.      What is one single action I may take to make my being more in sync? 
3.      What is one single action I may take to ease the suffering of the world? 
Millie Grenough discovered her own Oasis after a near-death accident shook her out of her fast and furious lifestyle. During her months of recuperation Millie developed the 60-second Oasis Strategies that have helped thousands of people around the world. Millie's Oasis Training Program has graduates throughout the USA and in the Netherlands, Panama, Puerto Rico and New Zealand.. Her books, trainings, international presentations, and coaching have helped people ranging from Casino VPs, US Army Officers and University Deans, to overworked health personnel, prison inmates, and harried parents. 

Millie is an International Coach Federation Professional Coach, a Clinical Instructor in Psychiatry at the Yale University School of Medicine, Licensed Clinical Social Worker and is certified in EMDR-Level II with a specialty in Performance Enhancement. Her trainings are authorized for CCEs by the International Coach Federation.

These occasional Oasis e-notes are for you: to offer little sanity tips, stories from life, and simple invitations to make your life healthier and happier. Please let us know if there is a special topic you would like addressed.
©2022 Millie Grenough. All Rights Reserved. Oasis in the Overwhelm™ is a registered trademark.
Written and produced by Millie Grenough.
I invite you to forward this e-note to others. Reprintable when full credit is given.
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