Welcome to our weekly e-newsletter - What's Up in Wake Forest. Here you'll find information about Town programs, services, activities, projects, special events, and more! If you haven't already, tell your friends and neighbors to visit our E-Notifier page to learn about our full array of free email offerings.

The Wake Forest Human Relations Council (HRC) will host Good Neighbor Day this Saturday, Sept. 17, from 1-4 pm. This free, family-friendly event will take place at E. Carroll Joyner Park, 701 Harris Road.

Good Neighbor Day assembles people from all walks of life for a day of food, fun, and family entertainment. By bringing together a mix of cultures, music, ages, and ethnicities, the event celebrates diversity and promotes goodwill among all of Wake Forest's citizens.

A special part of Good Neighbor Day will be the presentation of the "Good Neighbor of the Year" Award. Mayor Vivian Jones will present the honor to a local youth and adult who consistently demonstrate an unfailing commitment to preserving, maintaining, and improving the quality of life in their neighborhood and community. The Good Neighbor of the Year Award presentations will take place on the Joyner Park Amphitheater stage at approximately 2:15 p.m.

North Wake Theatre will present You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown Saturday-Sunday, Sept. 17-18, at the Wake Forest Renaissance Centre, 405 S. Brooks St. Showtimes are Saturday at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. and Sunday at 3 p.m. Advance tickets are $20 plus tax for adults and $10 plus tax for ages 12 and younger.

Happiness is great musical theatre! With charm, wit, and heart, "You're A Good Man, Charlie Brown" explores life through the eyes of Charlie Brown and his friends in the Peanuts gang. 

Charlie Brown and the entire Peanuts gang explore life's great questions as they play baseball, struggle with homework, sing songs, swoon over their crushes, and celebrate the joy of friendship. This North Wake Theatre production is guaranteed to please audiences of all ages. 

You can make a difference in our community by applying for one of the upcoming vacancies on the Town’s advisory boards. The boards were established to give residents input into what happens in the community and advise the Board of Commissioners (BOC) on matters that affect citizens and their town government.

Applications are being accepted through noon, Friday, Oct. 14, for appointments to the following boards and commissions: 

  • Board of Adjustment (BOA)
  • Historic Preservation Commission (HPC)
  • Human Relations Council (HRC)
  • Parks, Recreation & Cultural Resources (PRCR) Advisory Board
  • Planning Board
  • Public Art Commission (PAC)
  • Technology Advisory Board (TAB)
  • Urban Forestry Board (UFB)

Weather permitting, Atlantic Civil, a contractor working on the future Forest on Franklin townhomes, will close northbound South Franklin Street from East Holding Avenue to Triumph Lane Monday-Friday, Sept. 19-23. The lane closure is necessary to allow crews to install utilities for the subdivision.

Throughout the week of September 19, a signed detour will be in place directing northbound traffic around the work area. Delays are expected, so motorists may wish to avoid the area and use an alternate route. For more information, email Andrew Davis.

The PRCR Department will accept new and/or clean, gently used coats and jackets throughout October as part of its inaugural Warm Your Hearts with Coats Drive.

Coats of all shapes and sizes are welcome and may be dropped off at one of the following PRCR facilities (during normal operating hours):

  • Alston-Massenburg Center, 416 N. Taylor St.
  • Flaherty Park Community Center, 1226 N. White St.
  • Joyner Park Community Center, 701 Harris Road

All donated coats will be distributed to children and teens in need of a winter jacket on Saturday, Nov. 5, from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. at the Alston-Massenburg Center (AMC).

The Public Art Commission, Wake Forest PRCR Department, and ARTS Wake Forest are inviting all Wake Forest residents to a special Community Celebration of the Arts on Saturday, Oct. 1, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Alston-Massenburg Center and Taylor Street Park, 416 N. Taylor St.

Open free to the public, this family-friendly event will include food, music, and a variety of indoor and outdoor arts activities for children of all ages, including rock painting, chalk art, and “do it yourself” kits to assemble on-site or take home.
Register for “Battle in the Forest” esports gaming tournament October 22

The PRCR Department will host an online esports gaming tournament featuring "Super Smash Bros. Ultimate" Saturday, Oct. 22.

Open to players ages 10 and older, the online tournament is free to play and will be live streamed on Registration is open through Wednesday, Oct. 19.

Participants will compete in a one-on-one, single-day, double-elimination tournament to be run in conjunction with "Bull City Gaming." Matches will be best of three the championship match being best of five.

The Town of Wake Forest and the Northeast Community Coalition (NECC) are the recipients of the 2022 NC Chapter of the American Planning Association’s Marvin Collins Award in the category of Advancing Equity. The category recognizes a project or program that meaningfully involve historically underrepresented groups, positively impacts quality of life for low-or moderate income individuals, and/or achieves planning objectives that address structural inequities.

The Town and the NECC were honored for their efforts to bring representation and equity to previously marginalized groups within Wake Forest, specifically the Northeast Community.

Mark your calendars for a cinematic tour de force! The Fourth Annual Wake Forest Film Festival is scheduled for Friday-Saturday, March 3-4, 2023, at the Wake Forest Renaissance Centre, 405 S. Brooks St. Tickets are $20 and go on sale Tuesday, Nov. 1.

The Wake Forest Film Festival will spotlight passionate, creative, and thought-provoking movies by some of today's most promising and accomplished local, national, and international filmmakers. The two-day film showcase will engage audiences with films of all lengths and genres, including short and feature, documentary, sci-fi, music, family, and student (high school and college). Intended for both the general public and film professionals, the film festival is an opportunity for filmmakers to showcase their films in a unique location to a discerning audience. 

The Renaissance Centre is accepting film submissions via FilmFreeway through Wednesday, Oct. 12. The website includes film screening fees and submission requirements.

In addition, the Renaissance Centre is seeking volunteers to judge submitted films. Selected judges will be given a link to view the films, then asked to provide feedback and scores. To learn more, email Renaissance Centre Director Debbie Dunn.

On Sunday, Sept. 18, from 3:30-5 p.m. a Benefit Concert for the Northern Wake Senior Center will be held at The Forks Cafeteria, 339 Brooks St. in downtown Wake Forest. Hosted by the Friends of Wake Forest Senior Center, tickets are $20 with all proceeds supporting the programs and activities of the Senior Center.

Featuring the Dulcimer Tapestry Players, this band’s unique sound includes five dulcimer players and one guitarist. Not a rock band and not a bluegrass band, their name describes their multi-part harmonies and instruments that weave notes and melodies into a tapestry of music.

You can make a difference in our community by applying to fill one of two vacancies on the Urban Forestry Board (UFB) and one vacancy on the Technology Advisory Board (TAB). Residents of Wake Forest and its extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) are eligible to apply.

The application deadline for both boards has been extended to Monday, Sept. 19. Hard copies are available upon request by contacting Communications Resources Specialist Cathi Pope.  

The PRCR Department is accepting Youth Basketball League applications for boys and girls ages 5-17.

From now through Friday, Sept. 23, the registration fee is $60 for residents who live within the Wake Forest corporate limits and $100 for anyone who lives outside the town’s corporate limits.

Late registration will be offered September 24-30 but includes an additional $15 fee.
The Town of Wake Forest and several local veterans’ organizations will continue their monthly flag-raising ceremonies in Town Hall’s Centennial Plaza on Monday, Oct. 3, at 11 a.m.
The 44th Wake Forest Memorial Flag-Raising Ceremony will honor George M. Cattelona, who served our nation in the US Marine Corps.
Members of Cattelona's family have been invited to participate in the service, which will include patriotic songs, special remarks, a memorial wreath laying, and the ceremonial flag-raising by the Wake Forest Fire Department Honor Guard.

The Wake Forest Police Department (WFPD) is encouraging area residents, businesses, neighborhood groups, and homeowners’ associations to show their support for police-community crime prevention partnerships by participating in Wake Forest’s National Night Out (NNO) on Monday, Oct. 3. The event will take place from 5-7:30 p.m. in the Wake Forest Renaissance Centre parking lot, 405 S. Brooks St.

NNO promises something for everyone, including a DJ, games, food, special prize drawings, and fire, police, and EMS vehicle displays, along with a variety of booths highlighting crime prevention and safety.

The Wake Forest Parks, Recreation & Cultural Resources Department and the Wake Forest Pickleball Club will host the Wake Forest 2nd Annual Fall Classic Pickleball Tournament Friday-Sunday, Oct. 7-8, at the Flaherty Park Tennis Complex, 1226 N. White St.
The entry fee is $45 per player, plus $10 for each additional event. The registration deadline is Friday, Sept 30. No registrations will be accepted on the day of the tournament.

The Wake Forest Renaissance Centre, 405 S. Brooks St., will offer a Creating Oil & Cold Wax Paintings Workshop for artists and aspiring artists ages 14 and older on Saturday, Oct. 15, at 2 p.m.

Led by Dr. Jane Steelman, the workshop will highlight the fundamentals of oil and cold wax painting which combines oil painting and encaustics without the use of heated wax or the lengthy drying time of traditional oils.

The cost of the workshop is $75. Online registration is available at RecDesk (search “Creating”).

If you’re looking for a “hauntingly” good time this fall, then don’t miss the Spirits of Wake Forest ghost walk in downtown Wake Forest. Presented by Wake Forest Downtown (WFD), Inc., in partnership with Forest Moon Theater (FMT), these tours will be offered on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday evenings, September 29 through October 29, according to the following schedule:

  • Thursdays & Fridays - 6:30 p.m. & 8 p.m.
  • Saturdays - 6:30 p.m., 7 p.m., 8 p.m., & 8:30 p.m.

Tickets are $15 each and must be purchased in advance.

Taylor Street Park Sprayground, 416 N. Taylor St., will remain open through Sunday, Sept. 25.

Free and open to the public, the sprayground now operates according to the following schedule:

  • Monday-Friday, 4-8 p.m.
  • Saturday, 10 am-8 p.m.
  • Sunday, 1-8 p.m.

On November 8, Wake Forest voters will have the chance to vote on four bond referendum questions totaling $75 million. The referenda will ask voters whether they approve of the Town’s use of general obligation bond financing to pay for the following initiatives: 1) $24.4 million for parks and recreation; 2) $23.7 million for roadway and transportation; 3) $14.35 for greenway improvements; and 4) $12.5 for a public parking facility in downtown.
Responding to FAQs
Over the next several weeks, we will continue sharing important information about the 2022 Bond Referendum. The Town of Wake Forest cannot advocate for a vote one way or the other on the referendum questions. Instead, all we can do is present the facts for voters to consider as they determine how they will vote.
One way we will present the facts is by providing answers to a series of Frequently Asked Questions. This week’s question is:

Can I vote for some bond issues and not others?
Yes. There will be four separate bond issues: Roadway & Transportation Bonds; Greenway Improvement Bonds, Parks & Recreation Bonds; and Parking Facilities Bonds. Each will appear as a separate question on the ballot.

The Wake Forest Renaissance Centre will host the 2022 Wake Forest Home & Garden Show on Saturday, Oct. 8 (9 a.m.-4 p.m.), and Sunday, Oct. 9 (11 a.m.-3 p.m.). Presented by Mitchell Heating & Cooling, the free, two-day event will showcase the latest in home improvement products, services, and features.
Whether you are looking for a complete home remodel, a kitchen or bath makeover, a newly landscaped yard, or just want to shop the local vendor marketplace for your home, you will find it all at the Wake Forest Home & Garden Show! 
Returning this year, don't miss the "Buy at the Show" opportunities available in the Shopping Marketplace sponsored by Patti's Pretties. The Shopping Marketplace will feature everything from local art and handmade decor to kitchen essentials and cleaning products for your home.

The Wake Forest Parks, Recreation & Cultural Resources Department will host the 2022 Halloween Boo Bash Friday, Oct. 28, from 4:30-7:30 p.m. at E. Carroll Joyner Park, 701 Harris Road. 
The Halloween Boo Bash is a free, family-oriented festival for children ages 12 and younger. This year's festivities will include a variety of ghostly games and activities, and free pumpkin giveaways - while supplies last. Costumes are optional, but best costumes may be featured on the Town website and social media pages.
Halloween is (always) October 31
On a related note, the Town of Wake Forest often receives inquiries concerning when families should go trick-or-treating. Since Halloween is always October 31, that’s the day the Town encourages families to go door-to-door in costumes for candy and fun – regardless of the day of the week on which it falls. The Wake Forest Police Department also recommends that little ghosts and goblins trick-or-treat between the hours of 6 and 8 p.m.

In 2021 the Town of Wake Forest launched a comprehensive public education campaign on proper recycling behaviors.

#RecycleRightWF introduced and emphasized a series of easy-to-understand messages aimed at simplifying the recycling process and improving the quality of materials residents place in their rollout recycling carts.

Thanks to the cooperation and efforts of our residents, we have recorded a significant decrease in recycling contamination over the past year. Great job!

The Northeast Community Coalition, Faith Tabernacle Church, and Garner 5th Avenue Pharmacy are partnering to offer flu vaccine shots on Tuesday, Oct. 11, at 10 a.m. at Faith Tabernacle Church, 741 E. Juniper Ave.

The cost is free for anyone who has insurance, and $24 for those without insurance. Pre-registration is required by emailing the Northeast Community Coalition.

The Town of Wake Forest is in the process of updating its Unified Development Ordinance (UDO).

The UDO combines into a single document the Town's zoning, subdivision, land use, grading, storm water management, and historic preservation regulations. It outlines the requirements for all development activity.

The UDO was first adopted in 2013, along with the Manual of Specifications, Standards and Design (MSSD). With the update and adoption of several comprehensive plans, including the 2022 Community Plan and 2021 Northeast Community Plan, as well as several other comprehensive plans that are underway, the UDO and MSSD must be updated to implement the policies and recommendations of the plans.

In addition to reflecting the goals and actions of the comprehensive plans, the UDO needs to maintain compliance with state, federal and case law, which are constantly evolving. Finally, the update will exam best practices and trending topics.

The update process will involve multiple steps and take approximately two years. The updated UDO and MSSD will set the development rules for Wake Forest.

The Wake Forest Renaissance Centre is selling tickets for its 2022-23 fall and winter performances - and tickets are going fast.

Visit our website or view/download our program guide for information on upcoming shows, including You're a Good Man Charlie Brown, A Fall Evening Motown Cabaret (SOLD OUT), Party to a Murder Mystery Dinner Theatre (SOLD OUT), The Chairmen of the Board (SOLD OUT), Plaid Tidings, One Christmas Night in Memphis, Comedian Jen Kober, Shana Tucker, Croce Plays Croce (SOLD OUT) & more!

In the coming months, the Wake Forest Renaissance Centre will host several first-rate concerts and performances, including North Wake Theatre’s “You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown,” The Chairmen of the Board, “Plaid Tidings,” and “One Christmas Night in Memphis” – just to name a few.

While these events offer residents the chance to experience and enjoy top quality artists and performances, they also present opportunities for scammers to sell fake and/or higher-priced tickets.

That’s why the Renaissance Centre (RC) is encouraging patrons to be diligent and exercise safe ticket-buying practices by always buying tickets from the source. To be certain that online tickets for RC shows are valid and that the price paid is the face-value price, purchases should always be made through the RC website.

The RC utilizes Etix as its exclusive online ticket seller. It is not affiliated with and does not cooperate with any resellers and cannot confirm the validity or stand behind tickets purchased from broker/resale sites.
New RecConnect now available 
The September 2022-February 2023 issue of RecConnect, the Wake Forest PRCR Department's fall and winter program guide, is now available. Click on the image above to view the latest edition in digital format. RecConnect is also available in Adobe Acrobat Format (PDF).

RecConnect includes information about all programs, classes, special events, sports programs and registrations offered by the Wake Forest Parks, Recreation & Cultural Resources Department. Registration is open. To learn more, call 919-435-9560 or visit us online.

For nearly 20 years the Town of Wake Forest has been introducing ways for residents to stay up to date on its programs, services, and events. Those offerings range from our website, email notifications via E-Notifier, and various social media platforms to our text/phone notification system and Town app.

Despite our best efforts, there are still some who complain about not knowing what is happening in our community. That's why we thought it might be useful for Talbot the Town Crier to again offer his "olde school" overview of all the ways you can stay informed.
WFTV 10 is off the air - except during live meeting broadcasts

WFTV 10 is off the air (except during live meeting broadcasts) due to malfunctioning equipment that controls scheduled video playback.

Officials are in the process of ordering a replacement but experiencing significant delays due to supply chain issues.

Until the new equipment is received and installed, Channel 10 broadcasts will continue to be limited to live meetings.

In the meantime, residents are urged to visit our Public Meetings Portal to watch replays of Town meetings.

The Town of Wake Forest is inviting individuals, families, churches and civic clubs to join the “Show Some Love, #KeepWFclean” campaign by picking up trash in their neighborhoods and along local streets and roadways. The initiative allows volunteers to pick up litter on a one-time or ongoing basis. Participants may also choose the area they wish to clean or request direction to high need areas around town.

To aid the effort, volunteers may reserve litter kits at no charge by completing the online reservation form. Each litter kit includes reflective vests, gloves, buckets, grabbers, trash bags, data collection sheets, hand sanitizer and litter education materials. A special thanks to B&W Hardware for donating the litter kits.
Loose trash in trucks creates litter along Wake Forest roadways.
Help keep Wake Forest roadways clean by securing any trash in your truck bed. When you throw trash in the back of your truck, it inevitably blows out and becomes litter on the roadside. In fact, half of all litter is blown, not thrown! Roadside litter costs millions of dollars to remove, decreases property values and has a negative impact on tourism.
The NC Department of Public Safety reports that an even bigger problem is unsecured loads in the back of trucks. At high speeds, even large items can fly out and hurt or startle other drivers causing accidents. Put trash into built-in containers. Use tarps, cargo nets and tie-downs to secure any loads. #KeepWFclean
The following monthly meeting schedule is now in effect:
Board of Commissioners Work Session
First Tuesday/month - 6 p.m.

Joint Public Hearings
First Tuesday/month (as needed) - 7:30 p.m.

Planning Board Meeting
Second Tuesday/month - 6 p.m.

Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting
Third Tuesday/month - 6 p.m.

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If you have questions or comments about the Town of Wake Forest website or E-News, please contact Bill Crabtree by email or call 919-435-9421.