Good Shepherd Lutheran School
Preparing His lambs… Sharing His grace
Volume 13, Issue 24
"Held Together in Jesus"
Verse: Colossians 1:16b-17
February 16, 2022
NO School
Friday February 18th - Staff Development
Please contact Daycare if you are in need of care that friday. 920-261-0242

There IS School
MONDAY February 21st
See you Monday!
Thursday Feb 24 6-7:15pm

Dinner is Lasana and Chicken Alfeado, followed by a brief devotion and a family art project. A night for familly fun!
"Glow In the Dark Games"
Lutheran Schools Week is March 6-12. I was hoping to celebrate it with "Glow In the Dark Games" in PE classes that week. But, I would need your help to pull it off. I am looking for donations to offset the cost of $170 total for glow sticks. Please let me know by March 4th if your family is able to help. Thank you for your help in making Lutheran Schools Week a special celebration!
Please email me at
Mrs. Wackett
Online ordering!
It is that time of year to think about Yearbooks! The cost this year is $14.00.
Order forms have been sent home or order online by Friday March 4, 2022.
Order online at
Yearbook code: 11363322
Upcoming Events
18 - No School - Staff Development
21 - School in session
25 - 3rd Qrtr Mid Term
6-12 - National Lutheran School Week
Good Shepherd’s Facebook Page
GSLS YouTube Channel
Click: HERE
Childcare Tax report (Extended Care)

Parents you can get now print off your own report for your 2021 taxes
 Sign into Fastdirect. On your homepage, go to the "Extended Care Report"

Put in the dates and it will run a report that you may print off.
Rock River Regional Spelling Bee
The Rock River Regional Spelling Bee will be held Sunday, March 6, 1pm at Lebanon Lutheran School, Lebanon. Watch for more information to come home.
Study starts Sunday February 27. 9:15am

Join us as we learn how to encourage virtues in our families.
WEEK 1– Making virtues a daily part of our lives.
WEEK 2- Humility
WEEK 3- Forgiveness
WEEK 4- Gratitude
WEEK 5- Self-control
WEEK 6- Perseverance
WEEK 7- Responsibility
ALL are welcome to join us in the 7/8 classroom at 9:15 between services. Bible learning time for kids is also available at this time.
Adult Confirmation
Starts Feb 27th
Pastor Groth will begin an Adult Confirmation Class on Sunday, February 27th, from 9:15am to 10:15 am in Pastor’s office. 
This course should last approximately 15 weeks, and, if desired, can lead toward membership at Good Shepherd. 
All are welcome, including members who have new questions, new doubts, and a new interest! All materials are provided by the church.
If necessary, baby sitting is also available. Children of Sunday School age (potty-trained through 8th grade) are encouraged to be enrolled in the Sunday School. If you plan to join us, please let Stephanie know ( or 920-261-2570). 
Registration for 2022-23
Registration is now open enrollment to the public so if you haven't filled out the registration form for next year. Please do so your student's spot is saved.
Financial Aid Available
For families who do not qualify for the Wisconsin Parent Choice Program, financial aid may still be available. Financial aid is awarded on an “as needed” basis. If you would like to apply for financial aid for the 2022-2023 school year, please stop by the school office for further information. April 30 is the deadline for ALL returning families to submit the online application through TADS.
Intentional listening

Every relationship eventually has conflict. At work, at home, even at Church. What do you do when there is conflict? Kevin and Marcia Myers offer a few tips on how to intentionally listen to resolve conflicts and better your communication. I have summarized one strategy they call fair fighting. Here are the fair fight rules. 

Call a fair fight and decide when you are going to fight. Whoever calls the fair fight has to state what the problem is, not the solution, just what they want to fight about. There can be no discussion at that time (there are too many emotions). The couple needs to decide when they can have this fight, it needs to be a concentrated amount of time. This may be days, which can allow the Holy Spirit to work in your hearts before the conversation.
Comunicate- Four rounds
Round one- She speaks. You have to have a conversation about who will go first. If one is forceful and one needs to speak up, the forceful one goes second. Decide who has a hard time speaking up and they should go first.
Round two- I haven’t listened until she says I have. The listener needs to repeat back what they hear their partner saying. And they keep repeating until the talker says, “Yes you understand what I am saying, heart and mind.”
Round three- I speak. Now it is the other person’s turn to speak and give their point of view.
Round four- She listens. They repeat back until the speaker says, “You understand what I am saying, heart and mind”.
Compromise- Four Rounds
Round one- She presents a solution.
Round two- I make sure I understand.
Round three- I present a solution.
Round four- She makes sure she understands. 
This goes back and forth until they have reached a compromise/ solution.

 This was taken from the Family Life Today January 11, 2022 podcast, hosted by Dave and Ann Wilson with guests Kevin and Marcia Myers. To listen to the podcast got to:
3rd Quarter Chapel Offerings ~
Deanne Gochanour (alum of Good Shepherd) with Lutheran Bible Translators
After a few short-term mission trips both in the US and abroad, Deanne learned God was calling her to pursue long term missions. Deanne attended Concordia University in Irvine, California while majoring in Lutheran Elementary Education in hopes to serve God through teaching children.
Not only does Deanne have a passion for childcare and teaching, but she also loves traveling and exploring new places. While at CUI, Deanne had an incredible opportunity to accompany a professor to his former mission home in Togo, West Africa, where God showed her that combining teaching and missions would be the perfect combination of utilizing her degree and passion.
God has currently led Deanne to continue her passion in teaching while homeschooling missionary children in Ghana. She’ll live alongside the Federwitz family while assisting in teaching for their 2 younger children. Deanna's Newsletter
This Week's Birthdays:

February 18- Elayna Demet
February 18 - Elynn Demet
February 19 - Sawyer Timm
February 23 - Emanuel Saldivar

August 16 - Mason Miller
August 17 - Quinn Muniz
August 19 - Jocelyn Saldivar
Principal Ms. Amy Gromowski
Pastor Rev. David Groth
Office Administration
Mrs. Heather McGuire

Ms. Stephanie Baker