Connecting our church and community to become change agents for Jesus.
Good morning, COG family!

Fall is in full swing! The leaves are changing color and the temps are dropping. Well, kind of.

Though the seasons change, God does not. He is eternal and His love for us is a constant we can rely on for all time.

God's Word tells us in James 1:17 that "Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change."

Is any gift more perfect than our salvation through God's Son, Jesus? This perfect gift is one we can and should share with those around us. Be praying for God to provide an opportunity to share Jesus with your three or anyone you may encounter.

Be salt and light,

Pastor Chris
Tithes and Offerings
Thank you, COG family, for your generosity!

Week of September 26, 2021
Giving: $6,375.00
Weekly Budget: $10,296.31
Year to Date Giving: $370,934.79
Year to Date Budget: $401,556.09

Week of October 3, 2021
Giving: $25,446.05
Weekly Budget: $10,296.31
Year to Date Giving: $396,380.84
Year to Date Budget: $411,852.40

Below are the ways that you can contribute your tithes and offerings to the church.

  • Write a check to the church. You can either mail it to the church or stop by the church and put it in the slot of our mailbox located by the doors of the North Building (4343 S. Flanders St. Centennial, CO 80015).
  • Bill Pay through your banking institution.
  • COG website - online giving.
Pray First Resources
As we continue to commit to Pray First, we want to provide resources to help us grow in our prayer walk. Tom King from the Vision Team has done a great job of gathering resources, and we will provide them on a regular basis.

These are October's resources:

Community of Grace
Sunday Prayer Time
Join in for corporate prayer time every Sunday morning from 8:00 - 8:30 am via Zoom. The link and login are the same every week.
Meeting ID: 598 261 804
Passcode: 053343

If you have questions, email Kathleen Chandler.
Upcoming Events
Long-Timers' Social
Have you been a member at COG for 10 or more years? If so, you are invited to our Long-Timers Social on October 10th at 5:30 pm at COG. This will be a great fellowship time. We will provide sub sandwiches, chips, and drinks. Please bring a dessert to share. You can sign up at the Get Connected table or contact Anita Hammond.
COG will be hosting our Trunk-or-Treat event in the COG parking lot on October 31, 2021, from 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm. This promises to be a fun event where we can get together as well as connect with our community.

If you have never been to a trunk-or-treat, it is pretty simple. You bring a vehicle to COG (decorated or undecorated), maybe wear a costume, bring lots of treats, and hand out the goodies to our little guests.

For those with little ones, you can show up with your kiddos to walk a lap or two around the parking lot to gather treats. We encourage you to invite your friends and neighbors.

Here are some guidelines for us to follow to help make sure the event is enjoyable for everyone:
  • If you are handing out treats, be on site by 4:45 pm on Oct 31. You can come as early as you need to decorate and set up your vehicle.
  • We are asking you to keep decorations and costumes in good taste and kid-friendly.
  • Treats must be store purchased/sealed. No homemade treats.
  • If you are not decorating a vehicle and are bringing kids for the event, please park on Flanders Street. The parking lot will be closed off to traffic at 4:45 pm for the safety of everyone.
  • We will have prizes for the best-decorated vehicles.
  • Have fun! Be welcoming and inviting to those with whom we interact during the event.

Let's make this a great opportunity to get to know our community. If you have any questions, email Pastor Chris.
Annual Homeless Support
Each year our church aids the homeless in the Aurora/Denver area by directly providing items they need for winter. Every year we are asked if we have backpacks and socks. Since we want to be a church for our community, we are collecting and providing those items this year.

Our goal is to hand out 100 backpacks and 200 pairs of socks. If you can help with this, please place your donation (new or lightly used backpacks and new socks only) into the donation bins in the foyer by October 24th.

We will also be making no-sew scarves to hand out. If your family would like to help with this, come to the North Building foyer on October 23rd from 9-10 am.

If you would like to help hand out these items to the homeless, please sign up at the Get Connected table. For more information, please contact Carol Bryan.
Sunday Morning
Discipleship Class
One of our elders, Tom King, is teaching a course based on the book Cold-Case Christianity by J Warner Wallace. This eight-week course just started and you can still join. It is looking at scientific evidence that supports Christianity. The class meets on Sunday mornings from 8:45 am - 9:45 am in the South Building in Room 7.

If you are interested in this class, you can sign up at the Get Connected table or reach out to Tom King. There is no cost for this class. Here is the link to look at the study. Click here.
Elder Nominations
The elders are requesting nominations from the congregation for new elders. Please read Titus 1:5-9 and 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and pray over these passages. If there is a man at COG whom the Lord lays on your heart to nominate as an elder at COG, please take the following steps:

  1. Contact that person and ask if he would be ok with you nominating him to be an elder.
  2. If he agrees, then email his name to Steve Veteto. You can also put his information on the Elder Nomination Form located in the sanctuary.

Please have nominations turned in by October 17, 2021. If you have any questions, you can reach out to any of the elders at COG.
2021 Ballot Questions
Roger and Kathleen Chandler will hold a review for open discussion on items that are on your 2021 ballot. If you are interested, please see the details below on time and place and how to RSVP.

When: Saturday, October 9 - 9:30 am to 11:30 am
Where: Roger and Kathleen Chandler’s house
21415 E Mansfield Dr., Aurora 80013
A light brunch will be served. Be sure to bring your Blue Book, Grey Book, and ballot (if received).
We will discuss the implications of these important questions put before the voters, and not the politics.
Please RSVP to For details, additional information, and questions, call Kathleen at 303-766-9058.
Chili and Mac-n-Cheese
The annual COG chili and mac-n-cheese cook-off is on November 7th at 5 pm this year. If you want to show off your cooking skills, you can sign up at the Get Connected table to enter the competition. You can also sign up to bring crackers, cheese, desserts, and other items.

Please have your chilis and mac-n-cheeses warm and ready to serve at COG by 4:45 pm.

This promises to be a great evening of delicious food and fellowship. Bring your appetites and Tums.
Women's Bible Study
Do you want a closer relationship with God? The Friday morning Women's Bible study has just started a new 12-week study. You can still join in! We will be meeting both on Zoom and in-person on Friday mornings at 9:30 am.

Life in the Presence of God: Practices for Living in the Light of Eternity by Kenneth Boa will help us learn to cultivate a greater awareness of God in our everyday living using biblical foundations, living and historical examples, and evidence from neuroscience. We can walk and abide in God's presence by rethinking how we use our time and technology to make room for God through practical exercises and disciplines that will help us draw close to God.

For further details, please sign up at the Get Connected table.
Homeschool Guidance
If you are interested in homeschooling and would like to ask questions - whether you are a parent, a grandparent, or just interested in learning what homeschooling is and is not - please contact Lisa Dole at 720-299-4801 or email her.
The September Boost gathering was a great event led by the Veteto LifeGroup.

Our October Boost gathering will be on Wednesday, October 27th at 6:30 pm. We hope you will join us as we gather to pray, grow, and fellowship together.

We will have our usual dessert potluck following Boost. This month will be pies! Please bring a pie to share.
Men's Friday Morning Bible Study
Join us as we work through the Navigators' LifeChange Bible study Minor Prophets 1.  This study highlights several of the lesser-known Old Testament books with an emphasis on applying God's Word to your daily life. This group meets at 6 am on Friday mornings in the COG North Building. Contact Karl Been for more information at 720.284.4750.
Men's Bible Study
Men, do you need a place to be encouraged and challenged? Join Pastor Joel for a time of looking into God's Word and applying it to your life. We will meet from 6:00 to 7:00 am on Tuesday mornings. Email Pastor Joel if you have questions. They are meeting in person or you can join via Zoom here.
Harvest Festival
What a great time we had with Harvest Festival: bouncy castles, cotton candy, popcorn, pork sliders, a petting zoo, puppet show, dessert walk! We saw so many new faces from our community.

One highlight was the puppet show by Harry and Carol Olsen. This was a great method of sharing the Gospel with kids and their parents in a fun way.

Thank you to everyone who helped organize and work at the fest. Also, thank you to everyone who invited your neighbors, family, and the three for whom you have been praying.
Women's Ministry Bible Study Gathering
Occasionally, the Friday morning Ladies Bible study group has a fun day! This summer we had breakfast at Jus' Grill and had a marvelous time of fellowship and prayer. Last week, we met in Parker for a fabulous English High Tea and again had a great time socializing, learning about, and tasting the myriad teas that were offered!  

Mitty and Judy are very grateful for the wonderful books that were donated for the upcoming Little Lending Library. They organized them all this past week. There was a fantastic variety of books ranging from preschool to adult and fiction to nonfiction. A big THANK YOU to all who donated them! 
Men's Ministry Breakfast
The Men's ministry held a men's breakfast and fellowship time on September 25th. This included a variety of foods, time to get to know each other a bit better, and then a devotional led by David Santa Cruz. The message was from Ephesians 4:1-6 and 4:13 regarding God's calling in our lives, our oneness in the men's ministry, and our growth in Christ.

Thank you, Dane Campbell, Shad Parrish, Tom Wager, Darren Bullock, and David Santa Cruz for organizing and bringing the men's ministry back online.

The next men's breakfast is on October 30th at 7:30 am. Mark your calendars and watch for more details to come shortly.