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Weekly Prayer Message
God of life and breath, you are our source of hope:
+ We give thanks for your gifts of life and love;
+ sustain us when we are feeling weary, broken, lost, or frightened;
+ open our hearts and minds to hear your word and call;
+ reform in us what needs reforming;
+ inspire us to be your hands and voice in your world;
+ strengthen us to take action to seek justice for our neighbors;
+ grant us courage and creativity to joyfully share your Good News.

We pray for your world and your people:
+ We plead that you renew and strengthen our commitment and courage to face the painful truth of gun violence in our country — to prevent gun violence. Guide us as we attend to traumatized individuals, families, and communities. Embolden us to advocate for common-sense gun safety laws. (As was lifted up at our synod assembly, find the 1994 the ELCA social message Community Violence, calling for advocacy to end the cycle of violence in the U.S. Find more information and resources HERE.)

+ Our prayers continue for the fear, loss, and devastation in war-torn areas of our world. May a wise peaceful path be found and followed soon. We pray for all who are in danger and all who have had to flee their homes. We pray for those families who have lost loved ones. Loving God, may your peace reign.

+ We pray for all who seek refuge. May we find ways to support them in their time of crisis. (Support our new neighbors - Lutheran Community Services NW - lcsnw.org/ and Lutheran Immigration & Refugee Service - lirsconnect.org/get_involved/action_center/siv)

+ We pray for those who are without home or shelter. We lift up the ministries in our synod working to help create and provide better access to shelter and care.

We pray for those who are grieving:
+ Gracious God, wrap your arms of love and hope around all who are experiencing any kind of loss, disconnection, or brokenness;

+ We continue to hold Karen Erlander and her extended family in prayer following the death of Rev. Daniel Erlander on August 28. We give thanks to God for the creative, poignant, and delightful ways that Dan so generously shared the Gospel. (Cards of care may be sent to Karen at 6850 Woodlawn Ave. NE Apt 302, Seattle, WA 98115-5666. Dan's memorial service is scheduled for Saturday, October 15 at 3pm at Trinity Lutheran Church in Lynnwood. The service will also be live-streamed.)

We pray for all who are in need of healing and strength:
+ We pray for those who are facing ongoing health concerns:
Abi Griffith (daughter of Rev. Eric Griffith), Dn. Nan Beth Walton, Rev. Ron Melver, Pr. Mikkel Hustad, Rev. Paul Feiertag, and David Hillesland, father of Rev. Ivar Hillesland (Church of the Apostles, Seattle).

+ We pray for our neighbors who are fearful or in danger in their relationships. Sustain those who protect, support, and advocate for people who are experiencing domestic violence. (Reach out here for help: https://wscadv.org/get-help-now/)

We pray for your church:
+ We pray for all who are participating in mission trips and service-learning experiences this summer. May their efforts exemplify compassion, respect, mutual relationship, intentional partnership, and our call to love and serve our neighbor as Christ loves and serves us.

+ Guide us to recognize our prejudices and empower us take action to eliminate the persistent institutional racism that permeates our world, country, communities, courts, church, and hearts.
-- we lift up our Strategic Team for Authentic Diversity as they gather tomorrow and continue to resource our rostered leaders in dismantling white supremacy and racism.

+ We pray for our Rostered Ministers who are taking sabbatical leave this summer. May this time bring a sense of rest and renewal for them, for their families, and their congregations. We give thanks for those who are stepping into pulpit supply, pastoral care coverage, and leadership roles to support these important leave-taking endeavors. 

+ From our prayer calendar, we pray for these ministries and their rostered leaders: 
-- First Lutheran Church (Bothell) and Rev. Tor Berg;
-- St. Luke's Lutheran Church (Bellevue) and Rev. Dwight Friesen and Rev. Mark Griffith (who is serving temporarily at Holden Village);
-- for our synod's LiVE Project Team as they make final preparations for fall courses and retreats.
-- our Companion Synod: The Evangelical Lutheran Church in European Russia;
-- the Indiana-Kentucky Synod and their bishop, the Rev. Dr William Gafkjen.

+ We give thanks to God for these gifted Rostered Ministers celebrating major ministry milestones during the month of September:
-- 10 years: Rev. Debbie Boyce
-- 15 years: Deacon Troy Faith Ward
-- 20 years: Rev. Gretchen Mertes
-- 35 years: Deacon Bette Schneider, Deacon Estelle Morley & Deacon Nan Beth Walton
-- 45 years: Brian "Red" Burchfield and Rev. Wayne Bacus
-- 50 years: Rev. Richard Anderson
(Watch this celebration video, featuring all 2022 anniversary folks shown at our June synod assembly)

+ We give thanks for the many years of service of our retired pastors & deacons. This week we celebrate these retired ministers: Rev. Robert Beicke, Rev. Paul Benz, and Rev. Al Berg.

+ We pray for ministries and leaders in transition.
-- we pray for the leaders who are guiding ministries in a time of transition: transition teams, call committees, transition ministers, care pastors, congregation staff and lay leaders, and synod staff;
-- we lift up Rev. Judy Brennan as she concludes her time at Cross of Christ (Bellevue) as the Associate Pastor for Caring Ministries and begins serving as a Transition Pastor at Holy Cross (Bellevue) - God bless these ministries.
-- we pray for all who are in discernment and/or awaiting call.

May our prayers rise before you as incense.
+ Your mercy is everlasting and your faithfulness endures from age to age;
+ Sustain, uplift, and encourage us as we live into your calling;
+ Trusting in your mercy and grace, we lift our prayers to you.

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Please note: direct permission is needed prior to inclusion. 
Email susan@lutheransnw.org if you have a prayer petition or update.
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Northwest Washington Synod / ELCA
5519 Phinney Avenue North
Seattle, WA 98103