September 15, 2022

10:00 am

To live-stream - go to, click on the "All Angels Enter Here" picture and you will be routed to our YouTube channel.

Zoom - go to and watch and listen live. Be sure to stick around after the service for our coffee hour chat-with-your-neighbor time.

The bulletin can be found on the All Angels Website: or at the following link: 

Bulletin for Sunday, September 18

Altar Flowers for Sunday, September 18

are given by Hank & Jinx Kochan

in loving memory of their mothers, 

Mary Tipaldi Kochan & Mary Durna Bediguian.

May light perpetual shine upon them.

Scripture Readings, September 18

Amos 8:4-7

Psalm 113

1 Timothy 2:1-7

Luke 16:1-13

Click Here for this Sunday's Readings

A Prayer for Peace Among the Nations (BCP 816)

Let us pray in this time of conflict for the countries of Russia and the Ukraine,

Almighty God our heavenly Father, guide the nations of the world
into the way of justice and truth, and establish among them
that peace which is the fruit of righteousness, that they may become the kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.
Last Sunday's Service
Centering Prayer
Centering Prayer invites you to pray with them, every day, at 8 am, wherever you are. When you enter into prayer at 8 am (Eastern), you will know that others are praying at the same time. 

We Pray for our People

We pray for everyone who needs your mercy, healing, and loving-kindness, especially: Downs IV, Holden, Brian, Tyler, Barbara and Anne. Grant healing and recovery for Peg and Mary Jo. Give peace and strength for those going through cancer treatments, especially Jane, Bill, Downs III, Victoria, Alex, Connie and Douglas. Visit and comfort all who are under the care of skilled nursing, especially Timothy, Barbara, Kim and Mary Ann. Be near to all who are in hospice care especially Beverly.


Office Volunteers Needed

If you have spare time and want to volunteer to answer the office phone especially Tuesday and Wednesday, we need you! There will be a sign up calendar on the Gallery table. Times needed: approximately 9:30-12:30. Please write you name on the day you can volunteer. 

Choir News

Choir practices are on Thursdays at 10 a.m. 

New members are always welcome.

September Gallery Artist

Our featured artist for September is Robert Barylski. Please stop by and enjoy the work of this talented local artist. Checks should be written to All Angels by the Sea.

Men's and Women's Discussion Groups

The topic for this week is to discuss what is happening in the greater Church - specifically the evangelical side of the House. 

I'd like to know what you think about this article.

For those in person, I will have the coffee ready.  For those on line, here is the link:

How Politics Poisoned the Evangelical Church

Coffee Hour Hosts Needed
One of the most important things we do is gather after the service for coffee hour. If you are interested in hosting, the sign up sheet is on the Gallery table. If you would like help, sign up and we will find someone to show you how it is done. 
Online Giving
If you would like to give to the offering plate electronically, you can find the online giving link on our All Angels website by clicking the link below:



The best cure for weariness is the challenge of helping someone who is even more tired. One of the great ironies of life is this: The one who serves almost always benefits more than the one who is served. 

                                                   – Gordon Hinckley


Remember that the happiest people are not those getting more, but those giving more.

                                                                                        — H. Jackson Brown Jr.


It is said the strongest force in the world is volunteerism. I would argue the strongest force in the universe is love but perhaps the two are intertwined. After all, one cannot buy love, it is given freely; voluntarily. Love is conceivably at the core of volunteering, or, perhaps volunteering is an outward expression of love. Once the heart volunteers love to others, it will never be the same again.


This week, one of my closest friends, and clergy brother, The Rev. Tom Morelli, deacon extraordinaire and resident of the Diocese of San Diego, at the age of 72 has decided to step back from parish and diocesan ministry. As I reflect on his decades of service, I see his love of God through Jesus in how much he has voluntarily poured himself into the Church. Nowadays, he will be focusing his time as (volunteer) chaplain of the Coronado Island Police Department. Interestingly enough, he started as a prison chaplain and would joke that he is one of the few who voluntarily go to jail. He now ministers to a different side of the long arm of the law.


Deacon Tom would often say words similar to that of Horace Mann – Doing nothing for others is the undoing of ourselves. Tom says that whether a police officer, or Bishop, or convict, our hearts have the need to do something good for others; no matter how small or insignificant the act may seem. From my vantage point, I see Tom, even in his “retirement”, voluntarily doing service for others. I can also affirm that those who are a part of his ministry will never be the same.


The summer choir at All Angels has shown their love for God through Christ by singing every Sunday in June, July and especially August. The music ministry is in a liminal time – we are bringing in substitute musicians to help us discern who is called to serve in the wake of Dale’s retirement and passing. As we approach the conclusion (hopefully!) of our transitional/liminal time, I am overjoyed and impressed with the stick-to-it-ness of our choir. They are volunteering themselves, in the name of Jesus, to continue offering hymnody and song to our Creator and to help us all lift our hearts to God in liturgy.


Our parish administrator, Linn, has voluntarily changed her life to help her daughter and new grandbaby. She is now working remotely and will be physically with us in the office on Sundays. An appeal for office volunteers was made. The response has been overwhelming. This is our most quiet time of the year and yet folks are volunteering to serve. I couldn’t be happier.


Within the first year of Jesus’ baptism, after he fed more than five thousand people on a windswept hill near the Sea of Galilee, there was an exceedingly large crowd following him. He turned to them and said words that were troubling then and, frankly, we’re still trying to figure out what they mean today. He said, “Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me and I in them.” Not surprisingly, the crowd thinned out until it was just the twelve. Jesus looked at them and said, “Are you leaving too?” Peter said, “Where would we go? We have volunteered ourselves to you and are confident you are the Holy One of God.” And the world has never been the same. They showed us how to transform our hearts from seeking insatiable desires to giving our hearts voluntarily to the service of others.


And our hearts have never been the same.


- Rev. Dave