OUR DENVER TRUNK SHOW IS HERE! We finally get to have so much fun sharing all the new inventory we’ve collected for our 17th Annual Denver Trunk Show. It starts at 11:00 on Saturday, November 5 and will run through Sunday, November 13 at 6:00. We’ll be releasing emails and social media posts showcasing some of the spectacular pieces and products starting this Friday so be sure to watch for us in your inboxes. This event always guarantees a good time and an energy recharge as you meander around the Nature’s Treasures campus discovering old friends and new energy sources to change your life.
November will be the best month this year to check out the night sky and catch a falling star. We’ve got 3 intense meteorite showers on the agenda this month. November 2nd starts celebrations with the declaration of All Saints Day and All Souls Day. Even though you may not have a specific religious affiliation to participate with in acknowledging All Saints Day, please stop and take the time on this All Souls Day to connect spiritually with those who have touched your soul and passed on to another journey. You’ll be amazed at how peaceful and recharged you will feel. This month we will be switching time again (thought they were going to stop doing that) so prepare yourself for a static energy day. Another intense energy day will be November 8th, Election Day, also the day when the sun, earth and moon all align creating a total eclipse. Since the moon will turn orange /red when it passes the earth’s shadow, they call this a Blood Moon. On November 11, Veterans Day, let's remember to stop and thank all who have served in our armed forces and then there’s Thanksgiving on the 24th. Again, no matter your personal feelings regarding celebrating this holiday the thing to keep in mind might be the holiday name and focus on GivingThanks. This plan gets supported on November 29, designated the official sharing and giving thanks day. As a nation, we encourage all to give of your time and talents, plus any economic contributions you can to your favorite charities (participate in our poll below to help guide our year-end giving). At the very least, on this day do something good for others any way you can.
The month finishes with Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales but I’m really kind of partial to the Small Business Saturday on November 26th. Nature’s Treasures is proud to acknowledge that we are not only a privately owned Small Austin Business, but also 100% woman-owned. We always appreciate your support and kindness here at Nature’s Treasures and know we couldn’t be here without all your love, so we will be holding our Customer Appreciation Sale beginning on November 19th. THANK YOU!
Our Online Store personnel, and Chris from the retail department, give a cheer and voices of appreciation to all who stopped by our booth at the AGMS Gem Capers Show. It’s always great fun to see our old friends at this event and to make new ones. Our new selection of clear volcanic glass from Mexico was a big hit, and we look forward to adding more selections of this incredible natural glass to our inventory for the Denver Trunk Show. The online team is busy preparing for some amazing sales and discounts that will be available only on our online store and our new Mobile App! Look for our special sales on Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Mobil App users will have access to exclusive specials, so watch for those notifications. To make this holiday gift buying season even easier, our VIP text subscribers can shop in real time with our helpful crystal experts to assist them in selecting just the right gift for their crystal loving friends and family. Come check us out at the annual Fossil Fest event put on by the Austin Paleontology Society on November 5&6 at The Old Settlers Bldg next to Dell Diamond In Roundrock. Stop by our booth and say hi to Jimmy and Allison.
When reviewing the holiday lists for November, I found National Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day on November 15. It didn’t warrant placement in my holidays mentioned above, yet it wouldn’t leave me alone. Is it because just thinking about cleaning out the refrigerator makes me smile because it is so needed, or is it the feeling of anticipation at having all that clarity and new open space when the task is done. Remembering past events with each toss in the trash, plus the releasing of all that old stuff feels so satisfying! Then it came to me the next morning, this would be a great symbolic day to Clean Out Your Personal Energy Day. That calming clarity and satisfied feeling you get when accomplishing a long needed task, coupled with that free feeling with clear open space to grow and be creative, can be applied to your own personal body energy. Give it a shot! Ultimately, clearing out the old leaves room for all kinds of new and exciting energy and accomplishments. If that’s too much for you to think about with all the holiday activities fast approaching, give yourself the satisfaction of at least cleaning out your refrigerator. Who knows, maybe since we already planted the seed you might find yourself subliminally cleaning out your own personal refrigerator at the same time. 😀
Please everyone, continue to stay safe and healthy.
Karen and the Staff
17th Annual Denver Trunk Show!
It's HERE!
November 5th through 13th
Whether you are looking for looking for unique gift ideas that will last a lifetime, finding that perfect piece of jewelry or to get first picks for your personal collection, the 17th Annual Denver Trunk Show is sure to please!
Come explore Mother Nature's Treasures Trove this coming November!
Annual Customer Appreciation Sale
It's BACK!
November 19th through 30th
We know we could not be here without YOU, our customers and community, so we will be making holiday shopping a little easier for you by featuring great gift ideas in our Auditorium.
In addition, we will have bowed items with special discounts (Silver 35% off, Red 50% off and Gold 75% off) in the Retail Showroom, Rock Depot, and Rock Yard. Be sure to come by to get an extra special surprise from our Treasure Chest while supplies last!
Nature's Treasures ONLINE!
Download our app to get access to:
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High Grade Rose Quartz Spheres || Self Love, Past...
These Rose Quartz harness forces from deep within the Earth to gently heal emotions and release stress. Rose Quartz balances the Heart Chakra (4th). These are crystals to release past wounds teaching trust and hope, thoroughly cleansing the auric ...
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Free Standard Shipping for Domestic Order over $50.00
Shop online with confidence -- 100% Satisfaction Guarantee, Free Return Shipping. Details HERE.
This calendar features evocative and powerful tarot cards from a dozen different decks and combines them with spread ideas and hands-on tips from world-renowned expert Barbara Moore. More than just a collection of beautiful art, this calendar...
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Root Candles Fall Legacy Collection || Pumpkin Spice
These vibrant Pumpkin Spice Candles are ideal for quickly filling your home with rich, welcoming fragrance and dazzling sparkle. Soft natural fragrance with notes of Clove, Ginger, Pumpkin Puree, Brown Sugar, Vanilla Creme, and Musk, expertly...
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Check out with Shop Pay for carbon-neutral deliveries
Restoring the Casamance Mangroves
We're working with WeForest to plant 4.6M mangrove trees in Senegal, Africa. Choose Shop Pay and together we will:
*Rebuild habitat for endangered species and wildlife
*Grow fish populations and support sustainable harvesting
*Capture the CO₂ produced by our Shop Pay deliveries
Island of Broken Crystals
Featured Crystal Rescues
At Nature's Treasures, we believe that every crystal deserves a good home, whether it's a little older, missing a corner or just in need of some TLC. Visit our Clearance Section and adopt your crystal rescue TODAY!
The Treasure Tome: A Trove of Knowledge
Bring Nature Home with
Crystal Wisdom:
Information & News
Learn about crystals, what they mean, where they come from, and how to use them!
Blogs from our Crystal Wisdom: News & Information blog (below) can be read time
From the Crystal Wisdom: Information & News Blog available online!
Zodiac Stones: Crystals for Scorpio
All signs have their challenging points, and Scorpio is no exception. Scorpios feel everything quite deeply and can have intense emotional responses. They are prone to becoming jealous, possessive, and resentful. When they don't get what they...
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Online Operations Manager
Tami was born in the Quartz-filled foothills of Arkansas, and raised in the shady pines of East Texas, Tami developed a profound love of Nature. An avid learner and excellent student, both academically and spiritually, Tami learned how to focus her intuitive abilities at a young age which allowed her to open her own metaphysical shop before coming to Nature's Treasures. With a passion for Tarot, astrology, history and mythology, she brings her expertise into the renewed "Nature's Treasures Online" store as its manager.
Featured Fossil: Gastropoda-Sea Snail
Land and sea snails are part of a class called Gastropoda. We have previously explored Agatized Gastropods. This form of fossil snail is in its natural form. Their soft bodies are not durable enough to survive fossilization, but their small 0.5” shell is fossilized into a calcium carbonate mineral. Snail energy is about having patience in one’s life. It doesn’t matter how fast or how slow you go, you will get to wherever you are going. On a personal development level, they may assist with self-care, persistence and finding peace within yourself (wherever you are) similar to the snail, which carries its home wherever it travels. For those who enjoy collecting fossils, these mini shells are a sweet addition to any fossil collection.
Featured Agate: Moroccan Agate
Moroccan Agate is found in the Atlas mountains in Morocco. It typically has dark red banding but can be mostly white and has many other colors. The exterior of the agate can be many colors including brown, tan, white and pink.
Nature's Treasures wants to know...
As the Season of Giving fast approaches, which of these themes is dearest to your heart?
Other - e-mail community@ntrocks.com with your cause
In The Community Events Center
The Nature's Treasures Community Events Center Auditorium is available for new reservations! Keep an eye out for new upcoming events!
Stay tuned in to our Calendar and Upcoming Events Pages for the latest updates on events being held in our Community Events Center.
Classes | Lectures | Workshops & More
Nature's Treasures has a 2,200 sq ft (56' x 40') Auditorium that seats 150 available for your event.
Daily Practitioners (including weekends!)
Practitioners will be available for private sessions in-store from 11:00a-5:15p.
Update your e-mail subscriptions and remember to subscribe for Practitioner Updates for news!
Personal Shopping Services
Last Sunday of the Month - Austin's Crystal Whisperer
Dianna, Austin's Crystal Whisperer will help you find, understand and connect with the perfect crystals, rocks and minerals to take home with you. She also offers facetime shopping visits, contact her for details. austinscrystalwhisperer@gmail.com
or use her booking app HERE.
Intuitive Jewelry Services
Call Ahead for Availability, Saturdays Only
Crystal Heart Studio
Ask for Merlyn, a wire-wrapper and jewelry-maker who lets her intuition guide the creation of unique wearable art. Whether you want to bring in your own crystal or have Merlyn help you find the perfect crystal for you in-store, she will then combine the stone with others and harmonize their energies with assorted metals. Available for walk-ins most Saturdays in the Retail Showroom.
Fossil Fest
Nov 5th & 6th, 9a-5p
at the Old Settler's Heritage Association
Join us at the 30th Annual Fossil Fest for vendors, fun, games and prizes! While there, visit our booth and say "Hi" to Jimmy and Allie with all of their passion and knowledge about fossils.
The Healing Arts Festival & Market
Nov 6th, 11a-6p
in San Antonio
Don't want to drive into Austin and wait in line to get into the store? Visit our booth at The Healing Arts Festival & Market to get your crystals and interact with a myriad of practitioners and vendors all with unique gifts and products!
Aura Photo US by Sondra
Sondra travels the country showing people that they are beautiful and that the world is a better place with them in it. Aura Photography is Sonda's passion and calling, and she looks forward to seeing YOU!
*overview about Chakra & Aura energies,
*hand sensor energy scan and full-color printout
*intuitive reading of your colors, charts, and graphs, and
*email containing your scanned aura photo and a multiple-page analysis generated by the software.
Contact Information
Phone: 512.472.5015
Store Hours
Sunday - Saturday 11:00a - 5:50p
Visit NTRocks.com for Holiday Hours
Look For Us On Social Media