May 12, 2023

Dear Residents –

As most of you now know, last Friday, NYC Mayor Eric Adams called to tell me about a program he was implementing to house migrants from NYC in hotels all across NYS, and that a hotel in Orangetown had been identified as a possible location. Other than saying that NYC would cover the costs, he provided no other information. Throughout the following days, we learned the plan included housing 340 single adult males at the Armoni Inn & Suites in Orangeburg, with on-site staff available 24 hours a day/7 day a week, including social workers and case workers, together with laundry service, housekeeping, medical consultation and more. Below is a copy of the brochure that the Town obtained (not from NYC) that is being given out to migrants as they arrive in the city.      


It became clear that the conversion of the Armoni Inn & Suites – a hotel that serves as a place of overnight accommodation for transient occupants – into a housing facility for long-term residence violates our local zoning standards. Thus, the Town Building Inspector issued a Notice of Violation to the hotel on Sunday.  Despite this, NYC informed the Town at 4:30 pm on Tuesday that the first bus would be arriving sometime on Wednesday. 

By the time of the call, the Town Board had already filed papers in Rockland Supreme Court seeking a Temporary Restraining Order enjoining the use of the Armoni Inn & Suites for the long-term housing of individuals under the care of New York City. The court granted the requested relief around 5:30 pm on Tuesday.

To be clear, the immigration status of these individuals is irrelevant to this matter and the Town’s decision to seek legal recourse. The Town sought this restraint to ensure the integrity of local zoning regulations and the protection of those who would be housed in the Armoni Inn & Suites on a long-term basis, as well as the community at large.

The case will be back in court on May 31, 2023 (adjourned from this Monday, May 15, 2023). The Temporary Restraining Order will remain in place until such time. I will continue to update on this, as needed, on my Facebook page

Now, on to some happier matters. This week, my office had the pleasure of presenting Moringa Indian Curry House with a certificate for their grand opening in Tappan. The food, I am told, was absolutely delicious. Please stop in and welcome our newest business to Orangetown.  


I will be running the rail trail tomorrow in support of the Hunger's 5K Heroes Run/Walk race and our local food pantries. There is still time to register but, for those who would prefer to stand on the sidelines, feel free to come out and cheer us on. Speaking for myself, after this week, I can use all the support I can get.


And for those of you with children, take a look below for a sneak peek of the splash pad that is being installed at Veterans Memorial Park. Very exciting!  

Have a great weekend everyone. 


Teresa M. Kenny

Town Supervisor

Town of Orangetown

26 Orangeburg Road

Orangeburg, New York 10962

(845) 359-5100 x 2293

Town of Orangetown

"Rich in History"

Camp Shanks Museum - Spring Hours

  • Saturday, May 28, 11:00 am - 3:00 pm

May 23 - Public Hearing:

  • Proposed zone change for 175 East Washington Avenue, Pearl River, NY
  • To consider adopting the Orangetown Comprehensive Plan Update (continued from April 11th) (Find update here)

June 13 - Public Hearing:

  • Adding a new chapter to the town code entitled "PUBLIC MEETINGS" to permit certain public bodies of town government to conduct public meetings via videoconferncing under extraordinary circumstances.

June 27 - Publlc Hearing:

  • To amend the town code to permit restaurants, including fast food restaurants, as a permited use in mixed use developments.

For all future Town Board meetings, please click here.


Orangetown welcomes our newest restaurant to Tappan, Moringa Indian Curry House. Moringa is located at 65 Old Tappan Road in Tappan, NY and serves authentic cuisine from India in a modern industrial space.

Leadership Rockland

Supervisor Kenny took part in Leadership Rockland on Thursday, May 11, 2023. She was involved in two parts - Town Government and How I became involved in Government. Regarding Town Government, she spoke with her fellow Supervisors - George Hoehmann, Clarkstown, Mike Specht, Ramapo and Jim Monaghan, Stony Point. With How I became involved in Government, she shared the forum with Village of Nyack Trustee Pascale Jean Gilles.

A sneak peek...

...look what's coming!

Public Service Announcement

Orangetown Police Department


Register today and help fill the local food pantry shelves!

Sponsorships available - click here to request more information.

In previous years, Supervisor Teresa M. Kenny was able to disburse funds to 4 local food pantries - The Nyack Center, Soup Angels of Nyack, Rockland County Pride Center and the South Orangetown School District Food Pantry. Let's help grow the pot bigger and better this year!

Upcoming Events