This week at FUPC!
Shortly after the pandemic shut down all in-person activities at the church, I began offering a mid-week devotion on Facebook and YouTube, Praying the Psalms. It was intended to help form and shape our prayer life during the time of wilderness that we found ourselves within. I have done 62 episodes! All the episodes are available on both Facebook and YouTube. I found the process of preparing and offering these episodes to be a great spiritual exercise. I hope and pray that these offerings have been of value to you.

Starting in September, it is time to go in a different direction. We will look at other parts of Scripture in the context of prayer. Prayer is the most important and effective action that we do as followers of Jesus. Yet, many times we find ourselves wondering about prayer. This weekly devotion is an opportunity for God to continue to form and shape us in prayer. Unfortunately, the wilderness journey continues. Persevering in prayer is essential. Scripture has much to teach us about prayer.

The next series will look at The Lord’s Prayer, Praying the Lord’s Prayer. Jesus gave this model prayer when the disciples asked about prayer. Matthew included it in the Sermon on the Mount, a disciples training manual. We say this prayer every week in worship. Hopefully and prayerfully, this series will allow us to ponder the prayer, phrase by phrase, giving us an opportunity to go deeper than weekly rote recitation.

I will plan to upload a new episode each Wednesday afternoon on Facebook and YouTube, starting September 15.

I hope to see you Sunday, in-person or virtually on Facebook. Later in the day the worship service will be uploaded to YouTube. We jump back into the Gospel of Mark. Jesus is questioned by the religious leaders because his disciples don’t wash their hands before they eat. In response Jesus warns against worship that is only lip service and explains that it is not what comes from outside that defiles us, but what comes from the heart. Hands and Hearts.

Let me know of any needs or if you would like to visit with me. Let’s continue to choose compassion, kindness, and love, do justice, make peace, welcome the excluded and the stranger, and persevere in prayer as we glorify God, grow disciples, and meet the needs of our neighbors.

In Christ’s Love, Pastor Ken

Worship info for Sunday, 8/29!
Tools and resources to worship online below.
Bulletin/Worship Guide can be found by clicking here: Worship Guide
The Facebook page can be found here: Facebook
The You Tube channel can be found here: YouTube Or Visit our website!
COVID Protocol Reminder Everyone is tired of COVID and the resultant restrictions and limitations. However, it is important for us stay the course as we are confronted by the very dangerous Delta variant. So, a friendly reminder: 
  • Masks must be worn at all times while in the building by everyone.
  • Everyone is asked to maintain social distancing while inside the building.
  • Everyone is encouraged to use no-contact forms of greeting while inside the building.
  • Remember the service is live-streamed on Facebook for those uncomfortable attending in-person and those who are not feeling well.
Thank you for your assistance, patience and cooperation as we work together to keep everyone safe! If you have any questions or questions, please contact Pastor Ken or any Session member.
Weekly Bible Study - The class is currently led by Rich Lewis. They continue their study of the Gospel of Luke and have returned to their classroom. Since there is limited fellowship opportunities before worship they currently meet from 9:45 until 10:45. They will not meet on Sunday, 8/29 but will meet again on Sunday, 9/5. Rich looks forward to seeing you then.
Online Giving!
Online giving is now available! Just scan the QR Code to the right with your smart phone or click the "Give Now" button below. You will have the option to set up your giving profile. This will make it easy to login anytime you are ready to give, even for designated giving like Special Offerings throughout the year. You can choose to donate the 2% processing fee so Faith United will not be charged.
Church Office update - Due to the recent uptick of Covid-19 cases, the Church Office has decided to return to working remotely. Both Pastor Ken and Brenda Swindle will be checking the office daily for mail, emails, and can receive calls remotely at the office number, 972-243-2866. Please do not hesitate to call or leave a message if you have needs or concerns that need to be addressed. We continue in prayer for the situation and pray that this will be temporary.