July 2022
Summer Soccer Updates
Kids in the Harrisburg area have been enjoying some soccer training this summer. The JTDF has worked with local parks and summer programs to offer free soccer to the kids that attend the community programs. We continue to work with Eastern Pennsylvania Youth Soccer Association to help "grow the game" in areas where soccer is not rich in tradition.
Summer Skill School players got a chance to get educated on proper ways to recover during their upcoming high school and college seasons. We'd like to thank the Athletic Trainers from UPMC for coming and sharing this knowledge with our athletes.
Former Skill School participant Elle earned a chance to play this summer with the UWS Heartland Division Champion, KC Courage. Well done Elle. We are super proud of you.
Looking to Help the Youth of the JTDF
Celebrating 15 Years
A Walk Down
Memory Lane
This year marks the 15th year of the JT Dorsey Foundation. We are so blessed to have worked with so many wonderful families, coaches, and community supporters. Over this time period, we have worked with more than 13,483 children and look forward to continued work in Sports-Based Youth Development. We have not done this alone and invite your help to do more. Click on the button below to help us go another 15 years.
Our Mission
The JTDF's mission to provide wellness education, physical activity, mentorship, leadership, and a safe space for at-risk children to grow up. The JTDF completes this through the use of soccer to develop strong moral character, inspire academic excellence and promote community involvement for youth participants from ages 5 to 19.