August 2022 Student Success Updates

Dr. Cheryl Caesar Embraces a Beginner’s Mindset and a Translingual Approach to Empower Students
Welcome Dr. Ebony Green, Assistant Dean for University Advising
There is Still Time to Register for the Student Success Launch and Fall Advising Summit
MSU Museum's Focus Shifts from Knowledge Repository to Catalyst for Teaching, Learning and Student Success

A Welcome Return to Work on Large-scale Strategic Initiatives Focused on Student Success

After two and a half years of paused and slowed strategic initiatives, we are ready to dive fully back into the work and tackle many of the large-scale change initiatives needed to ensure we remain a highly accessible institution with the structures in place to ensure all students can learn, thrive, and graduate.

From the assistant dean for student success assessment and strategic initiatives

STEM Education at MSU is Making Rapid Strides

Associate provost Mark Largent

Three new colleagues’ great work has brought some quick wins for MSU and its students. As the STEM Building has come “online” and courses have moved “offline” with the waning of the pandemic, Drs. Libarkin, Thomas, and Sweeder have used the new STEM Building as both a venue and a facilitator for substantive reforms to STEM education and exciting new ideas that can make STEM more inclusive, more diverse, and more robust. 

From the desk of the associate provost