A centerpiece of the PTSA’s mission is to raise money to help fill in the gaps where our school funding falls short. Please join us in supporting our students, teachers and school by donating to the PTSA Make an Impact Campaign! Donations help pay for an additional mental health counselor at BHS, college preparation and counseling as well as grants to various academic, athletic and school clubs. Our goal this year is to raise $70,000. Every donation, no matter the size, will help. Donate today and Make an Impact!
Donations will help fund:
· Mental health counseling
· Classroom supplies for teachers
· Math and Reading programs
· College Preparation (substitute teachers to allow teachers time to write college recommendation letters for our seniors)
· Grants for academic, athletic and school clubs
· Parent Education
· DUI Assembly in the Spring for all students
· Staff Appreciation
· And, so much more
All donors will be recognized on the PTSA Honor Roll. Gifts up to $299 will be listed on the Silver Honor Roll. Gifts of $300 or greater will be listed on the Gold Honor List and gifts of $1000 or more will be listed on the Wolverines Honor Roll.
Please Donate at:
If your company offers matching, please take a moment to submit a match request and stretch your donation. Bellevue High PTSA’s tax id number is 91-1459440.
Should you prefer to write a check, please make it out to Bellevue High PTSA and mail it to 10416 SE Wolverine Way, Bellevue, WA 98004.
Got questions?
Thank you very much for your support!