September 15, 2022

Students are back on campus, classes are underway, and all of the information you need to stay informed is included in this

weekly newsletter from St. Mark's School! 

Looking for important updates?

Need reminders for upcoming events? 

Interested in the latest news from campus? 

Read on to learn what is happening Inside the Pride*. 

(*formerly the Deans' Weekly) 

"Stretched" or "Stressed"? 

We are now into the routine of school with academic classes and athletic programs in full swing. That said, the busyness can be exhausting and overwhelming for some students. Most are still in the process of figuring out how to navigate and juggle new classes and other commitments. If your child is moving from the “stretch” zone to the “stress” zone, please be sure to reach out to their advisor. Let’s keep everyone in the “stretch” zone!

Convocation Address

Last Friday evening, we hosted Convocation, which kicks off the beginning of the year with recognitions for academic excellence and teacher dedication to St. Mark’s. In addition, Head of School John C. Warren '74 presented a thoughtful talk on belonging. 

Read Mr. Warren's convocation address here.

St. Mark's Saturdays Start September 17

The fall season of St. Mark's Saturdays begins this Saturday, September 17! Class sessions will run from 9:00—11:30 a.m. on days where SM Saturdays meet. School meeting starts the day at 8:40 a.m., and breakfast is available beginning at 7:00 a.m. 

Evening Chapel Monday, September 19

Evening Chapel is coming up on Monday, September 19. Day students should remember to bring Chapel Dress to campus for Monday evening Chapel. 

On Tuesday morning, September 20, there will be no morning Chapel. Tuesday's class day starts with blue block.

All School Photo on Thursday, September 23

Smile! The School photo will take place on Thursday, September 23.

Community Life and Student Engagement

Weekend Activities

Want to know what's happening this weekend? Check out the Weekend Activities Google Doc for on-campus events and trips to off-campus locations.

Special Permissions for Missing a School Commitment

A "special permission" is a request for your child to miss any School commitment (a class, athletic practice, Chapel, co-curricular, evening study, etc.). All special permissions must be requested through the Dean of Student Engagement Office. After the special permission is approved, families and students can submit an Orah request that will be approved.

Orah Explained

Students and families request all overnights through the Orah system. Returning families keep login information from previous years. New families should have received an email invitation to the email address provided in the "family information" form. This invitation came to you from "Orah" and will ask that you create a username and password. It is critical that you not share this login information with your child. This system helps us to ensure that families are aware of and approve their child's requests. Students who approve their own requests by logging in as a parent/guardian face disciplinary consequences. For an explanation of Orah passes, see this helpful guide.


Burnett House & Orah

Burnett students and families will use the "Burnett sign-in" form. The form signs Burnett students into School for sleepovers on Saturday night. If St. Mark's boarders want to stay overnight with a Burnett family, they complete an "overnight" form and list the Burnett parent/guardian as their host. As a host, you will receive an email that asks you to approve the request acknowledging that you will be present and chaperoning the students in your care. Day students will be expected to use Orah more and more as the year continues.


Health Appointments

If your request for time away is associated with a medical appointment, this request should be made through Health Services. No Orah is required. Please call 508-786-6372 or email

This will allow our Health Services team to be in the loop should your child require aftercare or follow-up support of any kind.

Sunday Evening Hours

Sunday evening hours are considered the first academic commitment of the week. Please be sure students arrive back to campus on time Sunday!


The Fall Season

The fall athletic season is underway as students find a "home" in our athletic program! Our week of preseason training went well, despite a few rainy days. All students should now be accountable to an interscholastic team, wellness class, or extracurricular activity each afternoon. Please note that students playing soccer and field hockey will purchase two pairs of new socks, a blue pair and a white pair, to be worn for practices and/or games.

Follow Us for Schedules and Updates

You can access team schedules on the St. Mark's Athletics website, as well as follow our athletic program on Instagram (@smathletics) and Twitter (@smssports).


Admission Open House on Saturday, September 24 

Help us spread the word! The St. Mark's admission season kicks off on Saturday morning, September 24, with our Fall Open House from 9:00—11:00 a.m. No RSVP is required. This is an informal opportunity for prospective applicants to tour the campus, meet with admission representatives and current parents, and learn more about a St. Mark's education. Tours and interviews will begin Monday, September 26, and run through mid-January. 

Fall Festival on Wednesday, September 28

On Wednesday afternoon, September 28, prospective applicants are also welcome to attend the Fall Athletic Festival with Admission. No RSVP is required. This is another informal opportunity to meet admission representatives, connect with coaches, and cheer on the St. Mark's teams.


Save the Date: Family Weekend is October 14—15

Parents and guardians, please join us for Family Weekend! Attend a School meeting, follow your child's schedule, hear from Head of School John C. Warren ’74 at a parent reception, and much more. Registration information and details about the weekend's programs, advisor and college counseling conferences, and transportation to away games will follow in the coming weeks.

Last Chance to RSVP: Lives of Consequence Campaign Celebration, October 1

All current St. Mark’s parents and guardians are invited to celebrate the close of the transformative Lives of Consequence campaign. Don’t miss this celebratory evening of food, fun, and dancing! Learn more and RSVP here by September 16. 

Speaker Series for Parents #1: Understanding the Student Experience

For parents and guardians unable to attend, watch a recording of our first all-parent event of the 2022—2023 year here.

Save the Date: Alumni and Parent Tailgate Lunch

Plan to join other parents and alumni for a light lunch on campus before the home games on Saturday, October 22. Details to follow.

Around the Quad

For St. Mark's Swag, shop the SALE at the Online School Store

The online St. Mark's School store is currently having a 20-percent-off sale on everyday essentials for the month of September. Shop the sale here.

For More on What's Happening Inside the Pride

Check out photos from campus on our School's SmugMug page.

View the latest news stories on our website.

Calendar Highlights:

Sept 17 - St. Mark's Saturday (SMS)

Sept 19 - Evening Chapel

Sept 23 - All School Photo

Sept 24 - Admission Open House; SMS

Sept 28 - Admission Fall Festival

Oct 1- Lives of Consequence Celebration; SMS

Oct 12- PSATs/SATs

Oct 14- Family Weekend Begins

Click to View the Online School Calendar 
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