Mission Together
Ministry Resources and Ideas for Church Leaders
October | 2021
Supporting Families with Young Children

Many people recognize the changes in their own lives and routines caused by the COVID pandemic. Many common ways that we coped with stress -- having social gatherings, dining out, going shopping, taking vacations -- were limited, if not outright impossible for many months.

Even as some of these possibilities resume, for certain segments of the population, they remain out of reach. This is particularly true for families with young children. While some youth activities have resumed, not all have. And it remains difficult for many parents and guardians to find ways when their children can be supervised by others, allowing them personal space to quickly get things done or just have a few moments to themselves.

Here is the story of one congregation that saw an opportunity to support families with young children, providing place for kids to play while parents enjoyed coffee and adult conversation. Are there opportunities in your community for your congregation to support families with young children? Or are there other caregivers in your community that you can support creatively?

We Want to Hear about Your Ministry
Is your church doing something new or creative? Are you finding a unique way to serve a need in your community? We want to hear about it and share your story with the rest of the church! Our goal is to share at least one new idea from a congregation each time we publish this newsletter.

Please send your story to Joshua Patty, Regional Minister, and he will get in contact with you about your ministry. Sharing your church's story could spark a new idea in a sister congregation. As Disciples Together, we will be stronger in our ministry to the world when we share what God is doing through us in our communities.