Hello friends, clients, and curious readers! We're excited to bring you another newsletter full of information and ideas for maintaining your physical and mental health.

Read about herbal healing for a broken heart, how to deal with recurrent sciatic pain, summer foods to help you beat the heat, and ancient techniques for focus and mindfulness.

I hope you find what I've shared this month informative, transformative, and beneficial to your health and happiness. Please let me know what you think via social media, email, or at your next appointment!

Be Well,
Broken Heart?

When that love affair, relationship, or crush takes a nosedive and you need a little help getting over you-know-who, herbal medicinals are here for you! The Heartbreaker formula can help you through the ups and downs of heartbreak. If you’re experiencing an acute emotional stress response including sadness, palpitations, shortness of breath, and fear, Heartbreaker is here to support you with an entire team of herbalists on your side of the split!

An acupuncture treatment and assessment will determine if this herbal formula is right for you, but for most people, this herbal tincture will be your new crush. Schedule a consultation to learn more about this product.

Urban Herbs is on a mission to take the Earth's most powerful medicinals, pack them into accessible products, and change the future of medicine. Their line of tinctures uses superior quality herbs, specially formulated, to support a variety of common conditions.  
Sciatic Pain, Again
Sciatic pain in the hip, buttock and back of the leg is a re-occurring problem and most patients only get mild relief from conventional treatments which take many months of repeat treatment, only to find that the pain has come back again. Acupuncture and TCM have a phenomenal history of treating this complaint.

In Chinese medicine, we look at the “channel” that a pain complaint is occurring on in order to treat it. Sciatic pain usually affects the gallbladder and/or bladder channel which traverses the back and the lateral sides of the leg. Sometimes the stomach channel is compromised if the patient complains of pain wrapping around the hip to the front of the leg.

If you or someone you know is suffering from sciatica, don’t hesitate to call the Acupuncture by Andrea office and get some relief from that pain in the butt (and back, and leg, and...)

What's Cooler than Being Cool?
In the summer we want to stay cool. Fresh, light and delicious is the name of the game for summer food and beverages. Foods that are harvested and abundant in the summer will keep us cool, while ensuring that we stay hydrated and not weighed down by excess digestion.

Fruits and vegetables that are “weepy” or “watery” are a great choice this time of year.
  • Melons: watermelon, cantaloupe, honeydew
  • Stone fruits: cherries, peaches, nectarines
  • Vegetables: cucumbers, zucchini, okra
  • Lettuces are abundant in summer and are light and refreshing; a garden salad, full of locally sourced vegetables, makes for a delightful and light lunch or dinner.
  • To help strengthen digestion in a weak stomach, add a little protein to your salad in the form of chicken, steak, egg, or fish. Fish, a “cooler” meat in TCM, due to the fact that it comes from water versus the land, is light and can be prepared without a lot of heavy condiments, keeping it easily digestible and cooling.

Beneficial summer beverages come in many delicious varieties.
  • Mint tea aids in digestion, is cooling overall, and can help with liver function.
  • Chrysanthemum tea cools the skin, calms emotions, and helps to reduce stress while aiding in sleep.
  • Watermelon juice and green tea disperse summer heat and remove heat from the liver and gallbladder while relieving stomach and lung issues.
  • And of course, this summer, drink plenty of cool, clean water!

Avoid hot and heavy foods and drinks to keep you feeling light throughout the summer. Spicy foods are best in the cold of winter and heavily sauced dishes can wait until the fall. Creamy and cold sounds good (who doesn’t love an ice cream on a hot day?), but it can be detrimental to the digestive system if overeaten. Your body uses energy reserved for digestion in warming cold foods and breaking down the protein-filled creaminess. Slowing down digestion causes it to become sluggish and slow, creating heat, the problem we are trying to alleviate!

Feeling adventurous? Try these traditional Chinese summer recipes.
Focus: Miyamoto Musashi and The Way
This 3-part video series is designed to be an inspiration for living a full life in modern times based on a samurai’s life in Ancient Japan. I often listen to these 21 principles to help me re-set and re-start in the morning, when my attitude is not serving me, or when life’s events have got me turned upside down. Watch, listen, and learn about the principles of sacrifice, discipline, and focus and how they can play a beneficial role in your life.

"It may seem difficult at first, but everything is difficult at first." -Miyamoto Musashi
Welcome our Amazing New Team Member!
Sharon Knapp, LMT, CNMT, Owner and CranioSacral Therapist at The Essential Wellness Center, Inc. is joining the team at Acupuncture by Andrea!

Sharon started her study with the Upledger Institure where she began working with clients to help them achieve better health. With a light touch, CranioSacral Therapy is a gentle, non-invasive technique to remove restrictions in the fascia. Dr. Knapp's mission is to empower you with overall better health and increased resistance to disease.

Contact Dr. Knapp to schedule a treatment at the Acupuncture by Andrea office today!

Find Your Gift
The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.
-Pablo Picasso