September 2024 Chapter Newsletter


That's right! You're reading it right, we're bringing back the Invitational! Pick your partner for a 2 person scramble event. We've invited the Asheville, Raleigh, Triangle, Sandhills, SC Upstate, and Columbia Chapters to join us for a fun filled day! The fee includes your range balls, golf and cart, food and prizes out at Warrior in China Grove.

Dual Chapter Event - Edgewater 09/28

We're excited to be hosting another Dual Chapter event on September 28th. This will be a just for fun round with our friends from the Columbia Chapter! It will be a fun-filled day of great golf and comradery! Register at the link below.


Upcoming Weekend Tour Events

Season is coming to a close but our events are plentiful!

09/28 - Edgewater 11AM - Dual Chapter Event with Columbia Chapter (Info above)

10/05 - Mooresville Golf Course - Fore the TaTas - WEAR PINK!

10/12 - INVITATIONAL - 2 Person Scramble - WARRIOR 11AM (Info above)

2024 Queens Cup - Queens Crowned

We (literally) crowned the queen of the Chapter Championship Saturday September 21st. We had three stroke flights and a scramble flight. Thank you to all participants! Special thanks to Nick and the staff at Stonebridge for all they did to make this event great!


Eagle Flight (handicap 19 and lower) 1st Place - Kristina Parish (pictured above); 2nd Place - Nancy Ballard (pictured above); 3rd Place - Vanessa Palmersheim

Birdie Flight (handicap 20-24.9) 1st Place - Sheila Roseboro (pictured above); 2nd Place - Jolene Keziah (pictured above); 3rd Place - LaWanda Bailey

Par Flight (handicap 25+) 1st Place - Mildred Marshburn (pictured above); 2nd Place - Leigh Ann Merchant (pictured above); 3rd Place - Rebecca Hobbs


1st Place Team - Tracie Gordon and Diana Kooser (pictured above)

2nd Place Team - Zoe Dommel and Wanda Vincent (pictured above)

3rd Place Team - Zeynep Atabay and Kasia Swierzewski

For More Photos from our Chapter Championship please click the below button.

View more photos

2024 Birdie Tree

Our 2024 season is coming close to the end. Below is our leaderboard. Please remember this is only for when you are playing Chapter sponsored events or LPGA Amateur national sponsored events.

Top Birdie Gals

Judy Hillhouse - 10

Sheila Roseboro - 7

Dawn Chesley - 7

Lynda Wilhelm - 5

Nancy Ballard - 3

Karen Witherspoon - 3

Cindy Moser - 2

Phylis Armour - 2

Sue Frederick - 2

Tammy Forbes - 2

Vicki Dallis - 1

Caroline Hollar -1

Martina Schmitz - 1

Fannie Jemison - 1

Vanessa Palmersheim - 1

Mary Cossor - 1

Kasia Swierzewski - 1

Tracie Gordon - 1

Zeynep Atabay - 1

*The above is as of 9/4 reported.

Please send in photos of your birdies and golfing for our end of year slideshow as you can!

The Charlotte Chapter Birdie Queen will be crowned at our Season Finale in November! Submit your birdies to be sure you're in the running!

Report your Birdies Here!

Who will be our top Birdie gal for 2024?!? Reminder, we are doing a prize at the end of the year for our top earner! Be sure to report your birdies using the link above. Any questions? Ask Vanessa at!

Birdie captured (below) by Vanessa Palmersheim at Carolina Lakes during weekly league on hole 7.

Sign up today for our Putting Clinic with John Thompson at Carolina Lakes Golf Course on Sunday September 29th from Noon - 1:30.

Clinic is reserved to 12 Participants. You will be paying on-site day of directly to John. Please click the button below to email Vanessa to reserve your spot.

John will be hosting another Clinic with us in October so keep your eyes out for another announcement in the upcoming month!


New Members

Mary Lou Savarese

Linda Lemmons

As a reminder, the top recruiter for the Chapter gets a prize at the end of the year and anyone who recruits 5 + new members gets reduced membership dues!


Please be mindful that your membership expires on 12/31/24. Be on the lookout for emails to renew hitting your inbox in the upcoming months. We cannot guarantee any grace period so be sure to renew by 11PM EST on 12/31/24.

Any questions on renewal, let Vanessa know.

FORE the Good - Charlotte Chapter Gives Back

Your 2023-2024 Board has put an emphasis on Community and as a part of this intention, we will be giving back to the Community. As a part of our 2024 events we've raised a sum of money we would like to give to a cause near and dear to our Chapter's hearts.

To do this, we need input from you on what charities you would like us to donate the funds to. We are going to take the top three suggestions and have the membership vote in the November newsletter and donate the funds raised through the Season Ender to the charity or cause of your choosing.

Please email Fannie Jemison ( any recommendations for us to donate these funds to. We would like to focus on golf or women related causes if possible.

Looking for Volunteers to "Chip in"

Are you willing to ‘Chip In’ and volunteer for our chapter? Our Chapter Board is completely

comprised of volunteers with lots of great initiatives planned for the remainder of the year into

next year. Only through your efforts combined with your 2024-2025 Board we can push the

Chapter into the new year with renewed energy and even higher goals!

In 2025 we will be voting in a new board and are looking to fill some positions. Our goal is to

get individuals involved now to ensure we have a strong succession pipeline. Below are the

board positions we currently have and some volunteer spots we’re looking to get a boost.

Anyone interested in volunteering for one of the positions below, please let Marcie know.

We are always seeking volunteers interested in helping us with our socials and events so if you are interested in volunteering for events/socials – please let Fannie know and we will add you to our list.

Finance and Records Director (Treasurer)

You will work with Fannie for your first year to ensure you're comfortable and learn the ins and outs of the responsibilities.

The Finance and Records Director position manages the following:

·       Filing of required Chapter Minimum Standards with LPGA HQ

·       Compliance with Chapter and Association Policies

·       Financial Oversight

o  Maintains Chapter Bank Account(s) and investment accounts

o  Develop / Monitor Budget

o  Year End Financials

o  Tax Returns

·       Business Requirements

o  Tax Exempt

o  Incorporation Status

o  Insurance

Communications Director

·       Familiarization and oversight of the LPGA Brand Guidelines to ensure that the Chapter is in full Compliance

·        Oversight of all Chapter communications including the Chapter website, social networks, newsletters, e-blasts.

·       Promotion of the Chapter and its events.

·       Maintenance of the Chapter Website and social media to ensure the content is accurate and continually updated.

Member Services Director

The Member Services Director’s mission is to get members involved, engaged, and having fun with the Chapter, to retain the Chapter’s membership base.

·       Member Welcome Program and Onboarding Process

·       Member Orientations

·       Member participation

·       Volunteer recruiting

·       Volunteer recognition

·       Golf Mentoring Program

Membership Director

Manage and oversee promotion and hosting of member recruitment events and activities:

·       Member Welcome Program and Onboarding Process

·       Member Orientations

·       Member participation

·       Volunteer recruiting

·       Volunteer recognition

·       Golf Mentoring Program

·       Community Collaboration and Relations

Golf and Events Director

Manage and oversee those who contribute to the organization, promotion & hosting of:

·       Golf Activities: golf-related events, leagues, golf education

·       Non-Golf Activities: Social and networking groups and other events

·       Special Events

·       Charity Events

·       Inter-Chapter Events (ex. Lone Star Cup, Magnolia Cup)

·       Chapter Championship

·       Handicap System

·       Rules, Etiquette & Handicap Education

·       Chapter Events Calendar

·       Golf Mentoring Program 

Complimentary Entrance to the Final 2024 LPGA Events

There are still eight more LPGA events scheduled in the US for the 2024 season where LPGA Amateurs members receive complimentary entrance (1 member + 1 guest)! Click here for more information, including how to obtain tickets for some of the events and special members opportunities at the FM Championship and Kroger Queen City Championship! Be prepared to show your LPGA Amateurs Membership ID Card at Will Call for entry.

Tips for Playing Golf in the Fall

Do you enjoy playing golf in the fall with all the beautiful colors and cooler temperatures? And yet also find it a little more challenging with the piles of leaves hiding your ball, the start of construction projects on the course and earlier sunsets? A USGA article provides tips to make your rounds more enjoyable! Check out Turning Over a New Leaf: Common Fall Occurrences on the Course that is available in the LPGA Amateurs Virtual Community.

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