Mission Mosaic
The Mission & Justice Newsletter of The West Ohio Conference
In This Issue
Upcoming VIM Teams
(click on links for details)
Shawnee Valley Winter Mission Trip
Hurricane Repairs in Laurinburg, NC
January 19-25, 2020

VIM Construction/Medical Mission to Mexico

VIM SOWER Henderson Settlement
Mission & Justice Events
(click on links for details)

Saturday, January 11
Ginghamsburg UMC

Crossing the Color Line: 400 Years of Race in America
Global Prayer Calendar
SOCM Globe
In the coming weeks, pray for our friends and partners in the U.S. and around the world! Visit the Global Prayer Calendar online !

Fall greetings from The West Ohio Conference! In this edition of Mission Mosaic, the Mission & Justice newsletter of The West Ohio Conference, you can see what's happening in the North Katanga Conference, get an update on disaster response in West Ohio, learn how you can support global migration efforts through UMCOR, hear from Missionary Lorraine Charinda, and find out what you can do about hunger here in Ohio.  If you are feeling called to be involved with mission and justice in our conference, please contact me at dstickley@wocumc.org. Thanks for all you do to support the work of mission and justice in West Ohio!

Dee Stickley-Miner
Director of Connectional Ministries
West Ohio Conference
Global Mission
Updates from our Mission Partner in North Katanga, DR Congo:

In mid-August, a fire swept through Kyondo village in North Katanga, destroying 82 houses, including the home of the District Superintendent. Also ruined was the village school. It will take plenty of hard work and financial support to help this community rebuild. To help Kyondo village rebuild, send checks to The West Ohio Conference, 32 Wesley Blvd, Worthington, OH 43085, with 'Kyondo Village' in the Memo line.

During this year's Light the Way campaign at Annual Conference, West Ohio pledged $50,000 to help support new church starts in North Katanga. With this money, North Katanga was able to purchase 1,000 bags of cement for church construction, along with iron sheets for roofing. Each church is then responsible for making their own bricks. Thank you, West Ohio, for your generosity!

At the Kamina Children's Home, the children have now grown into youth with plans and dreams of their own. Meet Michel, one of the youngest youth at the orphanage, who is starting his fourth year of secondary school. Michel is a very kind, clever and willing boy. One day, he decided on his own to clean all of the bathrooms at the orphanage. He did such a good job that everybody congratulated him in various ways, and the other youth were invited to use him as an example. Michel aims to be a pilot one day. Please keep Michel and all of the youth at the Kamina Children's Home in your prayers. To support KCH, click here and choose 'Kamina Children's Home' from the drop-down box.
Disaster Response
Following the outbreak of tornadoes in West Ohio in late May, the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) awarded a grant of $100,000 to West Ohio's Disaster Response ministries. The money is being used to hire several project managers and to repair homes in the Dayton area. A big THANK YOU to UMCOR for their support! For more information on how you can help, visit West Ohio's Disaster Response page here.
Ministry With Our Neighbors
UMCOR: Global Migration Video
UMCOR: Global Migration Video

Did you know there are about 1 billion migrants in the world today? From people who have been forcibly displaced, to registered refugees, to people who have been trafficked and those who are stateless, UMCOR is working to alleviate the suffering of refugees and migrants all over the world. As the Church, we can help by praying for migrants and refugees; serving with organizations that provide services to displaced persons; advocating for more humane immigration policies; and by giving to the Global Migration fund through Advance #3022144 . These funds are used to provide food, clothing, shelter, legal assistance, and other services to migrants and refugees around the world.
Missionary Moment
A word from West Ohio-supported missionary to North Katanga, Lorraine Charinda...

Whoever said the words 'seeing is believing' knew exactly what life is all about. I used to hear all kinds of stories from travelers who came from different districts. They used to inform us of the bad conditions and dilapidated roads that they encountered on their travels. To me it was all tales and I did not really grasp the extent of the bad conditions they mentioned until I went on one trip myself. This past month my team and I went to 3 districts. We used motorbikes to carry us to our destinations. I was excited to embark on the journey, but little did I know the conditions that would meet us. I remember the first 16km we journeyed felt like an eternity. It took us almost 2 hours to cover that distance. I began to panic at how much time it would take us to reach to our final destination, which was 200km away. As we covered 40km in sandy roads and sometimes riding in the rail road, it really hit me that this is an almost everyday experience for the majority in North Katanga for most of their lives. How was I to better serve the people and fulfill my mission if I complained at every discomfort and threw negative remarks every chance I got to the very people who have endured these conditions the better part of their lives? I found a new respect for them! Some used bicycles for the same destination we were heading, with a lot of luggage on their carriers. It took them days to reach there but they never gave up and were always optimistic on their voyage. It gave me strength and I kept telling myself, 'THIS IS LIFE OF A MISSIONARY.' We serve in communities far from home, and always have new encounters that humble us and change views on how we see the world. I am happy to be part of this journey as it has taught me a lot and made me to be appreciative of every little thing that I used to take advantage of. 

Learn more about Lorraine and her ministry here.
Advocacy & Education
The Hunger Network of Ohio is offering 'Advocacy in Advent: Proclaiming God's Justice that is Breaking into the World,' an opportunity to advocate for more just hunger policies on Tuesday, December 10, from 9:00 am-3:00 pm at the Ohio Statehouse. First, get a policy update on hunger and policy in Ohio - specifically SB 165, which will update SNAP (food stamps) requirements - and then you will have the chance to meet with state officials. No experience is necessary! All you need is a passion for making sure that all are fed. For more information or to register, click here.
Want more Mission & Justice news, stories, videos, and prayer requests? Go to... 
Contact dstickley@wocumc.org for more information.