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Self-Care and Final Exams

It’s hard to believe the end of the semester is almost here, and with it, final exams and projects. As you know, it is a time of high stress for students.

Research shows that just as important as studying is taking purposeful breaks to reenergize the mind and increase energy and focus. Stony Brook is committed to providing opportunities for students to destress and take a break from their studies.

Here are just a few of the options in the coming days. Feel free to let your students know!

Holiday Card Making: Be a Holiday Hero! December 5, 12pm-2pm, East Side Dining.

Students will make holiday cards to send well wishes to children at Stony Brook Children's Hospital. Performances from SB Vocalists and Stony Brook Music and Medicine. Complimentary hot cocoa and pastries.

CEAS Mindfulness Day December 6, 10am to 10:45am, 12pm to 12:45pm, 3pm to 3:45pm, Engineering Building Room 231.

College of Engineering and Applied Sciences (CEAS) invites students to their Mindfulness Day. CEAS Social Work Intern will be guiding students through relaxing activities and guided meditations to help boost confidence.

Seawolf Study Break Cafe. December 6, 10am-3pm, Stony Brook Union Ballroom.

The Center for Prevention and Outreach is hosting a Study Break Cafe on Reading Day. Their schedule throughout the day includes self care activities, yoga, brain games, and nourishing food. Students can drop in any time from 10am to 3pm to enjoy de-stressing activities including the adorable therapy puppies from CAPS PALS, which have been shown to decrease anxiety, reduce blood pressure, lower heart rate, and reduce stress hormones in their human friends.

Starbucks Study Break Night, Stony Brook Women’s Basketball vs. Columbia. December 7, 7pm-9pm. Island Federal Arena. 

Everyone needs a study break before finals! Students are invited to join the Seawolves as they take on the Columbia Lions at 7:00 PM at Island Federal Arena. Undergraduate students receive free admission to all Stony Brook Athletics Events. The first 200 students in attendance will receive a Starbucks gift card courtesy of Stony Brook Athletics.

Ugly Sweater Party at the Men's Basketball Game. December 12, 6:30pm- 8:30pm. Island Federal Arena.

For every fan who wears an ugly holiday sweater, $10 will be donated to help build the Ronald McDonald House at SBU Children's Hospital. And as always, undergraduate students attend games for free!

Additional R&R Opportunities!
Three students working on crafts projects

Tips from Students

What's it like to be a student at SBU? Hear it from a Seawolf! 

We hear from Izabela Budzik, a sophomore majoring in Neuroscience. She talks about what she does to relax in times of high stress such as the end of the semester. Going for a walk, journaling and talking to friends are some of the things Izabela mentioned that might work for any student!

Tips from Students - De-stressing Tips

Sprinkling Support: Salt Shaker Parenting

Our metaphor of being a Salt Shaker parent means sprinkling your child with support, questions, and love in a gentle, subtle way.

Salt shaker

As parents, we all want our students to be academically successful at Stony Brook, and while it may be tempting to tell them to just study harder, there are much more impactful ways you can help! While studying is a key component to achievement and strong grades, there are other tools available that you can remind your student about. 

One of the primary indicators we see in successful students is the ability to find balance in their lives. Academic success is going to require many hours of studying and focus, but self-care and stress management are also necessary elements for a healthy scholar. You may gently suggest they take some time to connect with friends, do some deep breathing or take a walk. Many students feel the best way to “ace their finals” is to stay up late cramming, but studies have shown that steady and consistent studying throughout the semester and a good night’s sleep before exams is what really works!

As you gently sprinkle support and ideas for success, remember your student is doing their best and will appreciate knowing you trust them. They may not be willing to chat about their finals and the stress they are feeling, but an encouraging text message and reminder of your love may be just what they need during finals week.

Career and Internships

Winter Break Project: Career Research

The winter break is the perfect time for students to research about different career fields. Conducting this research will allow your student to make more informed choices when it comes to career decision making! Also, the Career Center is open during winter break for your student to make an in-person or virtual appointment to discuss their career journey, including helping prepare for their job and/or internship search. Your student can contact the Career Center at


Student taking part on a virtual interview
Career Research Steps

Campus Highlights

Light the Brook

The Stony Brook Community Celebrates Light the Brook

Stony Brook University held its fifth annual Light the Brook celebration on November 9, lighting up the academic mall in honor of the amazing achievements of our students and the wider campus community as the fall semester comes to an end.

Students, faculty and staff enjoyed hot chocolate and turned out in droves for the annual tradition, with the most participants and attendees ever.


Stony Brook to help Expand Mental Health Services for Youth

New York State Governor Kathy Hochul announced more than $3.3 million to community-based healthcare providers that will increase access to mental health services for children and families, including $250,000 to Stony Brook University to provide training that will help mental health care providers better serve dually diagnosed people who are living with mental illness and a developmental disability.


Campus News

Conquer Your Career Week: Connecting First Years at SBU to Careers The Career Center held a new-and-improved Conquer Your Career Week from October 24 to October 27 in the Student Activities Center, where students were able to attend a series of workshops to help them learn life skills in preparation for the rest of their academic and professional lives. 

Read more.

SBU Recognized for Student Voter Participation Efforts

Stony Brook University has been recognized by the ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge (ALL IN) as one of 2022’s ALL IN Most Engaged Campuses for College Student Voting, which recognizes colleges and universities for making intentional efforts to increase student voter participation.

Read more.

Marie Colvin Center Panel Explores Women's Uprising in Iran 

The Marie Colvin Center for International Reporting at the School of Communication and Journalism and the Office of Diversity, Inclusion and Intercultural Initiatives hosted a conversation on November 16 in the Charles B. Wang Center that featured a panel of experts in a spirited discussion that pondered the potential impact of these uprisings on the future of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Read more.

Upcoming Events

December Commencement

Friday, December 16, 11am

Island Federal Arena

For more information and tickets, visit

The Nutcracker

December 17-19, various times

Staller Center

A holiday favorite performed by the Seiskaya Ballet.

Get Tickets

Ugly Sweater Party at Men's Basketball: Seawolves vs. Sacred Heart

Monday, December 12, 6:31pm

Island Federal Arena

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Women's Basketball: Seawolves vs. William and Mary

Friday, December 30, 6:31pm

Island Federal Arena

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Visit the Stony Brook Calendar for a full list of campus events.

December 12: Ugly Sweater Party!
New student at welcome week holding a foam paw that says Proud Seawolves Family

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Division of Student Affairs