Hello Long Beach State! 

We’ve made it to finals season! I know finals can be rough, so I hope that you take advantage of the many programs and events that we’ve planned to help you get through these stressful times, like Beach Pride Events’ (BPE) DIY California Snow Day. Take some time out of your day to build your own snowman buddy. Also, don’t miss out on the final Farmers Market of the semester, the final Movies on the House featuring “Lightyear,” and the final Noontime Concert with Jordan Pratt. Finally, be on the lookout for all of BPE’s Finals Week activities.  


I want to take this time to thank everyone that came out to The Future U Kick-Off Celebration! I enjoyed meeting with so many students and talking with you about the potential renovation and expansion of the University Student Union (USU). If you were unable to make the event, don’t worry! This week the Student Recreation and Wellness Center (SRWC) is hosting The Future U Winter Wonderland! Join me at the SRWC Entry Plaza to play around in 45,000 pounds of snow while you learn more about The Future U Project. For more information about the project, visit


In addition to joining me at all of The Future U events, please make sure you take the time to take The Future U Survey. To ensure student needs are heard, your participation in this survey, and this campaign, is vital. Now is your chance to "Create Tomorrow Today." Take The Future U Project survey for a chance to win prizes between now and Feb. 10, 2023!    


Good luck on finals and, as always, Go Beach! 

Isaac Julian


Associated Students, Inc.

Long Beach State University

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