December 2022

To the entire Congregation and Friends of EMUC,

Remember when an entire string of Christmas tree lights would go out if even one bulb malfunctioned? It was so frustrating and time-consuming to try and locate that one problematic bulb. Thankfully, modern engineering introduced a tiny shunt wire at the base of each bulb that now prevents the whole strand of lights from failing even if one bulb does.
At Erin Mills United, like those old strands of Christmas tree lights, we aren’t very effective without every bulb in place and working. So, thank you for everything you do to make our faith community viable and help us to shine.
At this hope-filled time of year let’s celebrate all the light in our lives and remember that even in the darkness we are never really alone.
To you and your family from mine, a wish for a blessed peace-filled Christmas and a joyous New Year.
With deep gratitude,
Rev Kathi

May all of you find the peace, joy and love of the Christmas season
now and in the coming year!

Merry Christmas!

From the Leadership Circle