
Stay connected, informed and involved

November 4, 2024

The student version of Things@King's is on a monthly schedule.

The next issue will be on December 2, 2024. 

Important dates and information

Exam schedule

The December Exam schedule is now live. Get ready and plan ahead for a successful exam season!

Exams will take place from December 9 to December 22.

View your exam schedule

November 11

On November 11, we pause to honour those who made the ultimate sacrifice. We will gather at the flagpoles in front of Wemple Hall for our Remembrance Day CeremonyThe ceremony will be led by Campus Ministry and will feature a bugler, piper, and members of King’s Chamber Choir. 

December 6

The last day of fall classes is December 6.

Study days are from December 7 to 8, 2024.

Student Awards Ceremony - November 24

We’re celebrating the academic achievements of your fellow students and the generosity of donors who support student awards at King's. This ceremony highlights the various awards and financial opportunities available to students. Please note: attendance is by invitation only.

Academic Success

Important Reminder: Course Withdrawal Deadline

A reminder that December 2, 2024 is the last day to withdraw from a full (1.0) course and full-year half (0.5) course, as well as a first-term half (0.5) course or a first-term full (1.0) course resulting in a grade of ‘WDN’ (withdrawn, without academic penalty). Course withdrawals after this date will appear on a transcript with a grade of ‘F’.

  • FAQs about dropping classes are available here.
  • We invite you to make an appointment or attend drop-in hours to speak with an Advisor about your course load or program – we will be happy to talk with you!

MEM Help Centre: Your Academic Support Hub

The MEM Help Centre offers support for Management, Economics, and Mathematics courses. Staffed by current undergraduate students, this resource provides personalized assistance to help you succeed. Check out the course list and schedule for more details!

For more information, visit the MEM Help Centre.

Events: Mark your calendars

Stay in the loop! Check out the KUCSC Events Calendar to stay up-to-date on student-led events and activities at King’s. 

King's Fall Career Fair

November 5, 2024

1 p.m. - 4 p.m.

Join us for the Fall Career Fair and connect with local employers from various industries. Bring your resume, dress to impress, and don't forget your Student ID for a chance to win a swag prize! This free drop-in event is designed to help students find job opportunities and build professional networks—no registration required.

Learn more

King's Fall Volunteer Fair

November 12, 2024

1 p.m. - 4 p.m.

Join us for the Fall Career Fair and connect with local employers from various industries. Bring your resume, dress to impress, and don't forget your Student ID for a chance to win a prize! This free drop-in event is designed to help students find job opportunities and build professional networks—no registration required.

Learn more

Community Conversations: Inclusion in Sports

November 21, 2024

11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

Vitali Student Lounge, Wemple Hall

How do stereotypes in sports impact those who are playing them? Are women and racialized people truly welcome in hockey? Has there been real progress with the creation of the Professional Women's Hockey League? Special guest Kwame Aidoo, a Guidance Counsellor at Mother Teresa Catholic Secondary School and a Coach for the Western Mustangs Football team, will help us explore these important questions. Don't miss this chance to engage in meaningful conversations about inclusivity in sports!

Learn more

Veritas Series - Annual Christ the King Lecture: Is the Christian God A Migrant? with Peter C. Phan

November 21, 2024

7 p.m.

Joanne and Peter Kenny Theatre, King Student Life Centre

Join us for a lecture by Peter C. Phan exploring if the Christian God can be seen as a migrant. Find out how this idea connects to creation, incarnation, and transformation. It’s a great chance to think about important issues in a new way.

Learn more

Christopher Perrin Beatty Lecture

November 20, 2024

4 p.m. - 6 p.m.

Spriet Learning Commons, King Student Life Centre

Join us for the Christopher Perrin Beatty Lecture featuring Dr. Lynda Hutchinson ’01, who will present "Fostering Self-Regulated Learning in the 21st Century Classroom: Stories and Strategies from an Educational Psychologist." This event is a great opportunity for you to gain expert insights, discover practical tips to enhance your learning skills, and network with faculty and peers. You'll also have the chance to celebrate the dedication of professors recognized for their teaching excellence.

Enjoy refreshments at the reception following the lecture.

Learn more
View King's Events Calendar

Student Spotlight

Meet Andrea Smith

Andrea Smith is a fourth-year student majoring in Social Justice & Peace Studies and Politics & International Relations. Through her Community-Based Learning course, she partnered with LIFE*SPIN, an organization dedicated to supporting low-income individuals.

Last March, Andrea helped organize LIFESPIN’s tenant support fair, assisting over 100 tenants in addressing issues like pests and disrepair. She also authored a report on LIFESPIN’s community impact, presented to the Community and Protective Services Committee. Andrea credits her success to the relationships she’s built with her professors at King’s, which have empowered her to drive positive social change.

Andrea is also a panelist at the Research Seminar Series on November 6, 2024. Read more about Andrea's work here.

Keeping Up With King's

Outgoing Exchange Information Sessions


Have you ever wanted to go on a global exchange? Visit King's International's 2024/25 Exchange Information Booths in the Student Life Centre on:

  • November 4 (from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.)
  • November 26 (from noon to 3 p.m.)

There will be a Exchange Information Session on November 15, from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. in KC119 to learn more!

The atlas portal is now open; apply by January 15, 2025. King’s students who go on exchange are eligible for the International Study Award, which grants $1,000 per semester abroad. For details and dates, visit our website.

King's Food Services Survey

We need your feedback to shape the future of food services at King’s! Please take 5 minutes to complete the survey before it closes on Sunday, November 24. Complete the survey here: Food Services Survey.

Capture Your Graduation Memories 

Your university graduation is one of those once-in-a-lifetime moments that deserve to be remembered. Capture those memories with a mix of professionally taken traditional and fun portraits.

Students can now book their graduation photos. Appointments are available throughout February. Book your photos here.

Your $25 sitting fee includes:

  • 8-10 poses in Graduation attire
  • 2-3 poses in casual attire

In the news

King's grad embraced opportunities to become a leader

In an article for Western News, Misko Kicknosway '24 discusses how the leadership opportunities she had through King's and Western helped her land a position at the University of Manitoba, as assistant to the director of Indigenous leadership programming. 


Discover external wellness resources to support your health in the KUCSC Resource List.

Accessibility, counselling & student development

King’s ACSD Department is available for free to all King’s University College students, offering support services to help you achieve your academic and personal goals. All services are available by scheduled appointment; walk-in appointments for Accessibility Services and Personal Counselling are also offered. 

Schedule and learn more


Togetherall is a peer-to-peer platform where you can connect anonymously with others. It’s a safe space supported by trained professionals, available 24/7.

Follow these quick steps to unlock access to our supportive community!

1. Visit

2. Select "Join for Free"

3. Enter your uwo email address

Click "Submit details"

Career Resources 

Save the Date for Career Events

Devant - LinkedIn Profile Workshop

November 13, 2024

7 p.m.

Free workshop, hosted by Devant

Join our career coaches at this interactive workshop to learn more about how to stand out on LinkedIn, tailor your profile to your desired industry, and attract employers to you! Zoom link

Career Resources

Job Boards

Campus Ministry 

Prayer with the Songs of Taizé.

Christ the King Chapel (Wemple)

Join us for a time of contemplative Christian prayer, accompanied by a simple chant. The full schedule can be found here.

100 Mile Meal, Sustainable Farming, and Climate Café

November 6, 2024

5:30 - 8:30 p.m.

International House


100 Mile Meal is an extremely local potluck meal where the food comes from within a 50-mile radius of King’s. Registration is required.


Join Campus Ministry for these ecological opportunities. Visit our Ecological Opportunities website for more details.

St. Joe’s Café and Christmas Care Bags

This December, we will be distributing Christmas care bags to those in need. We are seeking donations of new hats, toiletries, and waterproof gloves for adults. Item drop-off locations will be announced shortly. As well, new dates for volunteering at St. Joe’s Café will be available soon. Please sign up here. Stay tuned!

Listening to Indigenous Voices Part 2

November 7, 2024

2:30 - 4:30 p.m.

Vitali Student Lounge 


A monthly discussion facilitated by knowledge keeper Mary-Anne Kachego based on the five-part series “They Came For the Children.” Registration is limited. Please contact Annette Donovan Panchaud

Sustainable Farming Presentation

November 14, 2024

3:30 p.m.

Vitali Lounge, Wemple Hall

Learn about sustainable farming and CSA farms from the local farmers at the Common GroundFarm.

Campus Ministry Programming and Mass schedule can be found on the Campus Ministry website. For regular updates, follow @kingscampusmin on X and Instagram, and KUC.Campus.Ministry on Facebook.

King's Website


KUCSC Website

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