Weekly Update

Welcome to St. Paul’s Episcopal Church

January 5th - 11th

Weekly Bulletin


About Us





Steeple Repair Update

Dear Friends in Christ,

As you may recall, in July of this year, the Vestry approved a proposal from White-Spunner

Construction to erect scaffolding around the steeple of the Big Church, to begin examining

damage and exploring options for repairs. Scaffolding was erected in late August into early

September, and over these last several months, construction engineers have completed

inspections and estimated costs for repair.

On November 26, we received a detailed proposal from White-Spunner Construction, based on extensive structural and architectural analysis, which outlined the scope of work necessary for remediation and repair. Recognizing the importance of this project, given the prominence of our steeple structure, our Vestry considered this matter at our December meeting and voted unanimously to move forward with the work as outlined in White-Spunner’s proposal.

While the full extent of damage cannot be determined and thus the final costs cannot be

calculated until the work is underway, we do anticipate this being an expensive project. We will keep the congregation informed as we learn more about the timeline, final costs, and any possible disruptions to the normal activity of parish life. As always, please contact me or one of the Wardens with any questions or concerns. We bid your continued patience and prayers as we move forward with this important work!

Yours in faith and gratitude,


Sunday, January 5th

The Second Sunday After Christmas

Click to view the bulletin!


Men's Prayer Group Monthly Breakfast

is Tuesday, January 7th at 6:30 AM in the Parish Hall!

The speaker is St. Paul's School football coach,

Ham Barnett

Brad’s Bible Class

Starts back on Tuesday, January 7th

in the Parlor at 10:30

Daily Bread needs a driver to

pick up from Publix every other Wednesday.

Please contact Les Stuart at 251-455-8182


Wheel-a-Meal needs a driver for

every other Wednesday.

Please contact Les Stuart at 251-455-8182


Parish Directories

are available in the church office.

Please stop by to pick one up!

If you are interested in reading during a Sunday service, please call or email the church office.

We would also love some youth participants as well!

Donations to McKemie Place are always appreciated!

Current Wish List:

8 oz coffee cups


laundry detergent

33 gal trash bags

toilet paper

paper towels

sanitary products

antibacterial hand soap

Youth News


Baptism Request Form

Sunday School

Click to Sign Up!

Memorial Flowers

Sunday, December 29th

The flowers on the altar of the Church and Little Church

are given to the Glory of God and in loving memory of

Marcia Jean McCready Hayes.


Week At A Glance

Worship Schedule


8:00 - Holy Eucharist - Rite I - Little Church

10:00 - Holy Eucharist - Rite II - Big Church

  • Nursery provided
  • Children's Christian Education

6:00 - Holy Eucharist - Rite II - Little Church

  • Contemporary music


7:00 - Holy Eucharist - Little Church

10:00 - Holy Eucharist - Rite I - Little Church

  • Healing service follows

5:30 - Holy Eucharist - Rite II - Little Church

Morning Prayer

8:15 - Little Church

Weekdays except Wednesday

The 10:00 service on Sunday is always livestreamed. Click the button to view!

View the livestream