We at Rulmeca Corporation wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We are grateful for the opportunity to serve our valued customers and for the strong relationships we enjoy with our business partners. Rulmeca Corporation will close our facility on December 23rd and 26th to enable our employees to spend time with their families and friends during the Christmas holiday.

This has been a very busy year for us, as you can see below. We are expanding our facility size by 50% to accommodate new production equipment. We will soon offer in-house white nitrile lagging and stainless steel profiled shells with our Motorized Pulleys.
New Autoclave
August 2022 was an exciting month as we received our new Bondtech electric autoclave and watched its precise placement by our contractor, Southern Industrial Constructors.
Fully Commissioned
September was exciting as the Bondtech commissioning engineer set our new autoclave heat, pressure, and time parameters to properly hot vulcanize white nitrile onto our Motorized Pulley shells. Training for our technicians was an important part of this work.
CNC Rubber Grinder Arrives
In December we received our new Fryer CNC Machine. This photo shows the machine being handled by our friends with Southern Industrial Constructors.
CNC Grinder Commissioning
Today, the Fryer Machine commissioning engineer is setting all dimensional and feed rate parameters for us to offer smooth or profiled white nitrile lagged Motorized Pulleys to our customers. Outfitted with a Prosco Grinder and Hot Knife, this machine will enable us to finish the nitrile we hot vulcanize onto our shells.
Rulmeca Corporation
3200 Corporate Drive, Suite D
Wilmington, NC 28405, USA
T. 910-794-9294
F. 910-794-9296
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