Dear Michael,
I welcome you to my first Autumn event of 2022: this Saturday, September 24, you are invited to ChantWave Online (times below, depending on your location).
I extend a warm welcome to all my singing friends around the world, to the places where I have shared ChantWave over the years.
Link to Register for ChantWave
Link to ChantWave Lyrics
There is no fee to register;
your donation is welcome and appreciated.
Note on Time:
The event time of 8:00 PM refers to Eastern Europe-
Helsinki, Finland is where I live
and where the music is broadcast from.
Depending on where you live, these are the times:
Hawaii: 7 AM
West Coast: 10 AM
Mountain Time: 11 PM
Midwest: 12 PM
East Coast: 1 PM
United Kingdom: 6 PM
Central Europe: 19:00 (7 PM)
Eastern Europe: 20:00 (8 PM)
What Is ChantWave?
For those who haven't attended a ChantWave event, this is the name I use for my group singing events.
“Michael has created a most accessible journey.
All we have to do is jump on board and take the ride.”
-Deva Premal and Miten, Recording Artists
The songs I share are mostly in English, repeated choruses with lyrics referring to connection with one's deep self/life/Spirit.
Even if you've never attended, you may have sung some of my songs, including Heart of the Mother, One By One, Feel the Blessing, Reconciliation, I am Here, Shanti Allelujah, In the Light, Singing in Celebration.
"Michael Stillwater's songs create a portal into the vibration of loving kindness itself. The music invites you to open your heart and let out your own song of life."
-Claire Victor, Former Music Director
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa, CA