Inner Harmony Presents:

ChantWave Online

Dear Michael,

I welcome you to my first Autumn event of 2022: this Saturday, September 24, you are invited to ChantWave Online (times below, depending on your location).  

I extend a warm welcome to all my singing friends around the world, to the places where I have shared ChantWave over the years.

Link to Register for ChantWave

Link to ChantWave Lyrics

There is no fee to register; 

your donation is welcome and appreciated. 

Note on Time:

The event time of 8:00 PM refers to Eastern Europe- 

Helsinki, Finland is where I live

and where the music is broadcast from. 

Depending on where you live, these are the times: 

Hawaii: 7 AM 

West Coast: 10 AM 

Mountain Time: 11 PM 

Midwest: 12 PM 

East Coast: 1 PM 

United Kingdom: 6 PM 

Central Europe: 19:00 (7 PM)

Eastern Europe: 20:00 (8 PM)

What Is ChantWave?

For those who haven't attended a ChantWave event, this is the name I use for my group singing events.

“Michael has created a most accessible journey.

All we have to do is jump on board and take the ride.” 

-Deva Premal and Miten, Recording Artists

The songs I share are mostly in English, repeated choruses with lyrics referring to connection with one's deep self/life/Spirit.

Even if you've never attended, you may have sung some of my songs, including Heart of the Mother, One By One, Feel the Blessing, Reconciliation, I am Here, Shanti Allelujah, In the Light, Singing in Celebration.

"Michael Stillwater's songs create a portal into the vibration of loving kindness itself. The music invites you to open your heart and let out your own song of life." 

-Claire Victor, Former Music Director

Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa, CA

ChantWave on Zoom

The purpose of ChantWave is to immerse one's self in the experience of our voice together with many voices singing, without an inner critic judging how our voice sounds. Like 'an unrehearsed choir', the sound is always beautiful, particularly when in a resonant hall such as a cathedral or other large open space.

The Zoom ChantWave is different.

You won't be immersed in the sound of many voices. What you will hear is my guitar and voice singing these songs, together with your voice (and any friends or family you invite to be with you).

I include a link to the song lyrics if it helps to sing along with me, and chords for those who wish to join me on guitar or another instrument. I may also introduce songs not on the list (and I may even create a new song spontaneously.)

Link to ChantWave Lyrics

To register, click on this Ticket Tailor link

Link to Register

Thank you for your interest in my music, and for joining me this Saturday on Zoom.

If you have questions, feel free to write to me at email link.

Have a good entry into Autumn!

p.s. If you know a friend who might find any of these programs of interest, thank you for forwarding this invitation
ChantWave Video

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