St. Andrew's Episcopal Church eNews for July 30, 2021
Lemonade on the Lawn – This Sunday 
When life gives you lemons, join us for Lemonade on the Lawn! We will be gathering under the oak tree after church this Sunday, August 1. We will celebrate Harold Moag's 95th birthday and have some outdoor fellowship. We look forward to seeing you then.
Welcome, Corner Farmer’s Market This Saturday, July 31st
On July 31, the Corner Farmer’s Market will leave the corner of South Elam and Walker Avenues for their new, larger home in our Kensington St. parking lot. We are excited to welcome them to our space. The past year has spurred growth for the Corner Market, and the new location provides space for new vendors and longer hours (they’ll be open 8 a.m. to 12 p.m.). The market pops up every Saturday, and its vendors accept SNAP and participate in WIC benefits as well.
Songs for Summer
Do you have a favorite hymn? Is there something you have been longing to sing? One of the things we missed most about in-person worship was singing together. Let us know what you want to sing in worship this summer. We will feature congregational favorites through Labor Day. Send your suggestions to Ann Doyle, at
Successful Clothing Drive
Thank you for your support in making our clothing drive a success with your trademark St. Andrew's generosity. The Jones Anderson family spearheaded this effort and partnered with Out of the Garden to offer needed clothes to families at our neighborhood elementary school. You donated so many clothes that we needed an additional day for distribution.
Masks Return for Worship
Good Health for the Body of Christ—Spread Love, Not Germs!
As the Delta variant continues to spread through our communities and our state’s overall vaccination rate remains low, we remain committed to loving our neighbors and keeping everyone around us safe. As you may know, although fully vaccinated people may be protected from severe illness, they can still catch, carry, and spread all variants of COVID-19.
With this knowledge, the Vestry of St. Andrew’s has made the decision to require mask-wearing in church again. Our incredible St. Andrew’s family is full of children who are too young to be vaccinated, immunocompromised children and adults, and vaccinated people who work with high-risk populations. Wearing masks during our services enables us to worship, pray, and make a joyful noise together with significantly less risk to everyone, all without isolating those who may need or want a mask when others do not.
Priests and lay readers who are fully vaccinated can still remove their masks to read scripture, preach, or celebrate the Eucharist, so our virtual attendees and those hard of hearing will still be able to engage with worship despite the overall masking of the congregation. We will have some masks available if someone arrives without one—no one will be turned away!
We will, of course, continue to monitor our local and state case numbers and vaccination rates, and adjust our plans accordingly as the situation changes.
Thank you, beloved friends and family of Christ, for your understanding and patience as we continue to show God’s love through mutual care and compassion! 
Save the Date: Men’s Retreat October 9
Hold the date of Saturday October 9, for a retreat for men of the parish to be held at the church. The theme will be “Resting in God: Finding our way beyond the pandemic.” We will begin at 9 a.m. and end by 3 p.m. There is no charge and a light lunch will be provided. We also are planning to get together for an informal off-site “Dutch” dinner the night before (Friday October 8). If you are interested in attending the dinner, please contact Doug Sanecki at, so we can get an approximate head count. More information will be coming in September.  
Celebration of New Ministry Gifts 
We are working on special gifts for our new rector, Rev. Ginny Inman, on the occasion of her installation as Rector of St. Andrew’s, at the Celebration of New Ministry on September 15. Visit or to make a donation and be part of this gift giving opportunity. (Be sure to select “New Ministry Gift” as the fund for your online gift. You will need to scroll to the bottom of the listed funds to see this option.) Checks may be mailed as well, with “Celebration of New Ministry” on the memo line. Please know that the plate offering at the September 15 service will all go to Rev. Ginny’s discretionary fund. For more information, contact Shelley Kappauf at or 336-404-0177.
Summer Volunteer Help Needed for Abundant Life
St. Andrew’s volunteers have been helping deliver food boxes to our East Greensboro neighbors on Tuesday afternoons as part of our community’s commitment to the Abundant Life ministry. The work is well organized by Audra Abt (whom many of you know) and it’s easy for a beginner to fit into the flow. The arrival time at Holy Spirit Church on Yanceyville Street is 1:00 and the work is done by 3:30. We need some St. Andrew’s folks to volunteer to help out for August 17, August 31, and September 7. You can sign up for one or more Tuesdays. The work is not heavy lifting by anyone’s definition. It’s really amazing to see the generosity of local store owners and farmers, and you’ll get a big psychological boost, knowing you’re feeding hungry neighbors. Call Virginia Haskett at 336-482-7411 or Barbara Van Cleve at 336-707-8355 to sign up for one, two, or all three shifts.

Abundant Life –Tuesday, August 10
Our next date to prepare food for Abundant Life is August 10. St. Andrew’s provides food for this ministry on the second Tuesday of every month. Contact the Rev. Barbara Cooke at to learn more. 
Memorial Garden Update
A columbarium for St. Andrew’s Memorial Garden has been ordered. More details will be coming soon. 
2nd Quarter Statements and Tax Information 
There may be tax advantages when making a gift to the church through a financial account, such as a qualified charitable distribution, or a direct stock donation, where you are not exposed to the tax implications from the application of the stock price. When these contributions are made, the church requests you specify with your financial institution on the memo line that you by name are making the contribution when you plan to have the funds directly deposited into the church's financial account from your financial account. This is better known as an ACH transaction where there is no human interaction with the funds and there is not even a check involved in the transaction. If you do not specify on the memo line in the ACH transaction that you are making this gift, the church has no way of learning who has given the funds.

Second quarter giving statements will be emailed soon. Please review your giving statement carefully, and contact Ray Marsh at if you have given a gift that is not reflected on your statement. Ray is in the office Wednesdays beginning at 1:00 p.m.
We Pray for...

Those on our Parish Prayer List: Mary Stalter; Anna Stalter; Ella Janssen; Judy Wells; Norma Bullock; Moira Ermentrout; Bruce Adkins; Charles and Rebecca Goodrum; Dee Dee Fulton; Judy Stancil; Maria Wilmoth; Barbara Sherer; Leslie; Johnetta Shablack; Dorothy Cook; Jenna Cottrill; Jimmye Olivey; Karen Hall; Don Lowe; Lynn Palmgren; Jamie Smith; Larry Phillips; Greg Chambers; Paula Pile; Sandra Witherspoon; Val Swan; Dick Montgomery; Mike; David York; Jeff Cummer; Linda Shablack; Sarah Ames; Scott Lee; Dale Brinley; Libby Eberhard; Charles Kelshaw; Camille; Poppy and her parents; Jim and Ali Ostridge; Patrick and Margaret Miller; Page Davies; Julie Jennings; Nancy Brown; Barbara Van Cleve; Frank and Sandy Tatem; Gia Yunker; Karen Moth; Amanda; Ann Hardin; Debbie M.; Jacqui Butcher; Mack Baker; Doug Sanecki; John and Gisela Smith; Galen Hill; Mary Lou Strohl; Heather; Rob James; Ed Morea; Glenn Strohl; Margaret Horne; Cindy Shane; Laurie Queen

Those Serving in our Military: Wes Durham, Tom Stauffer, Paul Zeigler, Stephen Johnson, Benjamin Phillips, Kenneth Gearhart, Alex Reyes, Raymond Harrison, Catharyn Nosek

Those Expecting : Ashley and Chris Courtright, son and daughter-in-law of Cheri and Mark Courtright; Drew and Alice Courtright, son and daughter-in-law of Cheri and Mark Courtright; Taylor and Sarah Hite Moore, son and daughter-in-law of Rob and Marcia Moore

Birthdays: Dean Barrett, Sam Fleming, Harold Moag, George Platt

St. Andrew's Episcopal Church
website: email: phone: 336-275-1651