** Nov. 8-12: Book Fair!
** Friday, November 12, 1pm: Early Release
**November 15-19: Spirit Week!
**November 22-26: No School (Thanksgiving Break)
** Wednesday, December 1, 6pm: PTA Meeting
** Tuesday, December 7, 5pm: VAC Meeting
** Friday, December 10: Early Release
** Friday, December 10: Nights for Knights
**Wednesday, December 15: Restaurant Night (Dos Amigas)
**December 20 - January 3: No School (Winter Break)
(The Stedman Calendar can always be viewed HERE)
Note From Principal Atkins
Happy November! Two more weeks of school before everyone gets a much-deserved break. We are THANKFUL for you, and thankful to highlight gratitude as this month's personal success factor.
We've had a fun few weeks and I'm grateful to all the volunteers that helped Dia de los Muertos be a success. We are excited to host a hybrid Book Fair this year and are grateful for any and all volunteers who sign up to help us with that next week. Please remember that all volunteers need to complete the background check and provide proof of vaccination. There is more on this later in this newsletter.
We've got another full newsletter with great resources and information. Please be sure to scroll all the way through so you don't miss anything. I'm particularly looking forward to Spirit Week as we head into Thanksgiving - seeing everyone's personalities shine in their spirit wear choices always brings a smile to my face.
Thank you for being a part of our community,
Michael Atkins
Nota del Sr. Atkins
¡Feliz noviembre! Dos semanas más de escuela antes de que todos tengan un merecido descanso. Estamos AGRADECIDOS por usted y agradecidos de resaltar la gratitud como factor de éxito personal de este mes.
Hemos tenido unas semanas divertidas y estoy agradecido con todos los voluntarios que ayudaron a que el Día de los Muertos fuera un éxito. Estamos emocionados de ser anfitriones de una Feria del Libro híbrida este año y estamos agradecidos por todos y cada uno de los voluntarios que se inscriben para ayudarnos con eso la próxima semana. Recuerde que todos los voluntarios deben completar la verificación de antecedentes y proporcionar prueba de vacunación. Hay más sobre esto más adelante en este boletín.
Tenemos otro boletín completo con excelentes recursos e información. Asegúrese de desplazarse hasta el final para no perderse nada. Estoy particularmente ansioso por la Semana del Espíritu mientras nos dirigimos al Día de Acción de Gracias: ver las personalidades de todos brillar en sus elecciones de ropa espiritual siempre me hace sonreír.
Gracias por ser parte de nuestra comunidad,
Michael Atkins
News from the Stedman PATH
This month's personal success factor is GRATITUDE. We started a Thankful Tree in our main hallway and we hope students and staff will slowly fill it with leaves of gratitude for something in their lives! If you'd like to send one in for the tree, please do!
El factor de éxito personal de este mes es GRATITUD. ¡Comenzamos un árbol de agradecimiento en nuestro pasillo principal y esperamos que los estudiantes y el personal lo llenen lentamente con hojas de agradecimiento por algo en sus vidas! Si desea enviar uno para el árbol, ¡hágalo!
Book Fair!
We will be having a hybrid Book Fair this year: IN PERSON & ONLINE!
- Students will be able to visit the fair with their classes throughout the week with opportunities to browse and create wish lists, as well as times they can purchase with cash, check or e-wallets if you so choose.
Online shopping will be available all week! You will need to use our special home page link to make sure we get back the proceeds!
- FAMILIES will have two special times to shop IN PERSON and we will move the Fair outdoors!
Wednesday, November 10th, the Fair will be outside on the playground from 3:00pm-5:00pm
Friday, November 12th, the Fair will again be outside from 1:00pm-4:00pm
- Every student K-5 will be getting a FREE book through our scholastic dollars program. Every purchase you make, gives us 25% back to the school in "scholastic bucks" and helps us ensure each child receives a book. Students will get to pick these books out on the spot when they visit the fair with their classes!
- Shop for holiday gifts and share the link with friends or family who are also looking to buy books!
Tendremos una Feria del Libro híbrida este año: ¡EN PERSONA Y EN LÍNEA!
- Los estudiantes podrán visitar la feria con sus clases durante la semana con la oportunidad de navegar y crear listas de deseos, así como las horas que pueden comprar con efectivo, cheque o billetera electrónica si así lo desea.
- ¡Las compras en línea estarán disponibles toda la semana! ¡Deberá utilizar nuestro enlace especial a la página de inicio para asegurarse de que recuperemos las ganancias!
- ¡Las FAMILIAS tendrán dos horarios especiales para comprar EN PERSONA y trasladaremos la Feria al aire libre!
- El miércoles 10 de noviembre, la feria estará afuera en el patio de recreo de 3:00 p.m. a 5:00 p.m.
- El viernes 12 de noviembre, la Feria volverá a estar al aire libre de 13:00 a 16:00.
- Cada estudiante de K-5 recibirá un libro GRATIS a través de nuestro programa de dólares escolares. Cada compra que realiza nos devuelve el 25% a la escuela en "dólares escolares" y nos ayuda a garantizar que cada niño reciba un libro. ¡Los estudiantes podrán elegir estos libros en el lugar cuando visiten la feria con sus clases!
- Compre regalos navideños y comparta el enlace con amigos o familiares que también estén buscando comprar libros.
(photos from Book Fairs in years' past:)
Special thanks again to everyone that made this year's modified Dia de los Muertos program so special! photos can be viewed here and the program/performance video can be viewed here.
¡Un agradecimiento especial nuevamente a todos los que hicieron que el programa modificado del Día de los Muertos de este año fuera tan especial! Las fotos se pueden ver aquí y el programa / actuación se puede ver aquí.
Spirit Week Is Coming!
Join in the fun the week leading up to Thanksgiving Break! Students and staff are encouraged to dress up in each day's theme to show our school spirit (and excitement for the holiday break!). This will take place November 15-19th.
¡Únase a la diversión la semana previa a las vacaciones de Acción de Gracias! Se anima a los estudiantes y al personal a vestirse con el tema de cada día para mostrar nuestro espíritu escolar (¡y entusiasmo por las vacaciones!). Esto tendrá lugar del 15 al 19 de noviembre.
Mindfulness & Meditation in 5th Grade
As we all engage in the journey towards greater inclusion and equity, we will be providing resources each week here in "Inclusion Corner". We hope you find these useful as we continue to learn and grow together.
A medida que todos participamos en el viaje hacia una mayor inclusión y equidad, estaremos brindando recursos cada semana aquí en el "Rincón de la inclusión". Esperamos que los encuentre útiles a medida que continuamos aprendiendo y creciendo juntos.
This month's resource:
November is Native American Heritage Month! (Resources)
Learn about Land Acknowledgement, Traditional Lands, and Treaties
Do you know what a land acknowledgement is, why it is important and how to incorporate the practice into your own life? The Native Governance Center shares this handy Guide to Indigenous Land Acknowledgement.
If you’re unsure about the Indigenous Peoples land you are living on, you can search your location using Native Land, a growing database that documents traditional territories, languages, and treaties worldwide. This resource is also available as an app for your phone or tablet.
Other resources include Tribal Nations Maps, a source of hard copy maps that identify the traditional lands of Tribes in North and South America and the Caribbean, and the Smithsonian’s digital archive of treaties made between the United States and Indigenous Tribes.
Decolonize Thanksgiving
Articles to read:
Honor Indigenous Stories
In addition to deepening your knowledge and awareness, it’s important to incorporate more Indigenous voices into your life, too.
Native Journalism and Publications
These resources, and a LOT more, are available HERE.
Healthy Food For Denver Kids
Thanksgiving Break Opportunities
COVID Vaccines for Ages 5+
Children age 5 years and older can get a COVID-19 vaccine. Vaccines are the strongest layer of protection we can offer children against COVID-19. This fall, COVID-19 rates have been higher in school-aged children than adults. While fewer children get severely ill with COVID-19 than adults, they still can get sick with the virus and spread it to other people. Some get sick enough to need hospitalization. Getting a COVID-19 vaccine can help your child stay healthy, keep them in school, and protect your family and community.
Click HERE to learn more and find locations or upcoming vaccine clinics.
Los niños de 5 años en adelante pueden recibir la vacuna COVID-19. Las vacunas son la capa de protección más fuerte que podemos ofrecer a los niños contra el COVID-19. Este otoño, las tasas de COVID-19 han sido más altas en niños en edad escolar que en adultos. Si bien menos niños que adultos se enferman gravemente con COVID-19, aún pueden enfermarse con el virus y contagiarlo a otras personas. Algunos se enferman lo suficiente como para necesitar hospitalización. Recibir una vacuna COVID-19 puede ayudar a su hijo a mantenerse saludable, mantenerlo en la escuela y proteger a su familia y comunidad.
Haga clic AQUÍ para obtener más información y encontrar ubicaciones o próximas clínicas de vacunas.
New School Store Vendor!
We are excited to announce our new partnership with a local business to provide the Stedman "swag" you've all been waiting to order! Here's a little bit about the company and visit their site to place any orders! (Please be slightly patient for the first few weeks as they begin to receive inventory! They will add additional items as time goes on as well!)
¡Nos complace anunciar nuestra nueva asociación con una empresa local para brindar el "botín" de Stedman que todos han estado esperando para ordenar! ¡Aquí hay un poco sobre la empresa y visite su sitio para realizar pedidos! (¡Tenga un poco de paciencia durante las primeras semanas cuando comiencen a recibir el inventario! ¡También agregarán artículos adicionales a medida que pase el tiempo!)
Happy Llama is extremely excited to partner with Stedman Elementary! Happy Llama is a professional print and design management company specializing in provide comprehensive and creative print solutions of all sizes. Our goal is to collaborate with our clients so they have the most unique, highest quality product within their budget. We also create conveniences and save time through proactive communication. Happy Llama is Colorado proud, so all apparel, banners and paper printing is done in the Front Range. Thank you for the opportunity to help.
Happy Llama’s areas of expertise include:
Promotional Items - Mugs, Pens, Bags, etc.
Apparel - Silk Screen and Embroidery - Staff Apparel Lines, Hats, Shirts
Banners, Posters and Signage including 10x10 Tents
Digital and Offset Printing - Postcards, Flyers and Brochures
Merchandise Lines - Creation, Online Ordering and Onsite Event Management
- Graphic Design
Easy Fundraising with King Soopers
Did you know that you can link your King Soopers account to Stedman and help us raise money without spending any extra dollars? It's so easy! (Tell your friends, neighbors, and family members!)
How To Use the King Soopers/ City Market Community Rewards Program:
Step 2: Sign in to your account (or create a new account with your email and King Soopers card #)
Step 3: Search for Stedman Knights PTA (NPO # -- XK374)
Step 4: Select Enroll
Congrats, you have successfully enrolled in the Community Rewards program and 5% of your purchases will support Stedman Elementary!!
¿Sabía que puede vincular su cuenta de King Soopers a Stedman y ayudarnos a recaudar dinero sin gastar dólares adicionales? ¡Es tan fácil!
Cómo utilizar el programa de recompensas de la comunidad de King Soopers / City Market:
Paso 1: vaya al sitio web: https://www.kingsoopers.com/account/communityrewards/
Paso 2: inicie sesión en su cuenta (o cree una nueva cuenta con su correo electrónico y número de tarjeta King Soopers)
Paso 3: Busque la PTA de Stedman Knights (NPO # - XK374)
Paso 4: seleccione Inscribirse
¡Felicidades, se inscribió con éxito en el programa Community Rewards y el 5% de sus compras apoyarán a la escuela primaria Stedman!
We are so grateful that our PTA has developed relationships with some local businesses who are now supporting our school community through a sponsorship! Please keep these amazing businesses in mind (and reach out to us if you know of other local businesses that might be interested in a sponsorship!).
¡Estamos muy agradecidos de que nuestra PTA haya desarrollado relaciones con algunas empresas locales que ahora están apoyando a nuestra comunidad escolar a través de un patrocinio! Tenga en cuenta estas increíbles empresas (y comuníquese con nosotros si conoce otras empresas locales que podrían estar interesadas en un patrocinio).
Free Meal Delivery Available to Youth 18 and Under
Colorado Food Cluster will provide free, nutritious, weekly delivery of 7 meals & snacks, including milk and fruit. The meals are chef-cooked and are ready to heat in the microwave. Any youth 18 years and younger are eligible, and families can enroll multiple students in each household.
Colorado Food Cluster proporcionará una entrega semanal gratuita y nutritiva de 7 comidas y refrigerios, incluida la leche y la fruta. Las comidas son cocinadas por el chef y están listas para calentar en el microondas. Cualquier joven de 18 años o menos es elegible y las familias pueden inscribir a varios estudiantes en cada hogar.
Obtenga más información aquí y utilice este formulario para inscribirse en la entrega de comida gratuita (el formulario está disponible en inglés y español). Generalmente, toma de 1 a 2 semanas desde la inscripción hasta la entrega de la primera comida.
LeafDrop 2021 — Drop off Leaves Through December 3
Denver recently kicked off its annual, free LeafDrop program that allows residents to sustainably donate their autumn leaves to be composted rather than end up in a landfill. Organic materials such as leaves, branches, grass clippings, and food scraps make up nearly 50% of what Denver residents send to the landfill each year. Find Leafdrop sites near you and download a coupon to receive a free five-pack of paper leaf bags at participating Ace Hardware Stores at denvergov.org/leafdrop. Unlike some other cities, Denver does not pick up leaf bags at the curb/alley, so please don't leave LeafDrop bags with your trash and recycling. The bags are only to help with transport to a drop-off location.
Interested in Volunteering?
We are starting to allow parent/guardian volunteers in the building on a limited basis. If you are interested in volunteering this year at Stedman, you must follow these steps:
Visit DPS Volunteer Services to fill out the background check
- Make sure you are fully vaccinated
Email our Dean of Culture Ali Larson at alison_larson@dpsk12.org. In your email please include:
- Days of the week you can help
- If you have a preferred classroom
Estamos comenzando a permitir a los padres / tutores voluntarios en el edificio de forma limitada. Si está interesado en ser voluntario este año en Stedman, visite Servicios de Voluntarios de DPS para completar la verificación de antecedentes, asegúrese de estar completamente vacunado y envíe un correo electrónico a nuestro Decano de Cultura Ali Larson a alison_larson@dpsk12.org.
Incluya en su correo electrónico:
- Días de la semana en los que puedes ayudar
- Si tienes un salón de clases preferido
CDPHE recently announced the Rapid-At-Home program in which they will ship free rapid antigen tests directly to homes. Students, families, and educators can enroll in the program here. A couple of important notes on the program:
- Due to significant interest, there appears to be several week delay in initial shipments after signing up.
These rapid tests are intended for ongoing screening; a rapid test cannot clear an individual with symptoms to go to school or clear someone from quarantine. Individuals can only be cleared with a PCR test at COVIDCheckColorado or your primary care physician.
CDPHE anunció recientemente el programa Rapid-At-Home en el que enviarán pruebas rápidas gratuitas de antígenos directamente a los hogares. Los estudiantes, familias y educadores pueden inscribirse en el programa aquí. Un par de notas importantes sobre el programa:
- Debido al gran interés, parece haber un retraso de varias semanas en los envíos iniciales después de registrarse.
- Estas pruebas rápidas están destinadas a la detección continua; una prueba rápida no puede limpiar a una persona con síntomas para ir a la escuela o sacar a alguien de la cuarentena. Las personas solo pueden obtener el visto bueno con una prueba de PCR en COVIDCheckColorado o con su médico de atención primaria.
As schools continue to receive calls about positive COVID exposures and test results, we want to make sure you are aware of the COVID Decision Tree used by DPS to quarantine or isolate students. PLEASE keep us apprised of exposures, test results, etc. We would like to continue in-person learning for as long as possible for our students, and we need your help to do so. Keeping sick children home is important for doing that. Thank you for helping us with this.
A medida que las escuelas continúan recibiendo llamadas sobre exposiciones positivas a COVID y resultados de pruebas, queremos asegurarnos de que conozca el árbol de decisiones de COVID utilizado por DPS para poner en cuarentena o aislar a los estudiantes. POR FAVOR, manténganos informados de las exposiciones, los resultados de las pruebas, etc. Nos gustaría continuar el aprendizaje en persona durante el mayor tiempo posible para nuestros estudiantes, y necesitamos su ayuda para hacerlo. Mantener a los niños enfermos en casa es importante para lograrlo. Gracias por ayudarnos con esto.
Mental Health Resources For Families of Color
Our Colorado based model of culturally-centered and responsive care promotes individual and communal resiliency. By crossing racial, ethnic, and cultural barriers we work more intentionally to connect and remove any bias that is prohibitive of the healing process of mental health care. This groundbreaking work has forged a portal of access for the community that is responsive, representative, trauma-informed, and delivered with compassion to advance mental health equity in communities of color.
If you order from Longmont Dairy, save all your milk caps! Send them to our front office and we are able to turn them in for a donation.
Do you shop on Amazon? An EASY way to help support our kids and teachers at Stedman is to link your AmazonSmile account to our charity, The Stedman Knights PTA. Click on the above image to be directed to our organizations link. Every purchase you make through smile.amazon.com sends a small portion of the purchase to our school! The money raised goes to supporting our students and the important work being done at Stedman!
Remind your family and friends to link to our school as well!
¿Tienda en Amazon? Una manera fácil de ayudar a mantener a nuestros niños y maestros en Stedman es vincular su cuenta AmazonSmile de nuestra caridad, “Stedman Knights PTA.” Haga clic en la imagen de arriba para dirigirse a nuestras organizaciones enlace. Cada compra que hagas a través smile.amazon.com envía una pequeña porción de la compra a nuestra escuela! El dinero recaudado se destina a apoyar a nuestros estudiantes y la importante labor que se realiza en Stedman!
Recordar su familia y amigos para enlazar a nuestra escuela, también!
King Soopers
Did you know that you can link your King Soopers account to Stedman and help us raise money without spending any extra dollars? It's so easy!
How To Use the King Soopers/ City Market Community Rewards Program:
Step 2: Sign in to your account (or create a new account with your email and King Soopers card #)
Step 3: Search for Stedman Knights PTA (NPO # -- XK374)
Step 4: Select Enroll
Congrats, you have successfully enrolled in the Community Rewards program and 5% of your purchases will support Stedman Elementary!!
¿Sabía que puede vincular su cuenta de King Soopers a Stedman y ayudarnos a recaudar dinero sin gastar dólares adicionales? ¡Es tan fácil!
Cómo utilizar el programa de recompensas de la comunidad de King Soopers / City Market:
Paso 1: vaya al sitio web: https://www.kingsoopers.com/account/communityrewards/
Paso 2: inicie sesión en su cuenta (o cree una nueva cuenta con su correo electrónico y número de tarjeta King Soopers)
Paso 3: Busque la PTA de Stedman Knights (NPO # - XK374)
Paso 4: seleccione Inscribirse
¡Felicidades, se inscribió con éxito en el programa Community Rewards y el 5% de sus compras apoyarán a la escuela primaria Stedman!
**Housing Assistance for Families and Staff**
Department of Housing Stability Emergency Rental Assistance Program- This program can assist households at risk of eviction due directly or indirectly to COVID-19 hardships. We can provide up to 15-months of rental arrears as well as relocation assistance including security deposit and application fee assistance. Any households with language/technology barriers may also call the Colorado Housing Connects hotline (1-844-926-6632) for assistance with their application. While this program only serves Denver residents, the State of Colorado is also running their own Emergency Rental Assistance Program which is serving counties throughout the state.
If your child's Chromebook is damaged or missing, here is the protocol and fee structure from last year:
As a reminder, there is a cost associated with damaged or lost devices (please see below).
Complete Stedman’s Technology Support Form to report a lost or damaged device
- Email Jerri Succo (jerri_succo@dpsk12.org), Stedman’s STR outlining the technology issue. Jerri will communicate the appropriate steps to either repair or replace the device. As a reminder, there is a cost associated with damaged or lost devices (please see below).
- Jerri will connect you with Kait Parsons (kaitlin_parsons@dpsk12.org), Stedman’s secretary, and she will assist guardian’s with payment if there is a cost associated with replacing or repairing your device.
- Kait will coordinate a time to either pick up your repaired or new device.
Virtual Library
Did you know that your student has access to tens of thousands of books and audiobooks online? This is an incredible tool that your student and family can use to read as many books as you could possibly want. Don't miss out on this resource! (You can also add the Denver Public Library to your profile to access even more titles)
To learn how to use this app, please watch the video below. (English & Spanish options below)
¿Sabía que su estudiante tiene acceso a decenas de miles de libros y audiolibros en línea? Esta es una herramienta increíble que su estudiante y su familia pueden usar para leer todos los libros que desee. ¡No se pierda este recurso! (También puede agregar la Biblioteca Pública de Denver a su perfil para acceder a más títulos)
Para aprender a usar esta aplicación, vea el video a continuación. (Opciones en inglés y español a continuación)
Clothes To Kids of Denver (CTKD) provides FREE clothing to children and youth who are in need or in crisis. To shop, students must live in Metro Denver, be age 3 - 21 and be enrolled in school (remote or in-person) or working toward a GED.
Our wardrobe includes 5 outfits, 1 coat, 1 pair of shoes, 1 bra (optional) and 5 pairs each of new underwear and new socks. Students are invited to select clothing in a welcoming, store-like setting or can order a wardrobe for contactless curbside pick-up.
We are very excited to have in person shoppers in our store and are taking extra precautions to protect the health and safety of our visitors, volunteers and staff.
For families who would prefer a contactless option, we are continuing to offer wardrobes via Curbside Service. This option enables parents and caregivers to request a wardrobe for any student in need, and our staff will shop on their behalf.
Families wishing to shop in person or request a wardrobe for pick-up should call us at 720-379-4630 or email us at appointment@clothestokidsdenver.org for an appointment. Up-to-date phone hours are on the Shop With Us page of our website.
No Referral Required! No matter how families choose to shop, we have temporarily loosened our referral requirements and are providing wardrobes to anyone who says the young people in their households are in need of our services, no questions asked.
Hours of Operation:
Tuesdays - Fridays 9:00 - 4:00
Saturdays 9:00 - 3:00
Sundays & Mondays Closed
Donations Accepted:
Fridays & Saturdays 9:00 - 3:00
We are now accepting clothing and shoe donations on Fridays and Saturdays only between 9:00 and 3:00. We are in need of the basic wardrobe staples (shorts, pants, tops, shoes, etc.). We still cannot accept "extras" at this time.
Donating is Easy!
Gather your clean and ready-to-wear items. Check our updated Donation Guidelines for ideas. Please sort items by category (girls, boys, young women, young men and shoes) to save time at drop-off.
· When you arrive, pull into our loading zone and wait in your car until any staff members or other donors are at a safe distance.
· Empty your donations into one of our rolling bins located outside of our door.
· Please do not leave donations inside of plastic bags. Place your donations in our bins and take your bags with you to reuse.