October, 2022 | Issue 24
The TriCircle Connection
We inspire families and individuals to overcome the disease of
addiction by creating real, long-term solutions!
Click here to visit our website today!

From the Desk of Ana Gopoian

Intention, Intuition, Inspiration,
and Ideas!

I have often wondered where inspiration comes from. We are inspired to act in so many ways each day. Sometimes, it is the subtlest of feelings in our solar plexus; sometimes, it comes crashing in like a tidal wave and permeates our being with urgency. Either way, our inspirations are likely triggered by thoughts of something we are passionate about, something that is meaningful to us.
I am a middle-aged woman in long term recovery. That means I am passionate about my recovery; it is meaningful to me, and it gets a lot of air time in my head. I have survived to this point, and many of the people I know and love have not. Like everyone, I have experienced life’s wide array of profound gifts: love, joy, contentment and peace along with trauma, grief, fear, and anger. I have come to know that some of our actions and reactions rise out of a sense of obligation or fear, or even rise up in order to avoid negative consequences. We often react like Pavlovian dogs instead of using our intentions and innate intuition to guide our responses.
It seems, however, that when we sit still and focus on introducing even the faintest pure intention to the Universe, we allow the inspiration to come from another part of ourselves. We allow the inspiration to come from the stillness inside of us that is inextricably intertwined with our Source and with every other living being on the planet. This stillness sparks the kind of inspired action that is connected to wonder and awe, to gratitude, to our imaginations and to the infinite possibilities in every moment. Then, and only then, do we have access to the power of our thoughts and the manifestations of every desire we have ever held in our hearts. Wonderful things begin to happen when our actions are inspired by our individual and collective inner voice. That inner voice is forever calling us to evolve and grow.
Sometimes, it feels uncomfortable like we are alone, trudging uphill, putting forth way too much effort, or perhaps even paralyzed in place; but, through it all, and after all, we are not insignificant. We are never done, and we are certainly not alone. We are eternal; we are essential to the equation, and we have contributions to make and experiences to share that will have an impact on this planet for the rest of time! We ARE making a difference, thanks for staying!

Together WE are Stronger!
Join us for our
4th Annual TriCircle Gala Brunch
Sunday, October 23
10:00 am - 1:00 pm
Wallingford Elks Lodge #1365
Tickets are available here or at the door.*
*Space is limited, and while we encourage you to purchase tickets in advance, they will be available for purchase at the door on a first come, first served basis.
Would you like to place an ad in our Gala Brunch
printed program or to donate a prize
to our awesome raffle? Click here for details.
Would you like to volunteer at our Gala Brunch?
We are looking for people to assist in finding raffle prizes and sponsors,
setting up and decorating, and cleaning up when our time together is finished. Contact we would love to have your help!

Our October Spotlight
Pam, Joe & Tamarack Lodge
New Owners with a New Vision
Tamarack Lodge sits in a peaceful and enchanting forest setting
where rustic elegance turns into magical memories!
Listen to amazing live music
and dance under a sky full of stars. Perfect for
date night or catching up with friends.
The Tamarack Lodge will be host to an amazing Music Fest put on by on Sunday, October 2, 2022, featuring incredible music, vendors, raffles, food, and family-friendly fun. The musical lineup includes the region’s hottest bands featuring Red Light, Whiskey Blvd, Ed Peabody & The Big Blue Thang, Big “Dawg” Isaac, Stone County and Nick Casey. Collectively, these bands offer many genres of music, including classic rock, country, rhythm & blues and acoustic. TriCircle will benefit from 100% of the net proceeds!

We have recently had the honor and privilege of meeting the new owner of Tamarack Lodge. Her name is Pamela Potemri. She and her husband Joe not only have an incredible vision for Tamarack Lodge, but also have a purpose in this life that brings meaning and joy to at risk kids, grade 6 to age 22, who, for one reason or another, are not able to succeed in the traditional classroom/school setting. We encourage you to visit their website, learn about what the CT Coastal Academy offers and read some of the incredible testimonials:

So, what IS happening at Tamarack, you may ask?? The usual fanfare - weddings, live music on Friday nights, great food, friendly staff, dinners and pub nights, retreats, concerts, festivals, camping and even summer camps. Exquisite safari tents have been purchased and are almost ready for guests to enjoy glamorous tent glamping! Even the existing cabins are being completely renovated, and the main guest house is getting a makeover as well.

In addition to all of the above, something magical is also happening at Tamarack Lodge every day! There is much, much more than the usual goings on! Tamarack Lodge is becoming an extension of Pam and Joe's program at the CT Coastal Academy in Essex. In a peaceful and enchanting setting, students are offered hands on experiences that focus on learning and self discovery. Certainly, the kids master their academics successfully, but they also learn and build skills in the trades, construction, carpentry, gardening, cooking classes, composting, landscaping, organic farming, even chicken raising!! They restore old furniture and are growing pumpkins to give away to children when Halloween is here. While the academy provides educational, vocational, therapeutic and transitional services to students in Grade 6 through age 22, Tamarack Lodge will extend the unique program offered at the academy. In countless ways, the students of the academy are using their five senses to grow, evolve, build confidence, give of themselves and develop their own purpose and love of life! They are learning to embrace and adore who they really are and how they can have a positive impact on the world around them! They have so much to offer the world!!

When all seems lost in the traditional setting, Pam, Joe and their amazing team offer renewed hope for the young people who would otherwise fall straight through the cracks! Watching as their vision unfolds inspires a sense of awe, co-creation, divine energy and, most of all, hope!

“We need better solutions," said Ceci Iliff, founder of, "and we can learn a lot from the program that Pam and Joe have created. It will change lives and make our community healthier and stronger in so many ways as these amazingly resilient, talented, young people graduate from their program and make their way into the world! We are honored to partner with Pam and Joe as we seek to create real, long term solutions for the vulnerable demographic TriCircle serves. Our mission and vision are perfectly aligned."
2022 Save the Dates
  • Sunday, Oct. 2 - Noon to 7:30 pm The Charity Challenge Tamarack Music Fest, Tamarack Lodge, 21 Ten Rod Road, Voluntown, CT
  • Wednesday, Oct. 12 - 6:30 pm Virtual Fundraising & Events Advisory Board Meeting, to get involved contact Danielle Mills at
  • Sunday, Oct. 23 - 10am-1pm 4th Annual TriCircle Gala Brunch, Wallingford Elks Lodge #1365
  • Saturday, Oct. 29 - Alex's Army Health & Wellness Fair (see flyer below for details)

  • Sun., Dec. 4 - 10am-1pm TriCircle 5th Annual Holiday Meeting Chauncey Building at Gaylord Hospital, 50 Gaylord Farms Road, Wallingford, CT

Tamarack Music Fest
Sunday, Oct. 2, 2022

Come and enjoy some incredible music,
good friends and lots of fun! Proceeds from this
great get together benefit TriCircle! You still have time to Click here for tickets or purchase them at the gate.
If any of our readers know of an organization, group or idea that will add strength, availability and reach to our collaborations and services, please reach out to us at
Click here for an event link to our Setback games.
Join us for a 50/50 raffle, cash prizes, food and FUN!

Together WE are Stronger!
TriCircle is looking for people who are action oriented and passionate about our cause to work with the Fundraising & Events Advisory Board. Our 2022 calendar is being filled with exciting opportunities, and we need YOU! This month, on Wednesday, October 12, at 6:30pm, this committee will meet virtually. We welcome you to join us! Please contact to join the meeting! Take a look at our events calendar to see what is in store!

Attention Volunteers!!
TriCircle is relocating our office, hopefully by the end of this month. If you are able bodied and available to help with the move to our new TriCircle home, please contact right away!

Has TriCircle helped you find
Hope and Support?
We are seeking testimonials to feature on our NEW website. If you have found benefit from our support groups or clinical services and are willing to share a testimonial on our website, please send your submission to:

Do you enjoy reading our newsletter?
Do you know someone who might also like to
receive The TriCircle Connection each month?
Click here to sign them up.


It is so easy! First, be sure to sign up on Amazon Smile and choose
TriCircle, Inc. as your recipient organization. Do all your shopping online! Then, every single time you make a purchase from the Smile.Amazon site, a percentage will be donated to us! It doesn’t cost you a thing!
Are Available
TriCircle strives to offer Clinical Services that meet the individual needs of those who choose to take advantage of these opportunities to enhance their journey toward healing. We are accepting new clients. Our master’s level clinicians offer a range of evidence-based programs, giving clients and their families the opportunity to grow, change and maintain long-term recovery.

Our Clinical Team of Licensed Professionals

Shannon Talbot, LMFT
Sheila Owen, LCSW, LADC

Click here to learn more about our Clinical Services or call
(860) 349-7074 to set up an intake.
Visit our website to learn more about
TriCircle and consider a donation today!
PayPal Giving and Venmo are also ways to give.
Click the images below or scan the QR code to find out how!