A Message From Our Executive Director
Season’s Greetings! 

As the end of 2022 draws near, it is the perfect time to reflect on a year of change, growth, and lessons learned.

Metro Housing has seen a massive increase in public demand for our services over the past two and a half years because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite the challenges caused by this increased demand, we have responded quickly and flexibly to provide program participants and property owners better and more accurate service. We reopened our newly designed office lobby to the public; new staff Visitor & Safety Navigators are available to direct walk-ins to the correct resources; and technology upgrades include the addition of two service kiosks in our lobby that offer a one-stop resource for many needs.

With greater public health and organizational stability, we have been able to take the time to reflect on lessons we’ve learned through the pandemic. These lessons are the foundation of our recently completed four-year strategic plan. The plan is grounded in the dedication to principles embedded in our mission – People First, Housing Always – and it positions us to respond to the challenges our organization and our community face.

Metro Housing will continue to prioritize both assisting our participants to reach their goals and deepening our commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging while building an even stronger organization. On behalf of our board and our staff, I appreciate your past and future support in our efforts. Thank you.

All of us at Metro Housing wish you and your loved ones a very safe and happy New Year.

Chris Norris 

Executive Director
People First. Housing Always
Help Us Keep Families
Housed This Winter

Meet Karen.

Karen had been living a normal life – some would describe it as the American Dream. She had a stable job at a hospital and her husband was doing well in his job as a surveyor. The couple had a young daughter and lived in a suburb north of Boston.
Even though Karen lost her job at the hospital, the family remained financially stable thanks to her unemployment benefits and husband’s salary.

Suddenly though, her life was turned upside down when her husband suffered an episode of cardiogenic shock – on the very day that her unemployment benefits ran out.

After a month in the hospital, he returned home, disabled an unable to return to work.

Read how Metro Housing was able to help Karen HERE.

Please consider donating to
Metro Housing so that we can help more people like Karen.
A Right to Rental Assistance in Massachusetts
New Report Calls for Expansion of State Rental Assistance Program
A new report from a partnership of housing groups finds that Massachusetts could provide affordable housing for 240,000 families by investing in a statewide expansion of the state’s housing voucher program. The report, entitled A Right to Rental Assistance in Massachusetts, estimates that making the Massachusetts Rental Voucher Program (MRVP) available to all eligible households would cost $3.2 billion annually.

The report answers critical questions about how the expansion of MRVP might work, how many could benefit, what it would cost, and how we could meet the implementation challenges.

The Boston Foundation, MetroHousing|Boston, Citizens’ Housing and Planning Association (CHAPA), Regional Housing Network of Massachusetts (RHN), and the Massachusetts Chapter of the National Association of Housing & Redevelopment Officials (MassNAHRO) funded and informed the report. The Center for State Policy Analysis at Tufts University provided technical support. 

Read more about the report HERE.
Metro Housing Releases Overview of Emergency Housing Payment Assistance Programs
Since 2013, Metro Housing|Boston has examined its Residential Assistance for Families in Transition (known as RAFT) program in a fiscal year report that highlights the program, looks at how it benefits households in Metro Housing’s service area, and discusses what we learned.

The recently released RAFT/EHPA IN REVIEW for Fiscal Year 2022 reveals Metro Housing was able to provide more than 18,000 households $162.5 million in housing assistance. Without it, many – if not most – of them would have lost their homes.

See the complete report HERE.